Author Topic: Does anyone's Dane like to swim??  (Read 4776 times)

Offline moenow

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Does anyone's Dane like to swim??
« on: May 31, 2007, 02:04:25 pm »
I have no clue about such things.  I'm not sure if our pup is just a big chicken (he is about most things!) or if he's just trying to warm up to the whole pool thing.  The farthest he'll go is the top step, which has no water on it and then he hides behind me like I'm going to protect him.  I keep thinking he's just getting ready to push me in ;D  Should I even want him to go in????

Offline Gracie Belle

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Re: Does anyone's Dane like to swim??
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2007, 10:02:09 pm »
I had a dane, Shaft, who liked to run in water.  I took him to the beach once and he ran in the waves but then realized he had nothing but soft sand to dig.  I think him and his dane buddy dug a whole about 4 feet deep.  We had to fill it up because it started to look dangerous.  Now Gracie on the other hand loves the water.  She too dunks her head and also swims.  It's super cute because she's not exactly fetching anything but just swims around.  I think if she could pull of the back stroke she would...
Misty slave to:
Gracie Belle, 2 year English Mastiff
Rosco, 1 yr Toy German Shettweiler (designer mutt of course)and toy cause he's not Rotti or GSD size AT ALL.  Though they said he was a mix of the two..  Tonka, 3 year Great Dane
And last and most certainly NOT least, Linus 5 year old cat.


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Re: Does anyone's Dane like to swim??
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2007, 10:03:29 pm »
I'm lovin' the pics and video!  Koby's scared to death of the water!  He won't go near it.  We've tried baby pools, river, creek (runs through our backyard).  If he sees water he runs the other way! lol  

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Does anyone's Dane like to swim??
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2007, 09:32:49 am »
When we had Elli staying with us, she also would get in, but just on the top step to splash around.  She never went swimming.  She just thought it was fun to get wet and then go roll in the dirt.

Ahhh ... so that's where she got that, huh?  We've had the baby pool set up in the backyard for about a week and every afternoon she looks like she's taken a mud bath.  Splash in the water, then roll, roll, roll in the dirt. 

So Gunther's not a crazy weirdo dog!  This is like his "thing" that he does every time he gets wet.  At the beach, roll in the sand.  At home, roll in the grass.  At the dog park, roll in the dirt.  In the house, roll on the carpet or a dog bed.  He does this every time he gets wet, but really doesn't do a complete ally he just pushes his head around.

Gunther loves the water, but won't swim.  He's a designated wader.  He fell in deep water once, he didn't realize the ledge dropped off and I thought I'd have to jump in to save him. 

I'm curious though.  Does anyone else's dane or othe dog take big gulps of water?  Gunther is obsessed with doing this.  He's not drinking the water, he's just grabbing mouthfulls of it, although I'm sure he swallows plenty.  He used to do this when we lived in CA too at the beach, I never could get him to stop.  Luckily the salt water never made him sick.  AT least he did get out of the habit of grabbing mouthfulls of sand......blec h!  :P  This is actually the reason Gunther loves the water so much.  As soon as he gets in any, he's grabbing mouthfulls of it.  i swear he has an oral fixation...... .....he always needs something in his mouth when he's excited.