Author Topic: i was almost attacked by a dog today  (Read 884 times)


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i was almost attacked by a dog today
« on: September 06, 2006, 05:43:25 pm »
I was on a walk with my younger sister, and we were enjoying the walk. As we were going up Water ST. there is a house with a few dogs in the yard that bark when you go past but they are chained so we paid no mind as usual. We were wrong this time. Their Aussie Cattle Dog was loose. He started walking towards us I looked his way and then at my sister and told her to keep walking. The dog ran in front of us and started snarling and growling. We tried to go the other way, he blocked us. We happened to be close to a friend of mines house so we scrambled into their yard and the dog went back to his yard. My friend's wife came out and said that is really not like that dog to do that, she said she had seen him loose before and he had never shown aggression that she had seen. We cut through a couple of yard to avoid the dog seeing us again then came straight home. I am going tomorrow to file a report, what do you think could be done with a dog that vicious to just come up to us on the street like that? Jason, my fiance, said when he was walking the dog was loose before and he was growling at him but he paid no mind to it and it didn't bother him so I am not the only one he's gone after.