Author Topic: My dog "brother" is a poo machine!  (Read 4873 times)

Offline kealoha812

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My dog "brother" is a poo machine!
« on: July 20, 2008, 11:38:24 am »
Okay... so my dad and I adopted 2 litter mates a year ago. They have lots of playdates and they have sleepovers all the time. The problem is that my brother (my dads dog - corny, I know!) WILL NOT poo in my yard. No matter how long I stand out there with him. So, of course when I leave the house for even a minute, he deposits his presents on my rug! He is completely housetrained at my dads house but will not go in my yard so he holds it as long as he can until he lets loose in the house. How do I convince him my grass will not reach up and goose him?!?!? I find myself in the yard doing the "its okay - go poo" talk to no avail! Help?! I dont want to crate him here, as he isnt ever crated anymore at home and that defeats the purpose of the playdate!  Another interesting note is that my dog wont poo in the grass at my dads house! he will only go on the deck! (hey, atleast its not the yard!) ;) Think they have some sensory issues and will only poo in the type of grass they are used too? Alright... im grasping for straws. Dog whisperers.... thoughts?
"A righteous man regardeth the life of his animals" Proverbs 12:10
Meli - Golden retriever
Timber - newfie/border collie X
2 skin kids - ages 5 & 8
2 cats - Maui and Maea (who own us all)


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Re: My dog "brother" is a poo machine!
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2008, 11:46:21 am »
It's probably more of a territorial type of thing. "Oh, this is your yard. I'll respect it. Hope you don't mind if I use the guest bathroom, (ie your house)"

This might sound kind of gross, but maybe next play date some of his poo could be brought over as well and placed in a designated place in your yard, away from where your guy pottys.

The smell of his own may let him know it's okay to use the outdoor facilities. ;)

Offline Scootergirl

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Re: My dog "brother" is a poo machine!
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2008, 02:51:54 pm »
I think it would be a better idea to take the fresh poo from your house and carry it outside to your yard with your dad's dog and show him where his poo is supposed to go.  You may also want to give him a treat after he sniffs his own poo so he can relate something good to his poo being outside.

Then, next time it's time for him to "go" - take him to that spot and let him smell his poo again so he gets the idea. And, by all means - even if you have to be out there all night - don't let him back in until he eliminates. Then, give him goodies again.

I know it's frustrating and time consuming but it's better than poo in the house.

Also, make sure you are cleaning the spots in your house where he has pooed  before really well - with bleach if it's hard floors and with some kind of enzyme solution if it's carpet - so he's not resmelling his old deposits there.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain

Offline kealoha812

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Re: My dog "brother" is a poo machine!
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2008, 08:55:33 pm »
This is why I love you guys!  :-*   I hadnt even thought about the territorial idea... I guess I assumed since they are littermates and have been in both houses so much that they felt like home in both - but you're right, it makes complete sense. I'll try the "placement O' Poo" in the yard next time and make sure all poo but his is picked up. Then I'll take a cooler and a good book out with me and wait it out! :)  I like the walk idea, and I think he would go if around the block, but I don't want to get him used to that either. Lord knows I cant walk him at midnight each time he stays the night and has to go. Not that I wouldn't, I'm the type that goes out in the rainstorm with the umbrella so the precious babies don't have to get wet, but as a single mom I cant wake up the kids and drag them out in the PJ's with the dog... so we'll see how the poo and campout approach works first! Thanks!
"A righteous man regardeth the life of his animals" Proverbs 12:10
Meli - Golden retriever
Timber - newfie/border collie X
2 skin kids - ages 5 & 8
2 cats - Maui and Maea (who own us all)