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BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : moonlitcroatia September 07, 2006, 10:44:45 AM

: You love dogs too much!
: moonlitcroatia September 07, 2006, 10:44:45 AM
Has anyone told you this? People have been telling me this lately since I broke up with my boyfriend and since Greta was diagnosed with cancer and Lou boy passed away. They say, "If I felt the way you do, I would think something is wrong and I would get help. I would have to question why it is that I prefer dogs over humans, have deeper feelings for dogs than I do for humans, and derive more comfort from the presense of dogs than I do from the presense of humans. It's not right."

Has anyone said this to you, too? I don't think anything is wrong with it. How come it is that people cannot be happy when someone else has love in their heart, no matter what the reason, as long as it is positive love?
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: GrumpyBunny September 07, 2006, 10:47:06 AM
Aw, Moon, I would have a response for them, but I can't repeat it here...  People like to belittle what they can't understand, and people who have never known the simple pure love of a dog don't understand how deep it can be.  Those who get it, get it.  Those who don't, never will.   :-\
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: Newf Lover September 07, 2006, 10:57:20 AM
People think Sarah and I are overly obsessed with Drake.  Plain and simply, WE LOVE OUR NEWF!  Thus my BPO name.  When friends and family invite us over, they know that Drake is coming too.  Now, if people really don't want us to bring him, they are allergic to dogs, or it isn't an appropriate event for a dog, Drake stays home.  But if we can bring him, we do.  He always clean, well groomed and very well behaved, so nobody can complain.  But why would they?  Usually we have a line of people waiting to pet and talk about him.  I think all dog lovers/owners should bring their dog with them when they can, it strengthens the pet/owner bond and it gets them some much needed stimulation and attention.  So to sum it all up, just like you Moonlitcroatia, we are somtimes told by family and friends that we love Drake too much.  That's fine with me, it's nothing to be ashamed of!  ;)
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: Saint and Mal mom September 07, 2006, 11:16:19 AM
Some people tell me this. I don't really care. It's what I like. Plus, people can be so cruel and uncaring. Dogs love you forever. Period.
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: Kermit September 07, 2006, 11:18:20 AM
I have been told similar things. :-\ One of my best friends invited me out a few weeks ago and I couldn't go, because it was the first night home for 4 of our dogs who had been kenneled while we moved into our new place. I told my friend I needed to stay home to help the dogs adjust on their first night home. My friend proceeded to tell me that "my dogs have hijacked my life"... and she was serious! :o

I felt very sad when she said this to me, because I thought she knew me well, and I thought she understood my connection with animals. It actually made me question the friendship! I told her it was fine if she thought that, but there was no way she was going to make me feel guilty for staying home with my dogs that night instead of going out with her!

So now I really feel like it is a priority in my life to make friendships with people who understand my passion for animals. :) It is so nice to hang out with folks who feel the same way. In fact just last night my BF and I met a new friend who has a pit/pointer mix who he loves more than life. We talked dogs for at least 30 minutes! It was great!!! :D

Sorry so long-winded, I just feel like I can really relate to what you are saying! And I think that the people who don't love animals are really missing out! How could a person live without dog-love??
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: gabeshouse September 07, 2006, 11:38:46 AM
Who loves dogs too much?

Someone knocked on my door the other night. It was my sister. She said the people she worked with wanted to meet Gabe because she had talked about him so much. I go outside and there are five people she works with in my yard.

Last weekend a friend called to see if I could bring Gabe to the park so his mom could meet his mom.
It is so much fun seeing your dog get that type of reaction from people.
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: newflvr September 07, 2006, 11:42:58 AM
I'm giggling here....we are all the same! :D :D :D  I've been told that I must have an empty place in my heart if I give all this love to my dogs.  After raising four kids, being around all their friends and helping them to grow up as well, being there for my sister and her family, loving and being loved by dh I have an empty life?  HA!!!  This is just the best part!   I adore the Newfs!  We have such fun together and we meet so many fascinating people!  Nobody ever stopped me to gawk at any of my kids, wanted to tell me stories about their kids, or ask to have their pictures taken with the kids.  It happens on just about a daily basis with the Newfs.  My dog friends don't compete through their dogs...none of this nonsense about what school they are going to, etc (ad naseum!!!)

We are giving my daughter and her future husband an engagement party and one woman called (whom I don't know) and said she probably wasn't going to be able to come because she has a 14 year old dog who wasn't doing well and she just didn't want to leave him.  She might be a new friend!  I completely understand!  What a wonderful woman! ;)

May everybody be so lucky to have something in their lives to love so much and be loved so much in return!!!
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: Imani's Mom September 07, 2006, 11:55:55 AM
People who say that obviously have never had a connection with their dog, never truly loved or been loved by a dog.  Once you have made that connection, you KNOW what true love is, and could never have a "life" without it.
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: k2campbell September 07, 2006, 12:05:32 PM
Moon, many people (let me re-phrase that) "friends and even family" told Eric and I this when we decided to treat our Rotti's cancer with Chemo.  I think it was because they just couldn't understand us forking out that much money for a dog.  Well, he was our boy (and will always be in our hearts) and people that take the time to say things such as these (unfortunately) don't take the time to understand.  They are (plain and simply)- IGNORANT.

Some have comments for us on Kate, that we're "too protective" or "worry too much".  I just had to learn to realize that unfortunately - those people obviously haven't been given the chance to be loved by a dog like we have with both our Slater and Kate.  And, in the end - I feel sorry for them ;)
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: bigdogs@5501 September 07, 2006, 12:16:44 PM
First of all, pity on those poor people. I read a letter from Marc Gellman, it was a special letter that he wrote on the death of his dog Miles. He summed it up so eloquently. I had read the entire letter after the death of my Pyr, Tank and sat at my desk crying. Everyone at the office pretty much thinks that I am nuts when it comes to the dogs. Heres the quote. If anyone wants the letter in its entirety, let me know. I will start a thread, with just the letter. It is long, but worth the read and I would be happy to post if anyone is interested.

A quote from a letter written to Dr Alen Coren March 2006.

I also understand the bewilderment and impatience of those who have never loved an animal. Many of them openly or privately harbor condescending thoughts about pet lovers who often seem to them so willing to lavish love and attention on animals that they cannot seem to summon up for the souls for other human beings. My message to them is, “Shut up! Get a pet. Then you will understand.
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: moonlitcroatia September 07, 2006, 12:51:50 PM
First of all, pity on those poor people. I read a letter from Marc Gellman, it was a special letter that he wrote on the death of his dog Miles. He summed it up so eloquently. I had read the entire letter after the death of my Pyr, Tank and sat at my desk crying. Everyone at the office pretty much thinks that I am nuts when it comes to the dogs. Heres the quote. If anyone wants the letter in its entirety, let me know. I will start a thread, with just the letter. It is long, but worth the read and I would be happy to post if anyone is interested.

A quote from a letter written to Dr Alen Coren March 2006.

I also understand the bewilderment and impatience of those who have never loved an animal. Many of them openly or privately harbor condescending thoughts about pet lovers who often seem to them so willing to lavish love and attention on animals that they cannot seem to summon up for the souls for other human beings. My message to them is, “Shut up! Get a pet. Then you will understand.

I, for one, will love it if you post the letter in its entirety! Please do!

: Re: You love dogs too much!
: kathryn September 07, 2006, 01:02:09 PM
I have never had this said to my face but have had people imply it and then say it behind my back.  My answer to that has always been to give examples of why my dogs are better than most of the human race.  When you point out that chimps and humans are pretty much the only species that actively murder each other then it kind of shuts people up real fast. 
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: GR8DAME September 07, 2006, 02:53:56 PM
Friends and family have implied it to me as well, and I no longer even try to explain the great joy that my dogs bring to me. The capacity to give and recieve love is not diminished by spreading it around, it only increases,and for some reason people seem to have a hard time understanding that as well. I simply tell them that if I have to explain it they would never understand it.
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: Gypsy Jazmine September 07, 2006, 03:11:16 PM
I have heard that many times...I've even been told by family members that I like my animals more than my own children...som etimes I do.

It is known but not understood that I not attend any event or gathering that takes me away from my animals for too long...My step MIL told me "you are a slave to those animals"...WHENEVER I mention that I am stressed in life IMMEDIATLY it is blamed on my animals...neve rmind that I have bi-polar disorder & 2 children diagnosed with a.d.h.d & a.d.d.,we don't medicate & I have a hubby who is gone 5 days a week & I take care of pretty much literally everything involving home,family & finances & I work part time during the school year...Clearly you can all see I only have the animals to be stressed about. ::)
I love my animals somuch because they keep me grounded & sane. :)
People question & blame what they don't understand...T hough they irritate me I pity them.
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: angelsmama September 07, 2006, 03:20:29 PM
Yeah my mom says I'm weird.. My brother says I'm obsessed with dogs.. My sister and grandmother say I need to get a life outside of @$$ licking dogs  :-\ >:(
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: Nicole September 07, 2006, 03:33:45 PM
hahaha, this is funny how we've all heard these things. My boyfriend is constantly harping mother thinks I'm nuts...everyti me I talk about dogs, they roll their eyes. Sheesh.
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: marinafb September 07, 2006, 03:53:55 PM
I truly believe that if you have never had a connection with dogs you will understand there inner souls. Dogs to me are a part of me they accept without question and give there everything to us. They know when we are happy , sad, angry and even when we are sick! They will never let you down of course unless they have chewed your favorite shoes and even then you still love them! There is no questions dogs are loyal and will stick buy you to the end. My dad use to say stop kissing that dog I never stopped ! Marina
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: MagicM3 September 07, 2006, 04:19:31 PM
OMG if I had a penny for everytime I heard this I'd be richer than Bill Gates.

I grew up in a family of nine kids and two parents,6boys and 3 girls.

I was the animal kid,the weird one,the outcast,etc because of my connection with animals,especially dogs.

My 1st encounter that made an impression on me as an adult was when I started quite by accident,a program at my son's elementary school.

It started as a show n tell in his special ed class and quickly spread to the other sp ed classes and then the whole school.

It was a simple,*how to take care of your pets*
Lucky was the dog I choose for this (a Collie)

shortly after I started doing this,I was in the hall of the school on other school business without Lucky and some students were walking by and one of them called me
*the animal lady*

They were quickly corrected by a teacher,and I have to admitt that I was flattered by this kid,and made it very clear to the teacher and the kids that I would be honored to be called that .
The fact that I had made enough of an impression on the kids in the school that, that was there name for me...WOW

Back to my family,I have had brothers and sisters call me long distance,back when it cost lots of money to do so,to ask me what to do for a sick or injured pet.This even if I hadn't heard from them for years.

I would not be offended if on my toumbstone it read
(the animal lady)

Tricia and the fur kids
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: krismark September 07, 2006, 04:20:14 PM
I get this to a certain extent but it doesn't bother me. I have learned that no matter what your passion is, someone will have something to say about it.

I see this exact discussion on the "sport-touring" motorcycle forum I frenquent. Friends and relatives don't understand their passion for motorcycling and constantly criticize them for it. Especially since many people feel it is dangerous, so therefore they are being selfish by riding a motorcycle and putting themselves in danger, which might "hurt" their family.
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: Gypsy Jazmine September 07, 2006, 04:27:42 PM

I would not be offended if on my toumbstone it read
(the animal lady)

Tricia and the fur kids
It is my desire if I pass before my dh that each & every animal we ever lived with & loved that passed before is listed in my obit as "proceeded in death by" & every fur friend still living is listed as "survived by" along with any human family that is relevent...I know dh will honor this...So, would my children...It is wierd but comforting that at the end it is known that they were a part of my FAMILY. :)
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: moonlitcroatia September 07, 2006, 06:33:33 PM
I have never had this said to my face but have had people imply it and then say it behind my back.  My answer to that has always been to give examples of why my dogs are better than most of the human race.  When you point out that chimps and humans are pretty much the only species that actively murder each other then it kind of shuts people up real fast. 

Don't forget dolphins? They murder each other too, don't they?  :-\
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: moonlitcroatia September 07, 2006, 06:40:51 PM
This is interesting. I was discussing the idea today that people (in general) tend to 'put down' what they don't understand. It goes that way with a lot of things. All of my life I've been told by various individuals that I don't have interests or hobbies, rather I have obsessions. I'm interested in things other find 'boring', things people don't like to talk about. No, they'd rather talk about the drama they've created in their lives or who is doing what and can you believe this person did this? Anyway, I think there is something evil about the way humans (some) have a tendency to try to stomp on joy. There are bad hobbies, like driving wrecklessly, but for those things that are not unhealthy for us, that promote peace and generosity in the universe...wel l, I simply cannot fathom why someone would want to stick their nose in and condemn. Some people may say that is just human nature. I have to stand by the conviction that if it is, in fact, human nature it is quite pitiful considering that we humans consider ourselves so "civilized" and "evolved".

Does it not seem like greed is paramount in human relationships? People often joust about to win favorable positions in life and, in the process, they say things to put others down so they will appear better, mentally superior, and so on...

If everyone could just mind their own business and find their own joy in life, then spread it around with glee...they'd be like us....

: Re: You love dogs too much!
: Gypsy Jazmine September 07, 2006, 07:02:12 PM
This is interesting. I was discussing the idea today that people (in general) tend to 'put down' what they don't understand. It goes that way with a lot of things. All of my life I've been told by various individuals that I don't have interests or hobbies, rather I have obsessions. I'm interested in things other find 'boring', things people don't like to talk about. No, they'd rather talk about the drama they've created in their lives or who is doing what and can you believe this person did this? Anyway, I think there is something evil about the way humans (some) have a tendency to try to stomp on joy. There are bad hobbies, like driving wrecklessly, but for those things that are not unhealthy for us, that promote peace and generosity in the universe...wel l, I simply cannot fathom why someone would want to stick their nose in and condemn. Some people may say that is just human nature. I have to stand by the conviction that if it is, in fact, human nature it is quite pitiful considering that we humans consider ourselves so "civilized" and "evolved".

Does it not seem like greed is paramount in human relationships? People often joust about to win favorable positions in life and, in the process, they say things to put others down so they will appear better, mentally superior, and so on...

If everyone could just mind their own business and find their own joy in life, then spread it around with glee...they'd be like us....

Amen Moonlit...Know peace in what you love my friend. :-*
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: DixieSugarBear September 08, 2006, 01:33:52 AM
OMG I would love to have a t-shirt with this:

 "Those who get it, get it.  Those who don't, never will."   

: Re: You love dogs too much!
: EllieAndBlu September 08, 2006, 02:00:32 AM
It is with great pride I wear the title "Crazy Dog Lady!"  :)
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: navarre1316 September 08, 2006, 05:09:44 AM
OMG I would love to have a t-shirt with this:

 "Those who get it, get it. Those who don't, never will."


I want one of those too!!  With the dog of your choice stenciled in the background, with the words overlayed!!  It's funny, when Navarre died one of the guys at work asked me what was wrong (he hadn't heard) and one of the girls said, "her dog died on Sun" his response was "Navarre?...just the fact that I remembered that dog's name signifies how much you loved him!!"  Needless to say, he is not an animal person, but it was nice that he said that.  But on the other hand I've also been called obsessive, not to bright for spending the money on vet bills that I did, and of course had people(who are suppose to be my friends) tell me I need to spend the time I put into dogs into finding a man!  Well, I have a few different responses for that!  I also think of "those" people as people who have something missing and so are constantly searching and miserable.  Call me the dog lady, animal lady, any of that anyday because I will not be miserable.
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: Moni September 08, 2006, 05:31:48 AM
I've always heard this my whole life, especially when I was younger... Now I have a "waiting list" on my dogs if something happens to me. 

It used to be a big argument between my step-mom and me years ago.  She would always comment on how she couldn't understand me spending money on dogs all the time.  Finally I confronted her on it.  I said,

"Listen, I love dogs, they're a part of my family.  However I don't understand why you like spending hundreds to thousands of dollars on shiny rocks.  Personally, I think spending money on my dogs makes more sense than on pretty rocks, but I don't knock you for it because you like it.  To each their own, ok?"

I'm sure that you can find out what those other peoples' "hobbies" are and just switch it around to ask why that spend so much time with that?  People have different likes and dislikes, if we didn't it'd be a very boring world.  :) 

If they don't like it, too bad.  They're not the ones living our lives, we are.

: Re: You love dogs too much!
: Saint and Mal mom September 08, 2006, 08:14:34 AM
When I told my classmates earlier this year that mom, the dogs, and I were going to Kansas City for the dog n jog, they were like, "You're making a 2 hour trip for your dogs?!" I was like, um, yes. And they drive 5 hours to get to a basketball camp, so to each his own!!!! My parents and the rest of my family think I'm obsessed. So what? I could say the same about them with other things if I wanted to waste my time. But it doesn't bother me at all. I want a shirt that says, "Yes, I'm obsessed. Now move along!" with a picture of my girls by it.
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: moonlitcroatia September 08, 2006, 10:26:50 AM
I need a t-shirt that states the facts (in a paragraph) and perhaps sports a photograph of me as a child holding a chicken or running around with pigs, or playing dress-up with the border collies. The paragraph will simply enlighten all who wonder, telling them that I was, indeed, practically raised by dogs. Unlike the Ukrainian girl recently discovered, I did go home and sleep in a bed (not in the chicken coup) but I spent every day all day talking to them and running around in the mountains with them. They were my pals. Their weren't any children around. So it isn't a surprise that I relate to dogs well.
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: MSF September 08, 2006, 11:08:30 AM
When I get crap from family about my love for animals I look at them totaly shocked and in a shocked voice I say
" Oh my !!!!!!!!! does it bother you that I'm happy????"

Try that line one day, the results are comical. ;D
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: galxe September 08, 2006, 11:51:24 AM
I've been told that I'm obsessed with dogs. Which is pretty bad, considering that hubby and I are currently furchild-less. (Hopefully to change soon)
   For me, animals are a type of salvation.  I'm going back to school to become an ER or Lifeflight nurse. I work as a volunteer with youth that come from awful backgrounds of abuse and neglect. I see awful things and hear awful stories on a regular basis. And I can't let that get to me. If I broke down every time I heard about a fourteen year old girl being sexually assualted by a family friend and her parents doing nothing, I would never be able to function. While I feel the grief of the situation, it doesn't affect me. My ability to get through these situations is a blessing and a curse. I'm blessed because I can use it to make a difference,  but I'm cursed because I end up feeling somehow dehumanized. People say that I must be heartless, that the plight of an abused dog will bring me to tears faster than the plight of a child. But they don't understand that my tears are for the dog and the child both. Helping animals in need is, for me, an outlet for the despair I work with on a regular basis. I can be free to feel the depth of emotions that I normally have to stifle. I can cry and be mushy and lose my ability to handle  the situation. I love animals because they remind me that I'm human.  And helping them lets me feel amotions that normally have to be hidden for the sake of getting through the day.
  So for all those who have told me that I love animals more than I love people, just know that if I weren't able to love animals emotionally, I'd never be able to love practically. Besides, dogs make the bets listeners, the best cuddlers, and their goofy demeanors nver cease to remind me that the world is still a good place. (As long as there are lots of biscuits and balls to chase!)
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: K9ldy00 September 08, 2006, 01:26:34 PM
You cannot love dogs too much. They love you unconditionall y. They are not judgemental. All they ask for is your love. Dogs are more mentally tuned into you than any human just give them the chance.I wish everyone could get the connection.  I have lived with dogs ever since birth, my Mom is a big animal lover. I can't imagine life with out dogs.
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: angelsmama September 08, 2006, 02:05:43 PM
i get it bad from my family sayin how i need to get a life and no guy would ever want me cause i love animals soooo much and always walking angel with me.. well guess what my dear family.. my soon to be hubby loves animals as much as i do :) oh yea my mom also thinks im weird cause i baby talk my snake :-\ well hes my pet just as much as my dogs..  :P
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: rickysmom1 September 08, 2006, 02:44:35 PM
I've been told that I'm obsessed with dogs. Which is pretty bad, considering that hubby and I are currently furchild-less. (Hopefully to change soon)
   For me, animals are a type of salvation.  I'm going back to school to become an ER or Lifeflight nurse. I work as a volunteer with youth that come from awful backgrounds of abuse and neglect. I see awful things and hear awful stories on a regular basis. And I can't let that get to me. If I broke down every time I heard about a fourteen year old girl being sexually assualted by a family friend and her parents doing nothing, I would never be able to function. While I feel the grief of the situation, it doesn't affect me. My ability to get through these situations is a blessing and a curse. I'm blessed because I can use it to make a difference,  but I'm cursed because I end up feeling somehow dehumanized. People say that I must be heartless, that the plight of an abused dog will bring me to tears faster than the plight of a child. But they don't understand that my tears are for the dog and the child both. Helping animals in need is, for me, an outlet for the despair I work with on a regular basis. I can be free to feel the depth of emotions that I normally have to stifle. I can cry and be mushy and lose my ability to handle  the situation. I love animals because they remind me that I'm human.  And helping them lets me feel amotions that normally have to be hidden for the sake of getting through the day.
  So for all those who have told me that I love animals more than I love people, just know that if I weren't able to love animals emotionally, I'd never be able to love practically. Besides, dogs make the bets listeners, the best cuddlers, and their goofy demeanors nver cease to remind me that the world is still a good place. (As long as there are lots of biscuits and balls to chase!)

I totally understand how you feel Galxe. What most people tend to forget that there are tons of organizations that help humans in need, but very few to help animals in need. There isn't a 1-800 number to call when an animal is being abused. There is no 911 when an animal is hurt and needs medical assistance immediately. Basically what I'm saying is this, if there weren't people like you, me and the rest of BPO the animals of this world (dog, cat or other) would be alot worse off than they are right now. So, if anyone can't or won't understand how you feel about your dogs, well they can p$%^ off.  >:( ;D

: Re: You love dogs too much!
: moonlitcroatia September 08, 2006, 06:34:51 PM
I've been told that I'm obsessed with dogs. Which is pretty bad, considering that hubby and I are currently furchild-less. (Hopefully to change soon)
   For me, animals are a type of salvation.  I'm going back to school to become an ER or Lifeflight nurse. I work as a volunteer with youth that come from awful backgrounds of abuse and neglect. I see awful things and hear awful stories on a regular basis. And I can't let that get to me. If I broke down every time I heard about a fourteen year old girl being sexually assualted by a family friend and her parents doing nothing, I would never be able to function. While I feel the grief of the situation, it doesn't affect me. My ability to get through these situations is a blessing and a curse. I'm blessed because I can use it to make a difference,  but I'm cursed because I end up feeling somehow dehumanized. People say that I must be heartless, that the plight of an abused dog will bring me to tears faster than the plight of a child. But they don't understand that my tears are for the dog and the child both. Helping animals in need is, for me, an outlet for the despair I work with on a regular basis. I can be free to feel the depth of emotions that I normally have to stifle. I can cry and be mushy and lose my ability to handle  the situation. I love animals because they remind me that I'm human.  And helping them lets me feel amotions that normally have to be hidden for the sake of getting through the day.
  So for all those who have told me that I love animals more than I love people, just know that if I weren't able to love animals emotionally, I'd never be able to love practically. Besides, dogs make the bets listeners, the best cuddlers, and their goofy demeanors nver cease to remind me that the world is still a good place. (As long as there are lots of biscuits and balls to chase!)

And most dogs, by the way, would not stand by and do nothing while one of their beloved humans is threatened. They have no qualms about stepping forward and between a potentially threatening individual. People, on the other hand, are sometimes afraid and weak, too weak to stand up for loved ones. They appease and enable. Dogs do their thing and it is often the right thing at the right moment and that is why they bring us such joy.
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: moonlitcroatia September 08, 2006, 06:38:15 PM
Here's one: Even serial killers are able to form bonds with dogs. ( :P
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: FumbsAuntie September 09, 2006, 12:13:10 AM
My sister and I hear that all the time.. sometimes when we talk about the dog i feel like my friends look at me and think what is wrong with these people!? And you know what i feel, i love fumble so much and i still dont feel like it is enough. Some people are just not lucky enough to share an amazing bond with an animal and just think you and i are the lucky ones ;)
: Re: You love dogs too much!
: Fumble September 09, 2006, 01:11:13 AM
OMG I would love to have a t-shirt with this:

 "Those who get it, get it.  Those who don't, never will."   


omg! craft ideA!! i have a new PINK Victorias secret shirt that says "I love my dog" on the front, and the back says "but yours is kinda cute too".. i could always do the same thing on a new one on the front and then your quote on the back!! i'm gonna do it!!  :)