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Messages - London_Pyr_Lover

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Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Soon To Be Newfie Owner
« on: August 28, 2007, 01:41:50 am »
Now if that's not the CUTEST darned puppy I've seen in a long time!!!!!!  I'm starting a kidnap list, and he's on the top of it!!!

Congradulation s (I know I can't spell.  ::))on the new addition, also on having one that was so quick to learn to go outside!   ;D
He sure is lucky to have a family that is so concerned and so willing to do all the appropriate research to keep him healthy and happy!  I hope you have MANY MANY MANY years together.
Big kisses on his little nose!!   :-* :-* :-*  And big sloppy kisses from Naja!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: All I can say is =(
« on: August 26, 2007, 08:33:07 pm »
I'm so sorry I missed this.  I've been away from the computer for a few days, but am oh SO thankfull Miles pulled through!!  I was crying by the end of the first page just hoping that things would turn out well.  YAY!  Go Miles.  And I know vet bills can be huge, but you are absolutely right that in the end they don't matter.  What matters is that you have your boy home, safe and sound.
Big kisses on Miles' little nose!!   :-* :-* :-* :-*
And big slobbery kisses from Naja!

I'm so sorry for your loss.  I really really am.  I know how hard that must have been for you, and I think you handled it beautifully.  It is a difficult thing for a child to understand, and you did a good thing by both your kids and Hoover.  I know it might not have felt like it at the time, but you really did do the best thing for him.  I know that if I put it in people terms, if I were in constant pain, and there was no chance of me ever getting better, that I would want someone to help ease my pain as you eased his.
He is standing at the bridge wagging his tail and patiently waiting for the day that you will be reunited, thanking you for your love, and your patience, and for finally allowing him to run free of pain.
May he smile down on you and your family, and may your children remember him with as much love as I know you will.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Make him stop peeing!
« on: August 25, 2007, 06:59:05 am »
It could take up to a week for the drug to clear out of his system, so it could still be side-effects.  I'd say if it lasts longer then 72 hours to have him checked for a UTI though, just to be certain.
Hope he's feeling better really soon.  ;) 

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: He Bit Me!!! Really Long
« on: August 25, 2007, 05:29:54 am »

2: measure out his food for the day and carry a portion of it around and constantly give him pieces through out the day as a reward for all kinds of different things, whether they be big or small. of course always accompany a treat with a big happy praise! ;D

I really like that suggestion.  I will definitely use it with Naja. :D
I can't really add anything to the debate here.  I just want to say that I hope things with Otis get better really soon, and that you have Naja and I in your corner rooting for you.  Hope everything goes back to normal soon.

Hm.  I don't really know what to think here.  But it looks like DummA** runs in the family.

Mixed Breed Pictures / Re: Butter in Dog Park(Updated on Aug 24)
« on: August 24, 2007, 06:09:08 am »
Ha ha!
Looks like Butter is the life o the party!  ;)
What a sweet and well socialized dog he looks to be.  :D
Tell him he can come play at our house anytime!

he he he
Thanks for all the helpfull information.  We've been practicing "Leave It", but only with the one treat, I'll have to try the second treat one next time.

Newly Newfed, I completely feel your pain, it's an icky gross sometimes really smelly pain.   ;D

The problem I would have with having her keep her head up on walks, is that she's still only 4 months old, and everything is still so much fun to sniff and chase and look at.  But I guess there's no better time to teach her these things then when she's young.  ;)
We're going to start puppy classes soon, so I'll keep ya updated on how we do there as well.
Thanks again for the great advise.  You guys are the reason I love this site SOO much!   ;D

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Ewwwwwwwwwww!!! Dead things and Poo...
« on: August 23, 2007, 03:08:48 pm »
Yuck!  :P
So I got home from work at 7 oclock this morning, and took Naja out for a short walk before I feed her and then go to bed myself.  It's a leisurely stroll so I think nothing of it when she lags behind to sniff at things as puppy tend to do.  I look back at her, and what do I see hanging from her mouth you ask?  No not her cute little puppy tounge, no not a stick.  I see part of a squirrel, or some other grey coloured furry thing that looked like it had been dead for about a week!  YUCK!  And the little bugger swallowed it before I could fish it out of her puppy mouth, not for lack of trying on my part.  As soon as she realized I was going to go for it she doubled her pace ofn chewing and as I'm reaching into her mouth she's swallowing her icky treat.   :P
We have alot of squirrels and cats and other fuzzy things in our area so avoiding seeing them dead is just about out of the question.  What I want to know is...Is there anything that I can do to discourage her from or train her to not want to eat them??   ???
It's not like I want to deprive her of something she loves.  I just don't want her to love eating poop or dead things.  We have a dairy farm so there's lot's of poop too.  lol

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: ARAGH!! So Angry!!
« on: August 23, 2007, 02:58:46 pm »
I recently had a person inquiring to buy one of my puppies (gr pyrenees) to guard his 'chickens'  Turns out he breeds fighting birds and ships them all over the country- big operation - over 200 birds and he was quite proud of them.  Apparently it is illegal to fight them but not illegal to breed them

All people like this truly suck as human beings and should have their passes revoked.  Back to the Primordial ooz (sp?) with them, they need a few more millenia in evolution so as to catch up with the rest of us.

This is just a thought because I don't knwo what the laws are like in your area, but if she is misappropriati ng (sp?) government funding, then I would tip off the IRS.  They are the ones who would be most interested in donated non-taxed money not going to the non-profit organization right?  Maybe?
Keep your head up though, Karma is a force to be reckoned with and when she gets hers, she will get it good.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: That was a long 9 days
« on: August 23, 2007, 04:36:08 am »
You could send him on up here to Canada to work on our dairy farm!  Shovelling cow poo aruond for a while might straighten him out!  ;)
I'm glad your girl is doing better though.  I know what it's like to go undiagnosed for a long time.  For the past year my younger sister has been in almost constant pain, has dropped like 40 lbs, and can't stand up straight, and for just as long the docs have all been scratching their heads (which sometimes I think are up their behinds).  I hope you get a diagnosis quickly.  :)
Naja and I send love and hugs your way and to your whole family.  ;)

She's so sweet!
When you're up here let us know where abouts your going to be, maybe we could get the pups together.  :D

Organize a giant annual Meet and Greet?  I think that would be alot of fun, an international gathering of BPOers.  ;D

Games & Jokes / Re: 3 word story
« on: August 23, 2007, 03:23:26 am »
Once upon a time, I saw three really big eyes that were glowing in the dark at night. I didn't know what the heck to think about it.  Slowly I took out my bright pink flashlight and hesitantly peered out into the eerie dark forest. Should I go and cautiously investigate and perhaps face my demise, or sit here, scared? I decide to call my mom. She isn't home and I start to panic, when out of the
darkness I saw a sudden movement."What should I do?" I wondered.  Then I remembered I have super-man undies on that make me invisible to others. So I immediately crept upbehind a very large raspberry bush and spotted the intruder!! "Breathe" I said to myself. Suddenly, I felt a
big, gnarled, claw grab my shoulder. I froze, my feet felt like bricks and all I could do was laugh at what had grabbed me. The coat tree! I let out a sigh of relief and was feeling a bit silly until I poured myself a good stiff drink. But, those eyes...  I know I saw them glowing, it had to have been realbog hag eyes! The only way my super-man undies remained dry, was that the hag had put a little bit of bog juice stuff over her boobs. With her hair
in her eyes, she was moving in beat to the rythm of the devil's drums. Thinking fast, I called a guy with huge brains and a metal ring in his underpants.  He was not the usual superhero on duty.  But he would not hesitate to do his job. He arrived carrying the Dyson Hag-O-Matic. Expertly, he suckedher eyes out -

all three! But, she got away

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