Author Topic: The love of a Swissy...  (Read 5222 times)


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The love of a Swissy...
« on: October 09, 2007, 01:50:19 pm »
As I mentioned in a previous post, this is my "hard time of year" and this week, well it's the worst.  Once I make it through tomorrow, I should be in better shape.

I started reading the book, "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert last week.  If you haven't read it, run to your nearest library or bookstore and get it .. NOW!  It is one of the most wonderful books I've ever read and even better, it is based on the true story of one woman's journey after a broken marriage at the age of 31. 

One of the most wonderful things I've done for myself this past 1 1/2 weeks is to go out on my porch with Ranger and read this book for a little bit every afternoon.  Ranger gets his fill of chasing squirrels and all the sniffing his nose can handle..and of course, his new favorite pasttime, digging.

I, originally, was looking to get lost in a book, when, in reality, I totally related to everything this woman has been through.... minus the year of travelling to Italy, India, and Indonesia, which I REALLY wish I could relate to.   ::)  It has been a very cathartic experience for me.

It was another afternoon of reading and as I finished the book, Ranger crawled up onto the deck, and laid down right by my lounge chair, all dirty from digging and chasing squirrels.

Here is where I usually laugh and tell him that he has a dirty mouth and reach for the towel I typically have with me for such an occassion. 

This time, I didn't.  I simply rolled off my lounge chair and buried my head into his neck as he put his paw around me.  A few tears fell, but he didn't move, just breathed softly and let me snuggle until I was ready to come inside.  Something about the smell of that fur and the sound of his breath is one of the most comforting things I know.

Thanks for listening.   :)

Offline mountaindogmom

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Re: The love of a Swissy...
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2007, 03:42:55 pm »
As a Swissy owner myself I completely understand.  They are great for cuddling and seem to have an extra tuned in sense of when you're upset.  Greta is a "velcro" dog in general and is always nearby but especially when I'm feeling down or upset.

I hope you don't need Ranger's comforting qualities as much in the future, but I'm glad to hear that you have him when you need him.
Greta - Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (DOB 5-20-06)
Jack - Great Pyrenees (DOB 12-26-06)
& Three Kitties - Zoie, Bella & Nessie!

Offline Mallory's Mommy

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Re: The love of a Swissy...
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2007, 05:01:07 pm »
That little glimpse into your life just made my whole day. I can't wait until I get to do that with Mallory. Thanks for sharing!
Mary, mommy to Mallory, the Saint Bernard pup


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Re: The love of a Swissy...
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2007, 05:45:19 pm »
When I read that I realized how lucky and fortunate we are to have our fur kids in our lifes. I am certainly an oddity to so many people because of the number and size of the dogs that live with me, but I also have to sit back and pity the non dog person who will never know that feeling that you have just described.
When all is said and done, its really our family and best friends that will have mattered the most in our lives and to have been on the receiving end of that unconditional love from a dog is one of the most rewarding experiences in life.

Hugs to you and Ranger and I hope that as the week progresses, life gets better for you.


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Re: The love of a Swissy...
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2007, 10:49:12 am »
Awww, Heather!!!! Roo is such a good boy! I'm so glad that you've got him while you're going through this.

GOOD BOY ROO FOR TAKING GOOD CARE OF MAMA! Auntie Cole luuuuuuuuuuvs you!