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BPO Food Forum => Food Discussion & Information => : lulu January 22, 2007, 10:52:21 AM

: feeding question
: lulu January 22, 2007, 10:52:21 AM
 my golden retriever, cooper, has always been a little on the thin side, but ever since he turned 1, he really has started to fill out. i have always free-fed both of my dogs. lately though i have started to kind of monitor how much cooper is eating though and it is too much! i switched foods recently, from solid gold large breed adult, to innova large breed adult, and i have decided to stop free feeding. i do not want to have fat dogs. so, today is my first day of attempting to feed them in different bowl and not leave food out. according to the feeding guidlines for innova, cooper should get 4 1/4 cups a day and my collie mix, who isnt a large breed, should get about 2 cups. im spliting those portions in half and will feed twice day. BUT they both just got done eating their first half, and they both seem to want more. cooper seemed to still be so hungry that i gave in and gave him one more cup, so hes already had 3 of his 4 cups and its not even 11am! so, my question is, how do i know that they are getting enough to eat???? they seem so hungry, and i am feeling like i am starving my babies, even though i know i am doing the right thing trying to keep them from becoming overweight. is it just going to take time for them to get use to eating their portions twice a day. and if so, about how long until they stop looking at me like they accusing me of starving them? lol. do you guys free-feed, or do you just feed once or twice a day? and how many hours do you put between feedings? thanks for any input, Leah
: Re: feeding question
: schelmischekitty January 22, 2007, 11:04:05 AM
so glad to meet you!  we've personally never free fed, simply because the # of dogs we have, it would cause a fight!  we typically feed twice daily, once at about 12-1 and then again about 7 pm.  the way i do it is, i let my dogs eat as much as they want, BUT, the second they start showing interest in other things, i know they are just lally gagging around and aren't REALLY hungry, just eating for eating purposes only.  i'm sure others will have much better advice, but, it would seem it would take a little time for them to get used to the change in the eating schedule.  good luck to you!
: Re: feeding question
: LibbyP January 22, 2007, 11:26:59 AM
I also have a BP and a MP, and they are not fed the same amount either. I feed twice a day once at 8 and then again around 6 I tried to feed 3x as I thought I was starving my BP, but that made things worse(pooped waaay to much  :o. I do wet their food down with warm water for 2min, then Libby gets to eat in the kitchen with the babygate across so I know how much each is getting and eating for sure. It has taken acouple weeks for them to get into routine. Good luck
: Re: feeding question
: marypyrs January 22, 2007, 11:35:54 AM
I've had my Pyrs on Solid Gold Wolf King - or Wolf Cub while pups - along with the Sea Meal, of course. I feed my adult twice a day and the puppy three times a day. (When young pups I fed four times a day)I also give raw meaty bones in between meals. From free range cattle or bison. Also, I add wild Salmon & a home made receipe from time to time. It's worked great for my guys. They're in great shape and seem extreemly content. :)

: Re: feeding question
: lukka January 22, 2007, 01:47:07 PM
I feed Lukka Innova Large Breed Adult.  She eats two cups am.,  and two cups pm. 
: Re: feeding question
: lulu January 22, 2007, 02:15:58 PM
Thanks for everyone's input! i really appreciate it. ive always free fed my dogs, and when i lived with my parents we always free fed the dogs as well, so the whole feeding twice a day thing is totally new to me! i think they probably do just need time to get used to it. i will stick to the reccommended feeding guidelines for a while and see how that goes. i also need to go to the vet to get a refill of heartworm pills for the furkids so i think i will take cooper along with me and talk to the vet and see what he thinks about cooper's weight. i know hes not fat YET, but it just sure seems like all of a sudden he filled out, and i just want to make sure he hasnt filled out too much, lol
 thanks again guys ;D