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Messages - Ouch

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Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Winter woes, or warm tootsies?
« on: November 02, 2007, 07:00:45 am »
I would say NO .. and cold slippers is kinda self defeating (defeeting).  Perhaps real thick fuzzy cheap socks from Dollar Store - I'm think'n a new fashion statement when one of one color gets played/chewed to death and you begin to mix and match.  Just when I think Sadie is a great rescue and she doesn't chew things .. I walk into the bedroom and the dog bed in there must have been way too fluffy cause it looks like it snowed in there .. or that corner of the leather loveseat must have been Newfie offensive after 3 months ?? .. Ya gotta love 'em.

Border Collie Discussions & Pictures / Re: our first BC
« on: November 02, 2007, 06:39:05 am »
Ken she is gorgeous and you can look at that pic and see how alert and observant she is.  She'll have you in agility training in no time *laugh'n*

Great Pyrenees Pictures / Re: couch potatoes
« on: November 02, 2007, 06:26:59 am »
I kept an old leather chair for Emmitt in the Den and he has a loveseat in our bedroom and he won't hardly share at all.  Every once in awhile Copper (the old cocker) will claim them if she's not feeling well.  All of them get on the bed if we're not home but they're not necessarily allowed up there. (laug'n)  Sadie (so far) doesn't try to get on the furniture.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Newfie pup Clifford
« on: November 01, 2007, 07:10:50 pm »
Good Grief how precious !  I want a puppy hug bad.

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Meet our foster Grace
« on: October 29, 2007, 06:27:13 pm »
Oh to think what you saved her from !!  She's beautiful and I'm sure you're all going to be very happy for many years to come (chuckle)

I'll start with Copper the 13 yr old .. many years ago someone broke into my apt. and she scared them away by screaming at them .. she screams at all men if they surprise her, and I'm talking about an ear piercing, hair stand on end nails on chalk board SCREAM.  And, she can't quit once she starts .. I have to pick her up and hold her until she zones back into the real world.  Oh, and when she hears a door bell on TV or the radio .. she starts barking and runs to the door - she just knows the pizza person is there with food. (I don't have a doorbell anymore - can you guess why?)

Emmitt - the 7 yr old is probably the most selfish person in the world (whoops I mean doggy)  He has OCD also in that he takes all the toys (not just his) ALL the toys and lines them up across the door way from the kitchen to the den .. in a straight line mind you.  No cat or dog better try to cross.  If Steve or I mess with the toys he straightens them up first with the one you moved then nudges the rest to be sure it's straight.  He's become a party entertainment.  Cop's toys are under our bed .. Sadie's are at the end of the driveway outside (she sneaks them out in the early mornings before Emmitt gets up)

Sadie - the 2 yr old - I'm going to blame on whoever on here helped me keep her out of the cow pastures and answering to her name when I first got her a couple of months ago ... you said when she starts going for the pasture call her name and when she comes to you give her a treat and praise her.  Now, when we're sitting out on the back porch she goes down the drive and up to the fence .. we'll call her name and she comes bounding up the drive back to the porch to get her treat .. within 5 min. if she's still hungry I guess .. she'll wander down the drive to the fence until we call her and she comes running for that treat.. repeat as many times as she wants or I bring her in and feel like watching her pace from the garage door to the porch door .. meanwhile I know the other two dogs are in cohoots with this because now when I call *S A D I E* while we're on the porch both Copper and Emmitt come running for treats too.

Do I have to say it ... DOGS RULE  .. ouch

Weimaraner Discussions & Pictures / Re: Miss Ellie Mae
« on: October 27, 2007, 12:45:06 pm »
 :D  The Flying Nun comes to mind

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Hello.. new to the board
« on: October 25, 2007, 09:39:19 pm »
Beautiful Pups !  And you're quite the photographer too I think .. great shots.  You can see my crew listed, I can't wait to hear about the antics of Norman and Daisy.

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: New Puppies
« on: October 25, 2007, 08:57:45 pm »
How SWEET ..  Since I'm no expert I would go with the one with the best puppy breath.  Good Gosh I love puppies !

Holiday Things / Re: 2007 Christmas Card & Present Exchange Information
« on: October 25, 2007, 06:25:03 pm »
I was telling my husband about this while I was getting the email ready to send with the pup's info ... he thinks we're all doggy crazy.   ;D  About the cards - do you just make your own off your puter?  or maybe just insert your doggy's pictures in a card? ... *laffin*  I'm excited and I'd really like to know what type of glue you use to have all your dogs sit in one picture taking area at once? ???

Holiday Things / Re: Secret Santa?
« on: October 23, 2007, 11:04:16 am »
I've been a bit absent as of late due to being under the weather darn it .. but we'd love to join in please.

Treatment & Preventative Meds / Re: ??How Do I Know WHAT It Is??
« on: September 01, 2007, 03:26:07 pm »
I've been through this twice now with my Springer over the past 7 years and agree .. as soon as you catch it you clip the surrounding area and clean .. the last episode it got so bad so quickly within 48 hrs, the vet had to put him under to clip and clean it .. on Cephalexin 500 mg for 14 days and I will always have the Betagen Topical Spray on hand.  The vet has some pill (I cannot remember the name) but he gave Emmitt one at his office and said get him home ASAP and do not let him in your house for at least 3 hours .. and like he said the fleas could be seen departing poor old Em.  I use Tea Tree and Lavender essential oils - 8 drops of each to a cup of water and keep it in a plant mister by the door and just as an added protection mist my dogs before we go out NOTE:  ESSENTIAL OILS ARE DANGEROUS TO CATS/KITTENS  I also frontline my animals too.

Group Discussions & Photos / Re: Boarding the Pup for the first time
« on: August 28, 2007, 03:22:36 pm »
*laffin* .. no they're neither one hunters.  Copper only hunts for the softest spot to lay down or hunts for what I drop on the floor while cooking.  Emmitt was a rescue with heartworms so he got so used to being on a lead by my side during treatment and recovery he doesn't get out of my sight when he goes out.  They are beyond spoiled I'm sorry to say.

Group Discussions & Photos / Re: Boarding the Pup for the first time
« on: August 28, 2007, 03:09:08 pm »
I know I know, normally my sister and BIL stay here at my house to watch my dogs and OnryHenry, but that was when there was just two and they can be trusted (almost 13 and 7) to stay out of the fields and woods without someone with them.  But Sadie will go on a romp in a heartbeat (training still in progress).  We'll be away for a week in November (hunting season) so I want to be sure Sadie is well taken care of and away from the woods and hunters and climatised (sp) to a safe haven.

Group Discussions & Photos / Boarding the Pup for the first time
« on: August 28, 2007, 02:45:56 pm »
Well, yesterday I bit the bullet and did a surprise check of our local pet lodge.  I was very impressed - very clean, everything in it's place, no smells or crying pups.  I met two beautiful harliquins (brother and sister) and a huge golden and a couple of black labs.  The rooms are 4 x 8 (not kennels) with a storm door on each kennel so they can see out and a huge play area with a picket fence and soft turf.  I noticed they had a brag board and the golden had been going there for day care since he was a wee pup. (that impressed me)  There's a grooming room and first aid area in there.  4 separate covered outdoor exercise areas double fenced.  It is right next door to where I get my hair cut and one of the girls that work there has her terrier mix in day care there.  They mandate your vet fax verification of up to date vaccinations (good so far huh?)  So, Sadie goes this morning for her first overnight - I'm packing her diaper bag with her food, toys, drool towels and special rug and kong and treats)- I hope to be back in town by tomorrow afternoon but have her scheduled to stay till Friday just in case.  *crossing fingers* I'm a nervous wreck about this but she'll be exercised three times a day and let out the last time of the day around 8:30 or 9 pm and my hairdresser said she'd check on her before she leaves for home to be sure she's ok.  I'm thinking I'll get her scheduled for a bath while she's there just to be sure she's getting some special petting one on one time.  I'm taking her in about 10 this morning - is there anything else I should check on before I leave her about the facility?

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