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Great Dane Discussions / My Sanity is coming back!
« on: January 30, 2006, 04:05:04 pm »
Yeah, I'm corny, SHUT UP!

As long as Matt's mom is OK with him being here a week or two before I move into my place.  I need to get him fixed before I move in (Mostly because he had the appt before all the craziness that happened, and I'd like to get that done before the stress of moving). 

I saw a vet half a mile from the turn off road to my new house and stopped in and bombarded them in typical Ang style, asking if they had any of their vets had Giant Breed experience.  The lady said that all of them did (Uh Oh), but then I told her I had a Great Dane, and she said I was smart to ask because they have their own special needs.  (Of course I'm smart, HELLOOOOOOOO!)  I then asked her their opinions on Vaccinosis and Titers, on Protien levels and Raw feeding.  I asked about their neutering procedures and bloodwork options, do they have 24 hour surveillance, is bloodwork standard protocol, is the laser surgery an option?  No they don't have a laser, they do the surgeries in the morning so if there is a reaction it shows itself before anyone leaves at night, they usually don't do bloodwork on healthy young dogs but I can ask for it, the Neuter is only going to be $204 (As opposed to the $360 or 380 I was going to pay before), and the bloodwork is $80.  They can pull it when I take him in for a $30 check up, and then do the surgery for a week later when the results are in.

I miss my baby so much!  I heard him yawn in the background today and it took every thing I had not to break down into tears.  Tenchi, I'm sorry I'm taking your buddy away, but I need him more than you do!

I'm supposed to go sign my paperwork today and give a deposit.  Well the money that I DO have in my savings account is being held because it's for over $200.  I was told it would clear today, stupid me thinking that means I can have it today.  HAHAHAHA NO! it means I can have it tomorrow!  But I need it NOW!  I have to pay my first month's rent with this money!  D@MN D@MN D@MN D@MN D@MN D@MN D@MN D@MN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I went to see my Mom yesterday.  That's always hard because all she wants to do is talk about Fram, which is fine, because that's how she deals with it, only problem is it's the exact antithesis of how I deal with it.  :P  Then she asked how the apartment thing was going and I told her and she was mad that #1 I was getting a roomate, and #2 that I found them online.  I tried to reassure her but she was still pretty mad at me.  Then she said "Do they know about Sanity?"  I said "No mom, I was gonna see if I could sneak him in."  She just looked at me.  "YES MOM THEY KNOW ABOUT SANITY!" 

She put her hand on my knee and said "Just so you know, if this doesn't work out, I found someone who'll take him."  "WHAT!?!?!?!"  My jaw dropped and I swear, if vulgarity had a way of passing through telepathy, I would've made Dennis Leary blush.  "Just if this doesn't work out........."  "Mom why did that even come up?  Why were you even discussing this with people?"  "Well someone asked if you were still living with your grandparents and I explained the situation, and they said that they would LOVE to have him, and they already have a Dane." 

Right then I figured it was someone I wasn't on an intimate level with, as if I knew someone that my mother knew with a Dane I would def know about it.  I asked who it was and she told me it was a friend of Mr Joki's.  Mr Joki is the father of one of Samara's little friends.  "So let me get this straight mom.......  You want me to give my dog up, not only to someone I'VE never met, but someone that YOU'VE never met?"  "Angela, it's not a big deal."  "No mom, to you I suppose it isn't."  ARGHHHHHH  It's so frustrating that they don't think it's a big deal for me to give up my baby!  Do they realize how much has gone on in order for me to keep him?  That I need him in my life?  Do they even care?

Oh and to top it all off I set Matt's alarm but forgot to turn the alarm on so he's pissy at me today too.  And it's raining.  Ugh


Games & Jokes / Help my God puppy!
« on: January 24, 2006, 11:20:29 pm »
My God puppy (And Nee, Bibs, and Bose's God Mother's puppy) named Wyatt is in a Photo wow Contest.  She sent me this, and I would appreciate it if you guys could help out! :)

Hi Everyone!

The Grooming Gallery's mascot, a 2 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Wyatt
Earp, has a favor to ask you!  He is entered in a photo contest...the prize
is a really neat art print of his cute mug for his adoring owner to hang in
her grooming shop. His sisters won last year, and he's feeling a little left
out as there are no artprints of him hanging in the shop for people to
enjoy. He really wants to win, he's always being overshadowed by his much
larger (and not as cute, he thinks) Great Dane sisters.  So he really would
love some of his own time in the spotlight...

Will you help him win?  Please go to

and enter ID number *34780 *which will bring you to Wyatt's entry.  He's a
little embarassed that mom chose to use his first bath photo, but he still
thinks he deserves a 10 ;)

Anything Non-Dog Related / Just got back from the hair show.
« on: January 21, 2006, 08:54:45 pm »
OMG today was just full of craziness.  I will write it in it's entirety later on, but as for right now I just wanna get the pics up.  The first few are of my hair this morning, when it was still curly.  Then my hair straight.  Then my hair at the show (The girls were saying horribly dirty things to me, and I'm trying really hard not to laugh, hence the constipated look on my face) and the last pics are of Emily the girl I work with who's absolutely ADORABLE!

One of the guys at Matt's work told him he wants to get a Mastiff.  He's had Danes for years and his brother got a Mastiff and he LOVES it.  Well Matt, being the marvelous man he is, told him that I could find him one.  Guy wants a rescue.  Matt says NO PROBLEM.  Grrrrr.  So here I am looking for a Mastiff puppy.  No color or sex preferences, although I'd REALLY like one of the cold blooded Mastiffs, ie: an OEM.  I have my eye on a litter of Dane Mastiff mixes but I don't know how that's going to turn out.  I know that alot of you guys down south and in the west have big dog puppies that get turned into shelters and stuff, so let me know if you come across anything.  Thanks!


Anything Non-Dog Related / New Apartment update
« on: January 19, 2006, 04:00:54 pm »
OK.  One word.  AWESOME!  I was all nervous and rang the doorbell and the first thing I heard is a big deep doggy woof.  I couldn't have been happier!  It was kind of slow at first talking, you could tell we were both nervous but then we started talking back and forth and it's almost kind of scary.  She's a DJ for a morning show on the radio, and she works with the guy who was my teacher in 3rd grade!  Her son gets his hair cut at my salon, and her horse was born at the stable I first took lessons at, right when I was going there!  She swears (Yay, i won't feel bad), likes the same kind of clothes I do, and is totally awesome and laid back, and we got along so well!  She has two doggies, one who's named Buffalo because they found him on the side of the highway in Buffalo New York, and he looks like a white Hobo with Hobo colored spots.  Then she has a old fat dog named Skippy.  He's cute too. 

Oh and as for the house, it doesn't have a fenced in yard but the yard is HUGE and right across the street is a 35 acre conservation preserve with all kinds of trails, our doggy training center/dog park is a mile and a half down the road, and it's really close to my work.  The bedroom I would be getting is rather big with a HUGE closet, and the study/office/whatever is pretty sizable too.  The whole house has hardwood floors, and is nice and bright and airy.  She has central air, and a whole house water purifier, so I'll save TONS on bottled water.  The kitchen is really nice, with up to date appliances, and I just love EVERYTHING.  She wants $500 a month and then an extra $20-$25 a month for internet which is fine.  I need to give her references, so if anyone wants to help with that ;) 

Anyways I'm SOOOOOOO excited and I can't wait.  :D

Games & Jokes / Pleasant surprises
« on: January 17, 2006, 04:58:38 pm »
You ever get something that seems small and insignificant, but for some reason it just brightened your whole day?  Well, thats what this thread is about.  Post your pleasant surprises here. 

I meant to start this Monday but I forgot.  This is what happened on Monday.

I was all ready for work, got up early and left early so I'd have time to go to the bank.  Well of course the bank was closed (Martin Luther King Day), so I had loads of time to kill.  I decided to get a croissant at Dunkin Donuts.  I figured, with it being so late, they would be stale, but whatever.  Well I got it, and it was WARM!  It was SOOOOO nummy, it just made my day!

Anything Non-Dog Related / YAY FOR ANG!
« on: January 16, 2006, 05:57:38 pm »
OK hoping that the room mate thing pans out.......... it's been a pretty good day for me!  Even though I'm not in my ideal job right now, it's a fun job with awesome people and I really enjoy it.  An added perk is I GET TO BE A MODEL!  Yup on Sunday it's my first hair show!  It's for a bridal expo and they're going to do all these updos and stuff on my little old head.  YAY, I feel so special!  They said there are going to be head scouts (Which just made me laugh hysterically.  We're making fun of one of the receptionists that is going to be a model and goes places simply because she hears that modeling scouts frequent them) and I might be able to go to shows around the country if they like my head enough :P

Just thought I'd share with my BPO family.

Setter Discussions & Pictures / Araby in Muttlucks.
« on: January 14, 2006, 07:01:45 pm »
Matt and I were cleaning the kitchen.  Then we got bored and decided to put Araby's booties on.  Hilarity thus ensues.

PS, the file is GINORMOUS so just hit pause until it's done buffering (ie: till the gray line is to the end)

And apparently the youtube link is giving people heart burn, in which case, use this one

Anything Non-Dog Related / Apartment Update
« on: January 14, 2006, 01:05:31 pm »
First off I want to Thank ALLLLLLL of you who have been helping me out!  You're all awesome and you make me cry (Special happy tears) every day!

I JUST discovered NH's Craig's list.  Oops.  I posted an ad on there and I was wondering if anyone could tell me anything I could to do make it better.

I left out the part about him being a service dog because in the situation of room mates I dont' want them thinking the preconcieved notion that I'm going to dampen their active social lives.  (ie:  Not be cool enough for them)  It's sad but it's the way they think.  Anyways, let me know.

Games & Jokes / This reminded me.......
« on: January 14, 2006, 11:59:10 am »
OK, this game is pretty simple.  In your internet wanderings, if you come across something that makes you think of someone on BPO, post it.  There's no order, you don't have to wait to be thought of to post something.  TOTAL CHAOS!!!!!!!! MUWAHAHAHAHAHA ;D 

I had seen something and thought of someone but I forgot who and what it was (KIDS THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T DO DRUGS!  Or booze.  In my case the booze......)  Anyways, someone else start.  :P

Anything Non-Dog Related / My hair is chopped off!
« on: January 12, 2006, 07:33:34 pm »
Well define Chop I guess.  As alot of you know I started work at a VERY high class salon.  As such I have to wear loads of make up and have my hair done boooooteeeeful every day.  Well I haven't had a gair cut in like 8 months and had about 2 inches of split ends, plus my hair ends get bleached in the summer because I have it up all the time.  Well this just won't DO at a high end salon, so today I went in and they chopped it all off.  I'm getting the color done next week.  They gave me bangs, which I haven't had since I was ummmmm seven!  But they look cute anyways.  (And yes I got wicked fat because I've been depressed and haven't had Nee to chase around._

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Poor Hobo......
« on: January 09, 2006, 01:01:43 am »
Hobo has always had issues with hard cookies.  If you give him a Milkbone he'll carry it and drop it for hours.  He's not very bright.  I love him anyways though...

Great Dane Discussions / Nee and I need your help (New Update!)
« on: January 05, 2006, 11:32:50 am »
As most of you know my Fram passed away suddenly last week.  Sanity and I had been staying with them to help out.  Well Sanity has been staying with Moni, and I was going to pick him up this week.  I get a call from  my grandfather to call him so I do.  He informs me that Sanity isn't welcome in his house anymore.  That he causes too much stress and that's what killed my grandmother.  That he wasn't going to deal with it, that he wasn't going to baby sit him.  I'm obviously in shock and trying not to cry and he says "I know you love him but someone else will love him just as much."  He then informs me he wants Sanity gone before he leaves for Florida at the end of the month.

For those who don't know, Nee is my baby boy, the light of my world, my best friend, and the only thing of value I have in the entire world.  Just pawning him off on someone else isn't something feasible.  Matt's mom can only take him in small doses.  She constantly says "He's a good dog, he's just TOO BIG!"  Which as we all know is BS as big dogs take up less room than the smaller hyper dogs, but we aren't going to get into that. 

I just got a job and I don't have the money to get my own place right now, but TRUST me I'll be working on it.   Matt has been working on his mom to no avail, my mother said "Well it's probably for the best because he's so expensive anyways" and I'm SOOOO pissed off because no one understands, he's my baby.  They think when i say I love him I mean like I love a pair of jeans that makes my butt look good.  They can't contemplate how important he is to me.

I had spoken to some people about this yesterday, and they suggested that I keep him with moni until my grandfather leaves for FL, then bring him back, which'll give me a few months to figure something out.  However, today I get a call on my cell phone from a total stranger.  Apparently my grandfather is offering Sanity for free to people on the street.  Matt says that he's in the "Bitter Phase" of mourning. 

One of the suggestions that I got was if we all wrote to him to tell him how much Nee means to me.  That would only serve to get him REALLY REALLY mad!  My Fram would never stand for this if she was alive.  For all the problems she had with Nee she knew how much I loved him. 

So I'm just asking for suggestions from the only people who understand me and my goofy canid soulmate.  (I'm NOT moving to Florida Holly!)

Games & Jokes / Ever wanna know how the other half does it?
« on: January 03, 2006, 01:44:19 pm »
Adults only (No no naked pictues or bad words or noises or anything)

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