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Topics - Thelma

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Medical Conditions & Diseases / me again...with another question
« on: March 26, 2008, 09:08:28 am »
My saint has been itching alot lately and chewing at
himself...He actually has chewed so much on his rear
that there is a scab.
We've checked all three dogs for fleas but there are none.
could this just be dry skin? We've tried gold bond
powder...itch spray..peroxid e...bathing him with flea
shampoo....not hing has worked...we have thought about food
allergy  so we went back to the food we fed him when he was a pup that he did so well on..(Royal Canin)
Should we take him to the vet or is there anything else
we can try? thanks again....

Food Discussion & Information / quick question concerning food
« on: March 26, 2008, 08:43:17 am »
hi...there are times that the dogs won't eat their dog food just plain   of course we add things to it question is they love parm. cheese sprinkled on it...
is that ok for them?tia

Saint Bernard Pictures / just some random pictures (pic heavy)
« on: March 25, 2008, 01:35:57 pm »
just looking through some pics

Saint Bernard Pictures / haven't been here in awhile.....
« on: March 01, 2008, 10:26:20 pm »
Just wanted to say Hi to all and post an update...Last
I was here we had just rescued our 3rd Saint. He is doing
great...he had a bad ear infection when we got him but
after we got that cleared up he is a much happier dog.
He gets along with the other 2 great! anyway here are some
pics of the three of them....

Medical Conditions & Diseases / eye discharge
« on: November 05, 2007, 03:40:01 pm »
Toby has an eye discharge.   It is coming out the corner of his eye and you can see it around the bottom of his eyelid.

I wipe it but then it comes back.could this be some kind of infection? Is there any way I can help him?

he will let me wipe it but not enough to get it all out.

thanks for any suggestions.

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Everyones getting along great.....
« on: October 14, 2007, 02:46:27 pm »

Just an update to let you all know that our new rescue,Toby is getting along great with our other saints, Duke and Zoey they are all buddies now....they love to play and take walks together.
The potty training is done....that didn't take long at all.

We already don't know what we did without him.

Took him to the shots because we weren't sure if he had them or not.
Got his ears checked and he has a little yeast infection  there....gave us some cream and an antibotic for that.

hubby is ready to add #4  :-\ :-\ :-\

Saint Bernard General Discussions / We rescued another saint
« on: September 25, 2007, 05:14:26 pm »
Hi all...  last weekend we rescued another saint....he had been tied out around a tree for the last 2 months...I don't know what his situation was before that but I know that the owner said she didn't have any luck house training him so she made him an outside dog! UGH!
Any way he is 5 years old....seems to be loving but very afraid.  We have 2 other saints and he is afraid of them. Its only been 5 days...I know it will take time....
My question is.....In our home...he will be an inside it possible to house train a 5 year old?  Any suggestions are GREATLY appreciated.  He has had a couple of accidents...I take him out when he will let me....He won't come to us yet when we call him...I'm thinking there was no interaction with him at all before.
We have a doggy door so I was hoping that he would follow the other dogs out but like I said he seems afraid of them...he won't go where they go.....we do walk them all together though..... anyway.....  any help?

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / dog yard odor.....
« on: June 19, 2007, 06:05:50 am »
Hi all.....haven't posted in a while but I still read everyday.....w as wondering if anyone knew of anything to put in the "doggy yard" to get rid of the odor.
We've done lime...didn't help much.....any ideas would be appreciated.

Holiday Things / I've found a new love for going to my mailbox!!!!!!
« on: December 04, 2006, 04:26:25 am »
I LOVE IT!!!  So many beautiful cards and pictures! ya hoo!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Zoey is home from the vet...
« on: November 13, 2006, 09:53:54 pm »
she went in yesterday morning for spaying and she came home this morning.  She is just laying around right now..Duke doesn't understand why he can't play with her.
Vet said everything went well , she has to go back in 2 wks to get her stitches out..Keeping her calm around Duke will be the

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Just curious...............
« on: November 05, 2006, 04:39:04 am »
my hubby reads this board constantly. Do you're hubbys or boyfriends also read? just wondering..... ....... 

Holiday Things / hate to be dumb but..........
« on: November 04, 2006, 09:36:21 am »
Hubby and I were talking about the Secret Santa and since this is our first year, we aren't sure how it works...when it starts?
I already signed us up but whats next and when.  Thanks!!

Saint Bernard General Discussions / red eyes
« on: October 29, 2006, 11:29:30 am »
can you tell it normal for the bottoms of a saints eyes to be red? Thanks

and Duke decides to have a seat.......... .ON MY HEAD!!

Saint Bernard Pictures / update on Duke and Zoe
« on: October 14, 2006, 01:18:12 pm »
It's been 3 weeks now since we adopted Zoe and brought her home from Kentucky. Since she has been here it has been nothing short of amazing! Not sure what we did without her.  Duke feels the same way.  They are getting along great!
We take them on daily walks ,people stop us and think we are crazy for having two big dogs...we say we are LUCKY!  we extended their area in the back yard so they would have more room to run and play.
They are both so cuddly....when hubby gets out of bed in the morning for work...they crawl in his
At night they can't wait for him to get home from work.
Our life now revolves around our furbabies.
Where we go...they go.....We just wish that there were more places that allowed you to bring you're dogs.
We love Duke but...I just can't say enough good things about a rescue. It's like everything we do is new to her.
she didn't even know what a treat was when we brought her home. Toys? she didn't know what to do with them.  In just this short time she has come so far.
We got her changed over from the "shelter" food to Innova
and she is doing great on it. I think she has finally got it that there will always be food there for her.
I know I've rambled on and on but I just wanted to give you all an update since I don't post alot.
Also want you to know how much we learn from you all.
When you're pets are sick.....we feel for you.....when you are proud of you're are we!  What a great community this is......Life is good!
Can you stand to look at a few pics?

The Stewart Family
Karl, Thelma
Duke & Zoe

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