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BPO Medical Forum => Medical Conditions & Diseases => : mjjensen July 29, 2006, 07:10:22 AM

: Bee Stings?
: mjjensen July 29, 2006, 07:10:22 AM
  with all the posts lately about pups getting stung I was wondering if they make an Epi-pen type thing for dogs? My first Newf Molly was allergic to bee stings and we found out the hard way. She got stung in her mouth and it almost killed her. Her face swelled up so much she looked like a hippo and she passed out. We had to rush her to the vet where they gave her some kind of shot to stop the reaction. It took several days for her to get back to normal. So I'm really paranoid about bees around my guys and with the bee problem I've been having it might be a good idea to have some kind of a bee-sting kit for the dogs. Does anyone make such a thing?
 I've attached a few pictures of the bees coming out of the wall of my house in two different spots. Excuse the peeling paint. It's on my to-do list...way,way,way down at the bottom.
: Re: Bee Stings?
: kathryn July 29, 2006, 07:24:15 AM
I would think that they do.  You would probably need to check with your vet about the Epi-pen.  I've had a couple of dogs eat wasps and bees and my vets have always told me to give benadryl and watch them.  I usually also have a box of baking soda on hand to make a paste for bites and stings. 
: Re: Bee Stings?
: -Molly- July 29, 2006, 09:00:26 AM
Hmmmm.....well you should DEFINATLY do something about those bees. Next you can ask your vet if the Epi-pen is safe to use on your dog. But yeah, make a little medi-kit with stuff for your dog if anything were to happen.