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BPO Training Forum => Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience => : Kermit February 19, 2006, 10:50:00 PM

: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Kermit February 19, 2006, 10:50:00 PM
 :( Ok. We have a problem in the pack. It's gotten serious. Nigel is attacking Will's dog Rushmore. This is especially dangerous because Nigel weighs a little over 90 lbs and Rushmore is a short little terrier mix who weighs 20 lbs.  :(
It all seemed to start as a mere food protecting ordeal, the kind of thing you just say, oh it's two male dogs with some food aggression, so we'll separate them when we feed them. So we have been doing that. Nigel eats in a separate room, but sometimes still he will growl through the baby gate at Rushmore. It is always directed at Rushmore. When they have fought, usually Zoot jumps in and forces his way to Nigel which has thankfully prevented little Rush from getting hurt. But instead, Zoot has ended up with several puncture wounds to the chest. :'(

Well tonight was the most confusing event of all. We were sitting in the living room. I noticed Nigel was being ridiculously cute, sitting there looking relaxed. So I sat down beside him and started GUSHING about how much I love him. I gave him a huge hug and in the midst of telling Will how much I love hugging Nigel, he snapped and attacked Rushmore, who was apparently walking by (I hadn't noticed him at all). There was no warning- Nigel just dove onto him and grabbed him. There was no food or toys anywhere nearby. I am pretty sure every incident before this one involved food. Anyhow, I never lost my grip on him since I was hugging him so I was able to pull him back. Will managed to get Rush out of there but not until Nigel tried to scalp him. And of course Zoot jumped in but I guess since I had a good hold of Nigel the separation was way easier than usual. So Rush has a little bald patch on his head now but he is acting like nothing happened. Nigel is in the basement wondering why he is separated from everyone else.
HELP!!! ???
Why would Nigel go psycho on Rushmore?? Was it for my affection? He went from totally calm and relaxed to completely insane attack mode instantly. It was frightening!!!!
My first moves are: I am going to enroll Nigel in obedience classes tomorrow. I am embarassed that I haven't already. :-[  I am also, sadly, probably going to have to return Samson our (foster) to the rescue group. I am afraid Nigel's aggression has taken a turn for the worse since Samson has been spending time with my pack. I have to rule that out as a possibility. I hate it.

What is next? Does anyone know anything about neurological problems in dogs? Could it be something like that or does this sound like "normal" same-sex aggression?? I am at a loss here. I want these dogs to be able to live together! I am not willing to give up on Nigel, but I can't have him hurting Rushmore!
Any and all criticism and advice is welcome.
(for anyone who doesn't know me, we have 7 dogs total- 4 males and 3 females, all males are neutered and the 2 puppy girls under 6 months aren't spayed yet).
Long-winded, yes, I'm sorry, and thank you. :-[
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Kiahpyr February 19, 2006, 11:11:42 PM
I don't have any advice. I just want to let you know that I'm sorry you're going through this. I hope something can be done. Hang in there! I'm just a phone call away.
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: chaos270 February 19, 2006, 11:33:10 PM
Hmm that is tough, my take is that he could be considering you as a possession to guard. If he sees you as a possession, he's going to guard you just as zealously as his food. Watch him for the warning signs....there are always some if you watch close enough. Also watch Rushmore's behaviour too because he could be instigating in an attempt to be alpha. We've been going through trouble with Lacey....what's with the sudden rash of aggression lately? 

I hope the obedience helps but remember that it can be stemming from both.
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Kermit February 19, 2006, 11:56:55 PM
April- thank you. You may get a call!!!

Chaos, thank you. I think you are right that Rushmore could be partially responsible as well. Will just got off the phone with his father who is a veterinarian, and he recommended that we put Nigel and Rushmore together away from the rest of the pack (supervised of course) to really observe their behavior together and see if we see any hints, any clues. He is going to get us the phone number of his friend who is a behaviorist.

Apparently in the vet world they call this LDSD syndrome, "large dog, small dog".    Meaning it could be a pretty darn dangerous situation.

Oddly, Nigel has never done a thing except for when Will and I were both present.
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Scootergirl February 20, 2006, 12:09:45 AM
I don't have any advice, but I am going to be watching this thread closely as I am having similar problems. I have 2 dogs (Mia is one and Corky the foster dog is the other) with food aggression. We've resorted to putting them both on tie outs when feeding them because they tend to run to the other dogs bowls and attack them to force the other dogs away.  I'd rather be able to train them to just get along and know that no one is going to go hungry around here.

Mia and Corky are both loving, sweet dogs, but Corky also has issues when I go to put a leash on him or pick him up when he doesn't want to be picked up. It's more "mouthing" and squirming than biting, but it's still improper behavior.

I'm not trying to steal your thread, Rebekah. I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone and if you find a solution let me know so I can try it, too.

: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: cuttles/sadieMay February 20, 2006, 12:11:19 AM
Sorry I dont have any good advice for you but I totally feel for you! I hope you can figure things out quickly and without to much upset to your household!
Good Luck
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: kathryn February 20, 2006, 12:33:15 AM
I just read this thread and thought I would add my two cents worth also.  It definitely sounds like resource guarding to me.  Kaila has had the issue of guarding me from strange dogs since she was about 6 months old.  Just recently she started guarding the food bowl.  Usually I can redirect her attention to avoid the growls and barks.  It hasn't progressed to flat out attacks but it is directed at one particular cat in the house.  I hope things work out for all of you.

: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Halo05 February 20, 2006, 02:39:47 AM
What kind of dog is Nigel? How old is he? Just curious.
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Gypsy Jazmine February 20, 2006, 03:01:42 AM
((((((Rebekah))))))...I think I have a feeling for what you are going through...Sams on & Pippin have had some knock down drag outs to the point that it is truely scary...So far I have been able to pull them back from the brink of real damage to each other...Bringi ng Rosie into the mix has helped us alot for some reason that I don't question but thank God for!!...Pippins breeder told me something about breaking up dog fights that I will never forget & makes me think about what you said...Sometim es dogs go into "gaurding" mode & try to protect you though you don't need protecting...I am feeling this is what is going on with your 2 problem children & you...I've no advice to offer really but I do wish you luck.

: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: EllieAndBlu February 20, 2006, 11:03:26 AM
I am so sorry to hear about your situation! And I so feel your pain.

We recently fostered a weimaraner (now a member of the family)and it really whacked out the pups...  a little background on my household.... roomie lives on main floor with three chihuahuas, lab, daschund, cat.... I live in the finished basement with my dobie mix and hound mix... the weimaraner (Riley) lives primarily with me as well... 

Well when Riley came to the house in January.... the first few weeks were fine... and then things got nutty...
My dobie was fighting with her friend, the lab (they never fought before)... the lab too was acting whacky and my hound mix was not a fan of Riley... though he never fought with him, he marked all of his pee spots and intimidated him...

After Ellie and Ginger got into a fight ... I did some research about why dogs fight.... and one article said any change to the household/routine can cause behavior that escalates into fights... 

So what I have done to help my two pups and Riley get along... I am pretty sure Blu (hound mix) is the pack leader.... so I feed him first... he goes in and out the door first.... when they all sit for a treat - Blu gets it first followed by Ellie and Riley... And I make sure to give all the dogs separate love too...

Its been and will continue to be work... When the dogs in the basement get barking at upstairs noises (when people come home)they start to get worked-up, reacting to each other and I can see how it could escalate into a "disagreement" but I make sure to send my dogs outside to "run it out" while Riley calms down inside. That has seemed to help

I hope this long-winded note helps you in some way... if not just comfort you knowing others are going through similar situations....

and to end on a high note.... Just last night, for the first time, I was laying on the futon watching t.v. with ALL three pups on there with me, resting comfortably... . I NEVER thought that would ever happen!

Oh one last thing... Ellie is a reactive dog.... so in the beginning when she would act up with Riley - I would put her in another room for a "time-out".... for a few minutes... and that really helped... now she is fine with the big guy.

Good luck and hang in there - I am living proof (bite scar and all) that things do get better!


: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Anky February 20, 2006, 11:16:42 AM
Everyone else has already given good info, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents.  I was wondering about the body language too.  I know when we got Sanity Araby would go after him constantly for absolutely no reason.  He still has scars on his face and notches out of his ears from it.  Turns out it was his body language, and he wasn't giving her the respect that she (As alpha bitch of the universe) deserved.  I don't know how long Rushmore has been around Nigel, but maybe there's social level problem going on.........
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Kermit February 20, 2006, 12:09:33 PM
Wow. Thanks for everybody's info.
To clarify a few background points: the foster aggression that has happened in the past was always started by Zoot. He had a big problem with Sunshine Bear (Rollie!) and would start fights, and actually became aggressive with strangers' dogs for a while but he seems much better now. Nigel will be a year old March 1, so he has been pretty young as our many fosters have come and go, and yes we have added a lot of new family members in the past 10 months! From what we can tell by his mama and his siblings, Nigel is a mix of Saint Bernard, Boxer, and Bloodhound. (But ya know Halo, I have always thought he looked like a Fila!) Nigel has grown up with Rushmore- Rush is almost 7 and Nigel has been with him almost constantly since he was 3 months old.

Last night after I signed off BPO, we let all the dogs together again because in the past when we have had troubles, we could always do this. Well... everyone came into the bedroom. They all sleep around us every night on this massive futon creation we have. Nigel layed down and I went to scoot him over so I could settle in, and he snapped on Rushmore again!!! And Zoot jumped in immediately, and this was on our bed!!! It was really easy to separate this time but still. I took Nigel straight to the crate and he "slept" there all night... more like howled furiously all night.
Anyhow, I think I saw what happened this time. It's hard to notice facial expressions on Nigel because he always looks the same- sad and droopy eyed. But I think he was staring at Rushmore. And I think Rush let out a little growl when he saw Nigel staring. And now that I think back, they have done that before across the living room. Nigel will just stare at Rushmore until Rush growls, and then we say "Rush stop it" or whatever and everything is fine. So this may have been in the works for a while. :(

I'm going to read back over what everyone wrote. Thanks for all the insight and support. I have just put the gentle leader on Nigel, and I am just going to keep him on the lead today and see how he does. It's funny, I bought this gentle leader ages ago and I have never done a thing with it. I just put it on Nigel (Rush is upstairs) and he just went a layed down wearing it. I would have thought he'd have a fit. He's probably just happy to be in the same room with me after sleeping in the crate last night.

Thanks everyone! More updates to come! Hopefully good! :-[

(edited for spelling)
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: will February 20, 2006, 12:16:08 PM
thanks everybody. we're both pretty confused right now.

maybe this info will shed some more light...
rush will be 7 years this spring. 5 of those years it was just rush and me.   and nigel has grown up with rush and zoot since he was about 3 months and i think is 2 weeks shy of 1 year old.

4 new family dogs, 2 family cats, and 7 different foster dogs have been in our home since Nigel has been with us (about 8 months i think, right rebekah?)

: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Halo05 February 20, 2006, 12:30:49 PM
He looks more like a Fila than he does the other breeds you mentioned. If he is, they generally do not accept "strange" dogs. They can be same sex aggressive. They may not give much warning about their intentions either. He can become extremely possesive of his family and property.
I can not let Halo around Brindle and Penny anyomre. Halo and Brindle had a scrap in December though no one got hurt. Halo managed to pull Brindles collar over his head and off of him. I can't do it. Just my wife was home at the time. Somehow she got Halo into another room and closed the door which he tried to break and chew out of. There were no signs. They ate from the same bowl, Brindle always first, drank the same water, Brindle first. Halo got old enough to test the boundaries. Halo stays in his crate while brindle and Penny are out in the living room. Theres still some tense looks and posturing. But the biggest change is in Brindle. He's happier now. He used to just sit with his ears back when they were together. Now him and Penny are best friends again and Halo gets the one on one attention he wants. So they will remain seperated. My fear is Halo will kill one of them literally. No to hype, but not to many dogs would be able to survive an attack from a Fila. They are just too powerful and agile.
If he is Fila, you will not be able to "train" it out of him. It is his natural instinct like a retriever retrieves. If you want to learn more about Fila's let me know. There's alot of excellent sites with correct info.
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: will February 20, 2006, 01:05:10 PM
oddly, Nigel is very accepting of strange dogs. he LOVES samson, our foster. Rush and Zoot are the dogs, Nigel has known the longest.   and he's been living with Rush since he was a puppy.  these episodes have been very recent like in the past 6 or 8 weeks.  before there was one episode where Nigel stepped on Rushmore and Rushmore snarled and barked and set Nigel back a little bit. but that's it.
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Halo05 February 20, 2006, 02:04:03 PM
Your dog is older now. You can't go by his actions as a puppy. If he's Fila, you will not be able to change it. It will get worse as he gets older.
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Kermit February 20, 2006, 02:10:22 PM
Your dog is older now. You can't go by his actions as a puppy. If he's Fila, you will not be able to change it. It will get worse as he gets older.

Do you think there are any ways I could tell for sure if Nigel is part Fila?
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: will February 20, 2006, 02:21:40 PM
Your dog is older now. You can't go by his actions as a puppy. If he's Fila, you will not be able to change it. It will get worse as he gets older.

i understand that, what I am confused about is that you said Filas don't accept "strange" dogs.  Rushmore is not a strange dog.  he has been with Nigel since he was a puppy.  Nigel loves our foster dog who IS a strange dog.  also, Nigel does not and has NEVER lashed out on the newest members of our family.  that's what i'm confused about.
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Kermit February 20, 2006, 02:41:29 PM
Ok, I just talked to the woman who has Nigel's mama and 4 of his littermates. None of them have shown any signs of aggression. I'm just trying to put together pieces of the puzzle. Apparently Nigel's littermates are very easy going and love all other dogs. Nigel's mama had a tiff with another female recently but they worked it out.

Hmmm. Another thing that April suggested to me is that the breeding pair of pitbulls in the yard next door could be influencing the situation... especially if the male is marking the fence. And the female is pregnant, so god only knows what kinds of hormones are flying through the air around here right now. Not to mention the two intact male pitbulls who live behind us and back up to our fence.

Oh the testosterone!!! :(
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: chaos270 February 20, 2006, 05:11:30 PM
Another thing that might help is d alot of it for both. Take them for runs or long walks to wear them out. Always make sure they follow you have to be first out the door and they have to be at your side the entire time. Look into the Dog Whisperer's techniques...t hey've been helping with Lacey as well as the fact we took her off the medication.  Also watch your own body language don't anticipate the problems because that can create a situation.  Also if possible leave leashes on them when they're together so if there is a problem you can seperate them without getting into the middle of it.  Hope this helps but excercise is definitely important to keeping everyone sane especially walks(don't rely on backyard excercise.
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Kermit February 20, 2006, 05:30:14 PM
Good idea Chaos. Where do I get info on the dog whisperer's techniques? We don't get the national geographic channel (isn't that where his show comes on?) and last I checked he didn't even have a book for sale. Cesar Millan, right?

Nigel has had a leash on all day today, but he really hasn't had much energy at all because he certainly didn't get any sleep last night!!!

Oh man I know what you mean about being careful about my own body language- it was so hard for me not to be paranoid last night that they would fight again. And then of course they did. And I have been nervous all day today and I hate this feeling! But I've had the gentle leader on Nigel all day and he has just been sleeping by me.

I'm seriously considering an animal communicator.. .
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Anky February 20, 2006, 05:35:01 PM
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Kermit February 20, 2006, 05:36:37 PM

Thanks! ;D
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: will February 20, 2006, 06:11:38 PM
thank you for your information on filas.  i hope i didn't not sound mad or argumentative.  as you can probably tell i am confused and slightly frustrated.  we're just trying to get as much information as possible to help our pack.

hey rebekah, see anky's link did that weird thing too. what's up with that?!
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: macybean February 20, 2006, 07:00:55 PM
This is one of the things that factored into my decision to keep Peyton as a foster. Sadie wasn't showing aggression towards her (except for the first day, though she and Riley are too rough for her at the moment (she'll cry sometimes)); however, when Sadie and Riley wrestle in the dog park and another dog tries to get into it, Sadie takes it as an attack and goes nuts on the dog. This has happened twice with dogs that she normally really likes and once with a dog that tried to pick on her before but whom she's neutral about. She's also been a bit weird about food and just kind of off since Peyton came into the picture.

I think that another male would have been easier for her to accept, but really I think it's a time thing. She got kind of jealous of Riley when he came into the picture at the end of September (it had just been me and her and before that, she even had another person (my ex-bf)). I think she takes it as someone else to take part of my time. She's accepting of Riley, but maybe adding a third dog this soon is too much? Like I said, she's not violent towards Peyton, just to other dogs when it seems like they might be ganging up on her. Maybe she'd do this anyway... I dunno. It's just weird behavior for her. I think another factor is the dog park in our neighborhood; there are quite a few dogs that aren't very good with other dogs, which is frustrating.
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: chaos270 February 20, 2006, 08:19:37 PM
Yeah his book is coming out in April I believe and he does have a video called People Training for Dogs. I hope his methods help you.  They can be hard to stick to though...but If I can somewhat tough it out you guys should be able to, too.  And I'm finding Kali is the problem more than Lacey.
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: EllieAndBlu February 21, 2006, 11:01:12 AM
Rebekah and Will .... I have Cesar Milan's DVD that I would be more than happy to send to y'all! He doesn't give much instruction but does explain his philosophies about dog behavior, etc.... I am interested in getting more info, so I will probably buy his book when it comes out...

It is not the type of DVD I would watch repeatedly - so if you are interested, y'all can have it.... it is just collecting dust on a shelf...
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Kermit February 21, 2006, 11:26:08 AM
Rebekah and Will .... I have Cesar Milan's DVD that I would be more than happy to send to y'all! He doesn't give much instruction but does explain his philosophies about dog behavior, etc.... I am interested in getting more info, so I will probably buy his book when it comes out...

It is not the type of DVD I would watch repeatedly - so if you are interested, y'all can have it.... it is just collecting dust on a shelf...
Oh wow, thanks Rachel! I actually think Will already ordered it! Is it the one called People Training for Dogs? (I think that's what he ordered.)
I really appreciate your offer!!! :)

Update: yesterday Nigel was not a good boy after Will came home. :( Once Will and Rushmore were together Nigel started staring at Rush again and lunged for him once or twice but I had him on a short lead so he didn't get anywhere. It was upsetting. So we just put Nigel in a different room for the rest of the evening and then he slept in the living room with Leeloo (who could use some alpha boot camp herself).
We made arrangements for Samson to move to a new foster home but she can't take him until next week. I am already crying because he has to go.
Otherwise the majority of our dogs seem to be getting more fired up by the day about the new pit bulls next door. >:( I really think they are making this situation worse. But there is nothing we can do about them. (Steal the dogs and have them neutered?)

And I think I found a trainer who I want to work with.
In the meantime, not letting Rush and Nigel run together at all.  :(
It is so sad to see two former buddies not get along!!!
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: chaos270 February 21, 2006, 03:00:52 PM
Cesar is also going on tour chack his can't bring your pets but he shows his techniques and goes in depth I don't know if there's a spot near you guys but here's the list of cities.
March 24, 2006
IACP Conference
Austin, Texas

March 26, 2006
Kerrville, Texas
Contact Lori at 830 - 896-6249

April 22, 2006
12:00pm to 4:00pm
National Geographic Society
1145 17th Street N.W.
Washington D.C. 20036
$150 Premiere Seats / $100 Regular Seats
Please do not call the National Geographic Society about seminar
Download Registration Form: Click Here
For more information Contact DCSeminar04220

May 13, 2006
9:00am to 4:00pm
Bentley College
Waltham, MA
Tickets are $140 per person
Admission includes lunch. All proceeds to benefit MSPCA
For registration information go to:

May 27, 2006
9:00am to 12:30pm
Bradenton, Florida
General Seating is $100
Premier Seating is SOLD OUT!
Sponsored by Humane Society of Manatee County
Website: www.humanesoci

June 10, 2006
Chicago, IL
Information coming soon

June 24, 2006
Second Chance at Love Humane Society
San Luis Obispo, CA
Website: www.secondchan

July 1, 2006
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
$85 per ticket
Please contact: Cherita Kegley
(817) 637-2807 |
Send check or money order to:
P.O. Box 1153 Azle, TX 76098
Checks should be made payable to:
French Bulldog Club of America Rescue League (FBDCARL)
If send Fedx or UPS:
115 Lelon Lane Springtown, TX 76082

July 8, 2006
9:00am to 1:00pm
Doggie Dude Ranch
Dixie Center
St. George, Utah
$85 (profits to benefit the Zion Animal Lovers)
Purchase tickets by mail or Pay Pal at www.doggyduder
More info email Filomena at
Infoline: (435) 772-3105

July 22, 2006
12:00pm to 4:00pm
Aladdin Shrine Center
3850 Stelzer Road
Columbus, OH 43219
Sponsored by Ohio Rottweiler Rescue and Zaron's Dog Forum
$80 seating SOLD OUT! | $65 regular tickets are still available
Register Form on Zaron's Dog Forum:

August 5, 2006
9:00am - 1:00pm
Clarkston High School Performing Arts Center
6093 Flemings Lake Road
Clarkston, MI 48346
$80 per person | Proceeds will be donated to White Shepherd Genetics Project
To download registration form visit: www.wsgenetics .org/new.html
Contact: Judy Huston (517) 546-3046 | Email:
OR Julie Bennett (248) 626-1429 | Email:

August 19, 2006
9:30am to 3:30pm
Amador High School Ampitheater
1155 Santa Rita Road
Pleasanton, CA
$85 per person | Reserved Seating Only
Contact: Nanci Menise (925) 447-5383 | Email:
Sponsored by the Standard Schnauzer Club of Northern California
For Ticket Information go to www.stdschnauz

September 9, 2006
Doberman Pincher Club of St. Paul/Minneapolis
St Paul/Minneapolis, MN
Information coming soon

September 30, 2006
9:00am to 1:00pm
Hilton Garden Inn
1100 South Avenue at Lois Lane
Staten Island, New York 10312
$95 Per Ticket | Contact Terry Farnolo
Infoline: (718) 317-2140

October 14, 2006
Honolulu, Hawaii
Information coming soon

October 28, 2006
Colonial Rottweiler Club
Lancaster, PA
Information coming soon

November 11, 2006
Support Dogs Inc.
St. Louis, Missouri
Website: www.supportdog

December 9, 2006
Lucky Mutts Rescue
Austin, Texas
Information coming soon
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: EllieAndBlu February 21, 2006, 03:13:57 PM
Oh wow, thanks Rachel! I actually think Will already ordered it! Is it the one called People Training for Dogs? (I think that's what he ordered.)
I really appreciate your offer!!!

I am glad to help... And the offer stands for anyone who would like the DVD!

Hope it all works out with Nigel and Rush! I know what its like when two dog friends start fighting.... it seriously broke my heart! Its only been a few weeks, but I am happy to report Ellie and her cousin Ginger are not fighting and pretty much back to normal... but I keep a close eye on them... So there is hope for Nigel and Rushmore... hang in there and please keep us updated!
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Kermit February 26, 2006, 10:09:39 PM
Not much progress over here. :( I have been keeping Nigel and Rushmore completely separated unless Nigel has the gentle leader on and I am holding the leash. This is a big pain. But another fight between those two and Rush could be seriously hurt. I really don't know how they are ever going to resolve anything because Nigel is definitely trying to stare Rushmore down, and Rushmore growls in response.
So, since Nigel seems to need someone to hash it out with, he goes for Zoot now. Yesterday morning I was pouring some kibble into a bin and I wasn't really paying much attention to what the dogs were up to. Well, I turned around when I heard growling, and the next thing I know Nigel has jumped on Zoot and knocked him down and would not let go of him. :'( Thank goodness Will was there and we finally got them apart by grabbing their hind legs and pulling them. Not too much physical damage to the dogs, but quite a bit of mental damage to me and Will.
Then again this morning, I was weighing Nigel by picking him up and standing on the scale (not easy) and as I was setting him down he started to lunge for and attack Zoot.

Well, I think Zoot finally got the clue that he needs to get out and stay out of Nigel's way. Since this morning Zoot will not look at Nigel and won't come near him. I am hoping that is all it will take for Nigel to leave Zoot alone.

As for Rush, I just don't know. We have been keeping him protected from Nigel, and maybe we can get used to this, but I would sure rather everyone could be in the same room!

Samson has not had contact with my dogs since my original post. He has been completely separated, and I think he will be going to his new foster home tomorrow or the next day. Nigel is doing EXCELLENT on our walks together, and he really seems to enjoy the one-on-one time with me. He has been more obedient than ever and is very happy to sit and wait for his food and to go through doorways when it is just me and him. But put him with all the others and he is rushing to be the first through the door. Oh and it turns out Mokey was in heat (which couldn't have been helping anything!) so she went to NC to be spayed by Will's dad and she'll be there all week.

The conclusion seems to be that since Nigel is turning one he is really just wanting to be the top dog. I have read a lot of articles on "sibling rivalry" in dogs and it sounds like ours is a very classic case. Nothing out of the ordinary at all. Boy was I freaking out thinking he was a psycho. Not that our situation is any easier, but I guess it is good to know that this is "normal".  :-\ However Will and I feel completely worn out!!!
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Blair February 26, 2006, 10:46:03 PM
Im sorry things are still "crazy" around there. I was just thinking of oyu the other day. I hope things calm down and you and Will can relax. I wish i had some advice, but I have never dealt with this sort of thing before. All I can say is I am sorry you have to deal with this. If only we could talk to our dogs and see what was bothering them.
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: chaos270 February 27, 2006, 12:15:36 AM
I know the worn down feeling.  Our two are constantly going at is getting better.  So there is a light at the end of the tunnel, it just takes awhile to get there. You should try the techniques with all the dogs involved and you should each take the troublemakers out together one with each dog.  It may help them deal with each other a little better.
Good luck and remember they're worth the effort.
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: orion5221 February 27, 2006, 09:54:09 AM
He is also maturing and showing his true colors and fighting for pack postion. Dogs start being jerky around this time to about 2 years. The dog whisper is great, I would aslo use NILF program. Both you and Will have to be top dogs in this pack.  Working on Downs and Rolls in the house. Nigel has to work fo you.
I have a similiar problem with my female mastiff mix. My brother is staying with us for a while and he has a female Bull terrier. Both females are very assertive and pushy. They will play, but is will escalate and we have to call them out of it before I fight erupts. They also have space issues, and attention issues. For example if someone new is coming in the door they both want to be first and get the attention and a fight will erupt. They both drag leashs now and are learning down stays . It has become much better. I have been working alot with my dog with the leave command. She is also not to show any dominant posturing ( tail up, staring). If I fight does erupt she gets a major correction ( leash) from me and is rolled over until she relaxes.  We feed the femasle seperate from each other but give cookies all together. My pup is the last to get the cookie and she is not alowed to turn her head to look at the other dogs when I am giving them theres.
It is a pain in the butt, but we are seeing an improvement.
Good luck...
BTW I would definintly consult a pro before attempting downs or rolling..
: Re: my turn to ask for help... Nigel's gone psycho.
: Halo05 February 27, 2006, 12:34:31 PM
Nigel is at that "adolescent" age. Halo grew up with Brindle and loved him. Let Brindle chew his ears and eat first etc. If Halo got out of line , in Brindles mind, Brindle would give the "look" and show his teeth. Never attacked him at all. All was fine until Halo hit 1 year old. The both met at the couch. Brindle showed his teeth. Halo answered back and a scuffle ensued. No one got hurt, but Brindle did not want to be around Halo at all. He would be very tense, not laying, ears back. Halo is 155 # and Brindles 75 #. Both are males. I called Fila "experts". The consenous was that Halo matured. Had enough bullying and stood up for himself. The reason I keep them seperated now is to spare Brindle. He is much happier with only Penny. And Halo is happier getting one on one attention from us. It's just my 2 cents, but IF Nigel is a Fila or partly, you will not train this out of him. Rolling a Fila can be a bad idea. Them are not known to turn on owners but are still very powerful. Please, do research on Fila and see if he is fitting the criteria?
Just trying to help.