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Topics - Catzsz

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You know, this is probably one of the few places I've actaully found with the information I may have been looking for?

Ok, I'll get to the point. My dog Diz is a mutt. Mum's a cross with a Shai Pai, Water Dog and  pyr. Dads a yellow Lab.
She came from a litter of nine pups, she was one of the three very noticably (please scuse thebad spelling, I'm illiterate!)
larger pups and more than likely, to look at a throw back to a Pyr.
I have no other Pyr owners to ask about typical traits that she may have got from this side of her breeding.
She's white/cream colour all over, black eyes, nose and her coat is wooly but gorgous to touch?.
Although most people ask if she's a retreiver, theirs been 3 who have outright said she's a Pyr.
At socialisation class she stands a full head above the two Labs and one is two weeks older, although I dont expect her to be the size of Pyr given she is a mutt I'm expecting her to be bigger than a Lab, poss retreiver sized.

Anyway, getting to the questions if I can stop waffling.
When out with the family (lesser half, 11 month old and a 4 yr old kids) if my four yr old drops back, Diz will (even tho I swear she doesnt appear to pay that much attention!) and even before I've even noticed Diz will go behind my 4 yr old til she's caught up. Then go straight to the front of the group. She's do this consistantly on every family walk.
When on the lead she will stop dead and not move until everyone's together again?
Is this a Pyr trait? I've had Collies, and GSD's who are herders (running round frantically, and nipping heels til trained not to) but this so calm, no nipping, nothing. Just a make sure the lil un's caught up before returning to the lead again?
I dont know how Pyr's herd?

Another is that although she has some def Lab traits, she's really laid back. We go to her Socialisation class and she'll lie down legs spread out behind her (lab) and watch the proceedings. She spooks easily, is more relaxed with the smaller dogs (and more timid) but will freak at the larger bouncy labs. She needs time to sniff and investigate before  she will play, and even then it's when SHE initiates it, otherwise she will leg it.
This could just be her personality? We're in the process of socialising her knickers off!
One of the smaller puppies got a bit to boisterous, so she pinned it, then walked away calmly, the trainer said she's very gentle.

Another is that she will dig a groove in the garden and lie in it to cool down I guess?
Looks for the highest spot and climbs up to watch whats about?
She's clicker trained, took a while since she wasnt very food orientated and will NOT work for anything less that the good proper tasty stuff.
Once she GOT the hang of the training she sits, down, heel. I'm working on moving this to higher distraction area's and her recall since I know Shai Pai are sods for not coming back, I've read that Pyrs can be bugger's for it?
She learnt "speak" within5 mins (only cos she really liked this one!)and "quiet" in 10. This wa since she will bark a lot and with our Gsd who had the same problem, we had to teach him to speak, in order to get him to be quiet!
Touch wood thats got the barking under control.
One site said Pyr's bark a lot, another said they didnt?
My brother thought she was a custard short of a puuding since at times it can take a while to learn somthing new (this was while I was waiting for her to get the hand of the clicker and behaviour shaping), I think now that it depends on what she feels is worth her time?

I think thats it for now. There will probably be more later but I will be so grateful if you knowlageable and lubbly Pyr people could help me out?
I'll make yez a cuppa nd a biscuit?

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