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Messages - MarleyPyr

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Interesting. I will for sure look up your thread.
Thanks! Berner is coming June 1st - soo excited

Hey, I have a question...doe s anyone know if a dog can sense/smell/hear something outside while they are inside a house and not looking out a window?
I ask this as my pyr wakes up in the basement every night at around 3:30 or 4:00AM and starts to whine to go outside. He doesn't have to go to the bathroom...he darts outside with his tail up sniffing the air. I have tried letting him whine and ignore him but he can go for 2 hours! Since he doesn't have to go to the bathroom I am wondering if he can sense an animal or something coming around the house and that is what wakes him up and makes him want to get outside so badly?? Out of whack? or could that be it? I can't make any sense of his actions otherwise and i am at a loss of what to do ??? ???

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Introducing my puppy!
« on: May 19, 2008, 06:19:13 pm »
Hi everyone - been awhile since I have been on.
So we got a second dog. It is a Berner and a puppy. My sister in law got two puppies the other day so I thought I would see how my 2 year old Pyr would integrate in preperation for bringing my girl home. Didn't go so well. Marley seemed very nervous, didn't want anything to do with the pups and even growled at one. I realize two is a bit overhelming however I was very careful to slowly bring them over and let him sniff them...didn't really work though. I get the new pup in two weeks. Any advice on how I can make it easier on Marley and how I can integrate the new pup into Marley's space?

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Barking
« on: May 19, 2008, 06:15:34 pm »
Hi there,
Our Pyr used to bark at EVERYTHING! We got a citronella collar and it helped tremendously!! When he barks for the sake of it ie: not out of fear or alert but at the kids on the street biking, the leaves falling out of the trees, the wind etc... LOL then the spray seems to stop him. If someone drives in the driveway and he doesn't know the car, he will "take the hit" of the spray and empty the whole cannister and then keep barking - Which is cool in a way because it shows me he knows when he is barking for a reason and when he is not. He can't be bothered to take 10 sprays in the face for a leaf, or neighbour outside but will still protect his property regardless.

* if you try it out I suggest the scentless. Works the same for us and Marley's coat isn't as yucky if he gets sprayed.

FAQs about puppies / need some experienced info over here....
« on: April 22, 2008, 03:16:00 am »
Hi everyone,
For those that know me and Marley you know we have been debating adding a second dog to the family. Well we have taken the plunge! yaaa!
We are going to be raising a sister for Marley starting in June. She is a 10 week old Bernese Mountain dog.
What we need to know: Marley was 9 months when I got him so I have no idea what a 10 week old pup care is all about. Specifically can a puppy so young be outside? what special care do they require that differs from a 9 month old? Will my Pyr be ok left alone with a pup for any amount of time?
anything else you think of that you can spill out to me would be great! Looking for all sorts of answers, suggestions and great advice.
thanks.  ;D :) ;D

Wolfhound Discussions & Pictures / Looking for an Irish Wolfhound
« on: April 14, 2008, 09:00:27 am »
As I have mentioned in other big paws threads, my husband and I have been contemplating adding a second dog to the family. We would love to rescue or adopt a dog in need of a loving forever home and are particularily drawn to Irish Wolfhounds after researching the breed. If anyone has any information on a IW in need a of loving home would you  be so kind as to pass it on to us? We live just outside of Ottawa, Ontario Canada.
Thanks and cheers!

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Need advice please!
« on: March 26, 2008, 06:54:01 pm »
I have experienced that with Marley. If he doesn't want to get up he will growl or pull back. I have corrected this behaviour by a sturdy "NO" and from then on when I can see he is far too comfortable to be moved by a treat or a "come" I use a leash. I don't even try to physically move him or pull at his collar. I show him I am boss and clip on his leash and up he goes. I usually get a loud sigh from him like a teenager being told to clean his is too funny. It worked for us. Give it a try..might take one or two times to test you but for Marley he now knows when the leash goes on there is no fighting it.
good luck

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: I'm losing my mind!
« on: March 26, 2008, 06:48:28 pm »
welcome to the Pyr club! Digging...not nning away from a leash...YUP you have a pyr! Marley just turned 2 and still does all the above. With this breed it isn't so much a puppy thing as a Pyr thing ;)
Ditto about the pyr off a leash. Not a good idea. They get something in sight or a wiff of something that seems too good to pass up on and they are off...with you in thier dust running to catch them. That is pretty much a guarantee. I have ever only seen one pyr in a non fenced in yard (physical or electric) that stayed put and she was 8 years old with bad hips. It is just in them.
BUT all that being said, they are the most wonderful creatures to own  :)

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I got a job FINALLY
« on: March 19, 2008, 10:16:25 am »
That's awesome news!! Everything goes up from here!

she didn't eat for the 10 days!!! :o

This might sound crazy to some of you but I am actually getting anxiety about the thought of sending Marley to a kennel for a week. I have done it once for two nights when we got married and he didn't eat the whole time he was there....I know I know...he didn't die either... Usually I can leave him at home and have someone come and look after him but this time I don't think that is going to work out. ergggg how do I make myself not go crazy with worry!!

advice please ??? :-\ :'( :-\

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Happy Birthday tomorrow MarleyPyr
« on: March 18, 2008, 07:00:04 pm »
Thanks everyone! that is so special!!! xoxoxox

Thanks for all the advice. We decided to try Canidae and so far it is a success. Marley loves it and seems full on about 4 cups as opposed to the 6-8 of Nutro. This is why I love this site! so much experience and great information! Thanks again everyone.

Just curious... what behaviour does your pyr display as a single dog in the family? I frequently ponder getting some livestock or perhaps another dog...only because I think my pyr's independance or lying around a lot is boredom. My husband on the other hand thinks I think of him too much as a human not a dog and most dogs like to sleep alot when not playing... any thoughts?

Treatment & Preventative Meds / Re: worms--AGAIN! :(
« on: March 14, 2008, 10:08:49 am »
how can you tell if your dog has worms? is the only way to notice them in his poop when it first comes out of them? I ask this because Marley has a "poop spot" far from the house and I am not usually home when he does his business. If I ever wanted to check how would this be possible? Are there signs of worms that make you suspicious to check thier poop to begin with?

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