Author Topic: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!  (Read 17978 times)


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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2006, 11:25:16 am »
Poor chara did so much OB on walks... LOL... we did long sits, down,s stays, ups, paw, played with tug etc... and zero too...

and with dogs, give and inch they will take a mile...remeber they are dogs and dont share or care, if you dont stay in control and show stuff they will eventually try and take over
I'm glad you made that point.  I've said that in different ways a few times.  Staying in control is a healthy thing...not mean...not cruel.  It's for the safety of everyone in the house and outside the house. 
I just found out last night that some of the neighbors are scared of my girls.  I couldn't imagine why really since I know they're sweet.  But the neighborhood nibnose came over to meet them on our walk and was surprised that they really aren't mean and they just look kinda intimidating.  I told him to spread the news that they aren't mean and if people are afraid of them rest assured their invisible fence won't let them out even if they try. 
We are training them not to bark at people walking by and things like that so they don't get a bad reputation (unlike the neighbors new American Pit Bull who last night gave us what for while his people where outside watching me try to contain Lady and Grace)  Oh I was mad. 
Training ... whatever form it takes ... is part of the responsibility to the dog, the neighbors and YOU! 
I'm not trying to be a big know it all in any way.  I just know I'm one of the people who train demandingly and harshly. 
« Last Edit: May 16, 2006, 11:40:31 am by lins_saving_grace »

Offline kathryn

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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2006, 07:24:25 pm »
Cinder would nip and herd the cats and me when she was little.  I tried standing still and ignoring her and telling her no too.  But the thing that got her attention the quickest was when I stepped back into her and put a little weight on her toes.  Not very fun to nip legs when the large animal steps on you.  Self-preservation stopped that behavior very quickly.  But she does sound like she has high drive.  You might try taking her to agility or fly ball to wear her down mentally and physically.  That has helped my girls immensely.

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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2006, 08:24:54 pm »
... or Kitana will no longer be in this house. 

I really hope that it doesn't come to that. That would be very sad after all you went through to bring her home to you. :'(
I hope you will consult a professional trainer before giving up on her, she is a smart girl and I'm betting she has great potential. But it sounds to me like she just needs some firm training, she needs to know what behavior is unacceptable.
If she is a really mouthy girl, maybe more chew toys and some controlled games of tug o'war are in order? Give her an outlet for that energy.
I think you can help her out of this. :)


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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2006, 08:25:35 pm »
Hey, April...
 I haven't read all of these responses, but I'll tell you what. I've been reading "Bones would Rain from the Sky" while I've been in the mountains, and man. It sure did give me good insite and direction with regard to dog behavior. You may want to try it.

I saw something about rolling....I think its a bad idea.

Ok, more later...good luck. Read the book.

Offline buckybizarro

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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2006, 09:24:47 am »
I have had a 1.5 year old "used" dog for 6 weeks now. Around week three I tried using canine type dominance with him. If you are going to use this method, make darn sure that you can consistenly roll the dog. I can't. So now my husband is alpha and I am beta. An animal behaviorist told me not to play tug with him until he has more self control. If he gets too wound up, I'll get the worst of it.

My dog had to learn that I am NOT a dog and he can't wrestle with me like a dog or mouth me like I am a dog. My guy isn't viscious or excessively dominant. He just was relating to me like I am a dog. He 'gets' it with me now. Now he needs to be better with the kids. Good Luck!

I saw a great article called "Your Pushy Dog.


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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2006, 11:46:35 am »
Thanks for all the advice. I am researching everything I can. I want to make it clear that Kitana is not being aggressive. She just wants a attention and ignoring makes her more insane. Yesterday she was very good. I think she knew I was still mad at her. She just doesn't seem to sensitive to feelings. She's so happy go lucky!! Nothing bothers her!   

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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2006, 07:08:43 pm »
Looks like you've gotten a lot of advice already.  :)  I just saw this and I replied to a similar post on another board except it was for a Dane puppy.  It seemed to fit your situation as well so I figured I'd crosspost my answer here too.  Just substitue Kitana instead of Thor.  ;)


My favorite dog training mantra is "Interrupt, Redirect and Praise".  This works especially well with young puppies, but usually works for all dogs.

First pick what behavior you WANT him to do. Dogs have an easier time learning to do something than NOT to do something. So as an example I'll just say you want Thor to lay down instead of biting. For interrupting I say "AHT!" in a stern voice, it seems to work better than "NO" for me.

So if Thor came up to me and started nipping/biting I'd say "AHT!", tell him to "down" (or lure him if he's still in training), make him stay for 30 seconds to a minute, praise him THEN release him. (Remember to praise before releasing or he'll think he's good for getting up). If he gets up before I said so, then I'd just make him lay down again. He'll learn quickly, though it does take repetition, especially the first couple times.

Some people choose to give the dog/puppy a toy to bite on instead, which works well for other people. However, I wanted to teach them self restraint too, so that's why I did the down/sit first. I usually gave them the toy after I release them so they didn't make the connection "bite=toy".

Good luck and remember, different methods work for different dogs. Take it all in, use what works for Thor and store the rest for possible later use with other dogs.

I think you can do it April.  Kitana seems like an extremely intelligent dog who needs stimulation.  I think that working in a lot of obedience work would probably help calm her down a bit as well as teaching her a "settle" command.  Brain work tires them out as well as exercise and its a good idea to use them together.  If people rely only on exercise, then they aren't really teaching the dog to control itself. 

Another thing is don't underestimate her, puppies can learn "wait" and "settle" fairly easy.  Expecting too little can sometimes be as bad as expecting too much.  You just have to find that happy medium.  Good luck with her hun!  :)
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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2006, 07:42:35 am »
Thanks for all the advice. I am researching everything I can. I want to make it clear that Kitana is not being aggressive. She just wants a attention and ignoring makes her more insane. Yesterday she was very good. I think she knew I was still mad at her. She just doesn't seem to sensitive to feelings. She's so happy go lucky!! Nothing bothers her!   

That sounds exactly like Sophie aka "the brat" :), but less mouthy, she just gets upset if she can't be in the same room and you're not paying attention to her.  If I correct her in a stern voice she growls at me, because I guess I sound like I am growling.  But it is all in fun to her, she is just a very vocal girl and wants to play.  I know this is bad, but it cracks me up big time when she fusses back at me, We have had to turn our head away so she doesn't see us laughing.
I think in our case, she is in the Brat stage, and maybe a touch of separation anxiety.  She is getting better and better every day, as we work with her.  But she is very smart, and I know she is going to be a button-pusher.

Two things I have tried with her that usually always work, but not with her.. Are a can with pennies thrown as a distraction, or to bang on a pan with a wooden spoon as a distraction when she is doing something she shouldn't be doing.  They just don't have the desired effect at all,  she barks and play growls and goes into the front-down puppy-play stance.  Ahh Well.. Patience,persistance and positive reinforcement is paying off here so far, just gotta get through the puppy/brat stage, but man she cracks me up :)  I think Kitana is like our girl and the negative reinforcement doesn't have the desired effect.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2006, 07:46:24 am by brandon »
“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.â€

Gypsy Jazmine

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Re: Kitana's in trouble again! Need Help!
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2006, 01:06:03 pm »
April, How is Kitana doing today?...Mine don't nip for attention but we get whacked with the "dirty devil dog paw" :-\ :D That hurts too!
« Last Edit: May 18, 2006, 01:07:19 pm by Gypsy Jazmine »