Author Topic: I cant even walk my dogs on my street  (Read 3927 times)


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I cant even walk my dogs on my street
« on: January 10, 2006, 06:50:22 pm »
 >:( I took Grey for walk, then I was going to take Zeus afterwards, I cant handle them both at the same time. I took my girls with me and we get half way down my street when we came accross a dog running the street. I would say a stray but the "owner" lives on my street. I dare not to get close cause my giant dog is afraid of other dogs. So I stopped my kids and turned around, all the time this stupid dog kept barking and running at us. And the whole time Grey was being very well behaved  :). So our walk got cut short cause people cant keep their dogs picked up. Myranda, my oldest, was telling me the owners always let that dog and another one always run around the neighborhood. Apparently the other dog snaps at the kids riding their backs and the kids tell the owner but they still wont pick her up >:(. Anyways I get home pick up Grey and got Zeus out, who loves to go on walks. This time I decided to take him on a walk in the opposite direction, thinking we shouldnt come accross no dogs over there. Oh I was wrong  :-\. Unlike Grey, Zeus loves other dogs and thinks ever dog is his friend. So here is my Rottweiler barking like a sissy cause he just wants to play and these 2 dogs barking at him, but not friendly. So i hurry and turn around once again but again the dogs follow us and Zeus still trying to play with them. But when the dogs closer and growling and barking at us, Zeus realized they werent his friends and started growling and a warn bark at them. Zeus did one bark and those dogs turned around and ran away. So another walk was cut short cause people on my street are idiots and cant keep their dogs were they belong. So cause of those idiots I cant walk my dogs on my own street. Thanks for letting me vent.

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Re: I cant even walk my dogs on my street
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2006, 06:54:23 pm »
Aww that's to bad, but way to go Zeus for showing them who boss!
Nina and Tim
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Re: I cant even walk my dogs on my street
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2006, 07:02:53 pm »
Grrr stupid people, I carry sticks on my walks.I know some people carry mace. You could try carrying mace or sticks  on your walks.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2006, 07:03:27 pm by dober_gurl »
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Re: I cant even walk my dogs on my street
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2006, 07:03:08 pm »
grrr... I hate it when people intentionally let their dogs run loose. There are 2 families in my neighborhood that constantly do this and they both have tiny dogs. I can't tell you how many times I've almost run over them because they are running loose IN the street AT NIGHT. I'm in the habit of picking them up now and bringing them in the house with me so they have to come looking for the dogs just so I can tell them DON'T let your dogs run loose and next time you might not get them back unless you go pick them up from the animal shelter.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain


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Re: I cant even walk my dogs on my street
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2006, 07:26:51 pm »
I used to carry a squirt bottle set on stream half vinegar and half water.
It works really well for the loose dogs that run up to you to mess with your dogs.Of course if  a dog is seriously aggressive, and out to kill, there is no deterrent.

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Re: I cant even walk my dogs on my street
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2006, 07:44:56 pm »
Call animal control right now and make a formal complaint.  Never mind Grey and Zeus--these dogs are snapping at KIDS. 

It's one thing for a dog to be loose in the neighborhood if it's friendly and sociable, stays out of the street and minds pretty much everyone.  Heck, my Nicki was a neighborhood dog who wandered all day long, waiting for us to get out of school!  It's still not uncommon at all around there for dogs to be wanderers.  There's one particular retriever mix that lives by Gran who gets out almost every day, and goes around visiting and shaking hands with everyone she meets and begging for tummy rubs.  I think her name's Mud--she's a sweetie.  Everyone knows she's supposed to be in her yard, but if she were, they wouldn't get to play with her and love on her, yada, be honest, if I lived at Gran's, I wouldn't complain about her either.  A lot of people are like me--glad to share someone else's sweet puppy!

But you have to draw a hard, hard line when dogs are snapping at people, especially kids who are just playing on their bikes.  This is how those horrible killer dog stories get started, and all that stupid BSL.  Don't worry about neighborhood politics--just think of how you'd feel if instead of telling you the dogs were snapping, Myranda came home and told you someone had gotten badly bitten--or worse, come home bleeding herself!

You'll probably have to keep calling repeatedly for a while before anything definitive happens, but you can't just let snapping dogs run. 

Sheryl, Dogless and sad


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Re: I cant even walk my dogs on my street
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2006, 08:24:16 pm »
I called and will keep calling cause Animal control down here really sucks. Youll be lucky if you ever talk to a real person.

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Re: I cant even walk my dogs on my street
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2006, 08:34:20 pm »
Well...start keeping a log.  Use your calendaring program, and just start noting every time you call, every time you leave a message, etc. 

Also find an email address, even if it's like, the SHERRIF'S department, or the mayor's office!  Start documenting with government officials--like once a week or so--that these dogs are a hazard and a danger, and need to be dealt with. 

Like that guy in the Shawshank Redemption:  A letter a week....

Sheryl, Dogless and sad

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Re: I cant even walk my dogs on my street
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2006, 08:39:40 pm »
I am so with you on this one... we live in a rural neighborhood with lots of dogs running loose.  I dont think there is a leash law for the county, and we're not really in the city limits.. so what can you do?

Most of the dogs are ok, they just want to hang out with our dogs and just go along for the walk.  THere are a couple of ladies that walk and keep biscuits in their pocket to give to the dogs while they are walking.  Most of the dogs are like the people that live here, laid back and nice.  There is this one butthead who drive way too fast in a loud truck who has 3 mini-pins and a schnauzer, they will chase us if we ride our bikes, or come after our dogs when we walk them.. we try and avoid that area now, but if we can't we just ignore them or stop let them come at us.  They will usually run off if we stop and then advance toward them.. little punks.  It's funny how dogs are like their owners a lot of times  ;D

Oh, and I've started carrying a walking stick.. Hope I don't ever have to use it, but any other dog tries to hurt my dog,  I will punt them :) Course I guess bava could probably handle a mini-pin if he had to, but I don't want him to learn any agressions toward any dogs ever.. he love every dog he meets.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2006, 08:45:06 pm by brandon »
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Re: I cant even walk my dogs on my street
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2006, 10:20:06 am »
Blair I feel your pain... I'm having the same problem and animal control hasen't been much help here either. They did speak to the owners and they kept their dogs tied up.. but not for long. It didn't help that they also knew it was me since I'm the only person that actually walks their dog here. The other dog owners just let their dogs loose for exercise.  ::)

I eventually had to stop taking Bubba for walks down the road as he was starting to get 'hairy' when other dogs approached and I was worried it was going to escalate into a full blown fight. These dogs never approached on friendly terms. And Bubba was bit once on the ear. So instead I started walking him back through the field behind my property, but he still seems tense. When it's muddy I can't walk through there though. I tried once thinking it wasn't that bad and got stuck.. my boots are still out there. lol

But because of all of this Bubba leash skills are slacking.. and he weights more than I do now. So it's getting harder for me to control him. In the house I can get him to heel, but he's getting worse when there is outside distractions. It's almost like Bubba's constantly on the lookout for another dog even if I remain calm, cool and collected. All thanks to my oh so considerate neighbours.  >:(

I'm going to put Bubba back in obedience class. I'm hoping with other dogs being there I can work on getting him to relax and give him a refresher with walking on lead.

Offline Winslow 151

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Re: I cant even walk my dogs on my street
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2006, 10:58:13 am »

We had a sweet golden named Shadow on our street. The owners moved and took Shadow with them to patrol another neighborhood I guess.  Well he was not aggressive at all but liked to soil the neighbors yards. We have just moved into the neighborhood and I caught Shadow doing his business in MY YARD.

My plan at the next occurance (I knew we'd meet again because Shadow and Winslow were chummy) Was to deposit Shodow's business in a ziplock bag and Zip tie it to his collar, with a note saying
"The neighbors do not like me using their yards as a toilet" so the owner would get the message. Because telling him in person had no effect.

Well they moved before I could "unleash" my plan. BUMMER

« Last Edit: January 11, 2006, 11:00:42 am by Winslow 151 »
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Re: I cant even walk my dogs on my street
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2006, 11:31:56 am »
Our neighbors dog, Angel, comes into our yard constantly and none of my dogs have liked her including the two we had previously to the two we have now.  So whenever she's here we can't even take our dogs outside.  She's a nice dog and gets fed by all the neighbors even though she's obese but I've always been afraid she'll get hit because she's always out in the road.  Their excuse is that when they tie her out she slips her collar.....con cept finish fencing in you yard and you won't have that problem.  At least she leaves our horses alone unlike the german sheperd they had before who bit Gabby when she was a foal.  Gabby now hates dogs when out in the field and will try to stomp them into the ground if they get near her.  Luckily she will move away from Lacey and likes Kali and the Saints that come to play.
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Re: I cant even walk my dogs on my street
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2006, 02:53:35 pm »
My plan at the next occurance (I knew we'd meet again because Shadow and Winslow were chummy) Was to deposit Shodow's business in a ziplock bag and Zip tie it to his collar, with a note saying

"The neighbors do not like me using their yards as a toilet" so the owner would get the message. Because telling him in person had no effect.

That is an utterly BRILLIANT plan.  I'm putting it in my file of brilliant plans. 

Sheryl, Dogless and sad

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Re: I cant even walk my dogs on my street
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2006, 05:14:47 pm »
Hi NoDogNow,

Thanks I thought it was great and so did the neighbors too bad it has to wait ;-(  Seriously though, Leash laws and poop scoop laws are very necessary for Human and Pet health and well being.

I really dis-like those owners that can't be bothered to control either end of their dogs!!
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Re: I cant even walk my dogs on my street
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2006, 06:41:22 pm »
We have the same problem with loose dogs in the neighborhood.  Bo HATES IT when the dogs come into the unfenced portion of the yard, so she barks to get them away.  Well, all that does is aggravate the neighbors, and the other dogs know that she can't get at them, so they just amble by like it's no big deal.  It's frustrating because this one dog (Bear) that makes Bo go NUTS sits about 10 feet from the fence & stares at her (like a dope) while she's going crazy barking at him.  It's troubling that people let their dogs run around unattended all day.  I would NEVER let Bo & Floyd out of our fenced yard if they weren't supervised or on a leash.  Oh well, I guess not every dog owner has that much presence of mind.
Bo & Floyd
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