Author Topic: He is here!!  (Read 1870 times)


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He is here!!
« on: February 09, 2007, 11:31:07 pm »
Hiya Everyone,

He is here!! :D he is gorgeous. He is super mellow so far and has been sleeping a lot. He did good in his crate on the flight and did not have a potty accident. He was a little bit afraid of our Fila at first but has gotten over that. She is of course considerably bigger than he is even tho he already weighs 20lbs.

I am not sure the name "Tanstaafl" is going to fit him or not.. i imagined it as a name for a very out going dog and he seems very calm and layed back. I will have to wait and see what happens over the next few days perhaps he will grow into it.

There was quite a bit of drama over actually getting the puppy. The breeder tho well known and highly recommened seemed like rather a ditz to me. I e-mailed him several times with the flight info. Then i called him on Wednesday to confirm everything for the flight on thursday. Good thing i called since he almost sent me a smooth coated female instead of our rough coated male. Then thursday when i got up i called the airline to make sure that he got on the plane ok. He was not on the plane! i called the breeder and even after our long convo on wednesday he thought i meant the flight was on friday instead of thursday. Anywho we rearranged the flight for today (friday) and finally after all that he is here !

i will post pictures of him some time tomorrow.
