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Messages - doveinpain

Pages: [1]
Border Collie Discussions & Pictures / Re: Ear Infection
« on: July 04, 2005, 03:34:01 pm »

what i have found to work is collodial silver (i have no $$ interest, in fact i make my own, its)
you just use a dropper, and put some in the ears. hold ears a few seconds, then let them shake and wipe clean, gently.

whisper & mel
so calif.

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: California get together
« on: April 27, 2005, 04:24:02 pm »
 :) this sounds like so much fun. i live in
29 palms, ca  
about 50 mi from palm springs, ca
about 110 mi from los angeles
about 70 mi from loma linda
about 60 mi from the apple valley area

i am owned by a X-Large smooth-coated collie
yes, X-Large, he is 29" at the shoulders and
weighs from 105 - 115, he like to eat too, hehe.

anxiously awaiting
melody harris/F/55/
whisper/M/5yr/SDIT/collie and my bestest buddy

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