Author Topic: wet, wet, wet  (Read 2057 times)

Offline mastiffmommy

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wet, wet, wet
« on: May 20, 2005, 01:03:01 am »
After having made supper, I felt a nap coming  on, so I made myself real comfortable in the couch, lazy as I felt after having ate, I didnt put the tray table into the closet again, just moved it to the end of the couch so I could see the TV. I was in far far away land, almost asleep but not quite, totally relaxed and BAM Hera and Galahad who were playing, ran into the traytable and knocked it over, my tall glass of ice water came shooting through the air and ended up all over me. Ohhhhh I broke some kind of record, getting up from that couch, screaming from the chock (I dont even swim in water that is feeling cold on my little toe) The dogs knew they had been doing something, just  not quite what, so they did the "Look how cute I am" thing. Yeeees it worked, but I needed a hot shower to get over the horrible experience. Hubby of course helped by telling me, how good it would have been if I had put the tray in after using it. BIG HELP........

what the lion is to a cat, the mastiff is to a dog