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Messages - Lucah's Folks

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Old English Mastiff Pictures / Some more Lucah pics
« on: October 19, 2006, 08:57:16 am »
Just wanted to post some more pics of the kid around the house. 


I found some info from my wife.  She said she gave him some cheese with his dinner last night, the night before I gave him cottage cheese with his dinner.  So I think it could be dairy.

He isn't at all slow or looks like he is sick.  He eats fine and drinks normally.

So I think we will be okay for now if anything changes I will definately post it here.

Thanks for all the great information guys. ;D

For the past two nights now Lucah has been puking around 12:30 am.  Usually if he eats and then runs he will throw up, but we usually feed him a couple of hours before bed time.  Besides some normal romping around the living room he isn't excercised at all after his last meal.

It looks to be his last meal in a semi chewed state.  Nothing that I don't recognize just his Innova from dinner

Has anyone seen this? Does anyone have ideas?  Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Just my two cents...

We started Lucah on a choke, but he pulled way too much it would cause him to irritate the skin on his neck.  We switched that to a "no-slip" collar which was more gentle.  I have been curious about the prong collar, but have not found any good resources on how to use it. 

The way I treat pulling while outside is to change direction on him.  I know that not everyone has a lot of time, but you really don't have to go too far when you change direction, you just have to be consistent.  As soon as Lucah pulls I turn around and go the other way.  After about 6 steps or so and he is back to my knee I go back the original way.  Amazingly he seems to slow down and stay at my knee for quite a while.  He will pull again, but then I just correct it by changing direction. 

They say that this method works because the dog doesn't know where they are going, and though it doesn't seem like it, your dog actually looks to you for where to go.  They only run into problems when they think they know the way.

Hope this gives you some ideas.

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Opinions on Innova, please
« on: October 11, 2006, 06:31:32 am »
We have Lucah on Innova Large Breed Puppy and we are very happy.  We switched him from Solid Gold Wolf Cup because it seemed the bison was too rich for him.  I have to say there has been a complete turnaround.  His poops are way more solid and smaller.  He has less gas and he has definately put on more a good way.  I think it is a great food and he enjoys it a lot.

We also like to mix in some extra stuff from time to time.  Like cottage cheese, carrots, apples, eggs...just things to mix it up for the little guy.

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: Lucah went to the beach...
« on: October 10, 2006, 06:56:48 am »
Bummer....we missed you by a week.  Drop us a note next time you go we would love to meet up.

For that matter we should try to plan a BPO meet.  Anyone else interested?

We are actually going back this weekend not sure if its Saturday or Sunday, but I will drop you a note when I know for sure.

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Lucah went to the beach...
« on: October 09, 2006, 08:41:24 pm »
On Sunday we packed up the Jetta and headed down to Dog Beach in Huntington Beach.  I decided to post some pics.  He had a great time and we definately see going back there regularly.  Lucah got to meet Gus a 230lb. apricot mastiff that was huge, but a big gentle giant.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Inhaling food at warp speed...
« on: October 05, 2006, 08:26:21 am »
We started out putting a big Kong in Lucah's bowl at first, bug he seemed to adjust to that.

The thing that really worked was a shallow baking pan.  It keeps the food from piling up and they can't chomp as much with each gulp.  It has done wonders for him.

I guess the idea is to keep the food all on one level and not allow it to pile on top of itself.

Food Discussion & Information / Corn?
« on: October 03, 2006, 09:15:00 pm »
Just wondered what everyone thought of corn in dog food.  I know many say if your dog doesn't have an allergy than he is fine...but others have said that they can't really digest it so it is a lot of wasted space.

Please comment on what you have heard, learned and experienced.

Food Discussion & Information / Re: need help on puppy food!
« on: September 27, 2006, 12:26:45 pm »
I live in Los Angeles, and I find it all over.  I don't know what state you are in, but I am sure you can find it a a smaller pet/feed store.

Innova has the right amounts of protein and fat, which is a big part of the reason why I switched. 

Food Discussion & Information / Re: need help on puppy food!
« on: September 27, 2006, 08:41:11 am »
I started lucah on an adult food, but the vet strongly suggested a puppy food.  Mainly for the Calcium and other things that help strengthen bones. 

Many people here have told me to do both things (adult and puppy). Realistically it is up to you and what you feel comfortable with.  I chose puppy because I like the idea of having the calcium levels monitored, however if you look at the adult foods they all have the same amounts of calcium. 

So....we picked Innova Large Breed puppy.  It works very well and Lucah has improved since we switched him from Solid Gold Wolf Cub. We plan to keep him on it for the first year...which is another vet recommendation .

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Lucah had his first obedience class
« on: September 25, 2006, 10:22:57 am »
Lucah had his first class yesterday.  I find it funny that at home he is a genius, but as soon as we get him in the class he goes deaf and blind.  I also think its amazing how the trainer can get him to do anything, but we can't get him to follow us. 

I suppose it has to do with a new face and all.  Well I guess with practice he will become a little better with the training.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Hyper Rosie at the dog park
« on: September 20, 2006, 09:50:41 pm »
What a beauty of a pup!

Transporting & Traveling With Dogs / Re: Hotels that allow big paws??
« on: September 19, 2006, 05:36:12 am »
All Motel 6's will allow dogs.  I know they are everywhere.

Food Discussion & Information / Lucah food update
« on: September 18, 2006, 08:30:36 pm »
Well we finally did something. Lucah's original food (Solid Gold Wolf King Cub) was  a "large breed puppy" food, but had 26% protein...some told me here that 24% is the max, and yes that 2% might make a difference.

On Sunday we talked to a trainer and she said a good sign that a food might not be agreeing with a dog is scratching their sides more than normal, ear infections and biting the tops of there paws.  Lucah had 2 out of three of those symptoms.  Well that sold it...we decided to switch (slowly of course) to Innova Large Breed Puppy. It contains 24% protein, 12% fat and has no corn, no wheat...all recognizable meat products and lots of vegetables.

We will see how this does and hopefully he will enjoy it.  So far he hasn't had any adverse affects and his poops have become smaller and more compact.  I believe the bison in the Wolf Cub might have been too rich, for a while he was really letting the soft poops fly, and the amounts were huge.

Wish us luck on this change.

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