Author Topic: GET A HOLD OF YOUR KIDS, PEOPLE!!!  (Read 24801 times)

Offline maxsmom

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« Reply #30 on: January 13, 2008, 11:45:44 pm »
Stella, Dennis didn't want to leave because you made him feel safe.  Children are just like dogs, or vice versa.  They need boundaries and rules in order to be happy and healthy.  Dogs and children that are not taught how to behave and given guidelines and discipline are like a boat adrift in the ocean, being buffeted whichever way the wind blows.  At least with dogs, they can be kept at home so no one but the owners have to deal with them.  Unfortunately, the children are going to have to be dealt with eventually, by society as a whole, if they aren't dealt with at home.  I spanked my kids too, more than once, but they all grew up to be happy, healthy, productive members of society in spite of it.
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Offline karateblossom

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« Reply #31 on: January 14, 2008, 02:42:37 pm »
ok, i'm feelin a little less than adequate as a parent now....:-(  As a mom of a 5 yo, i can understand the boundary testing those little tykes exhibit. REPETETION and consistency, just like with dogs, works every time.  I wouldnt beat my odin for drooling or leaving kibble on the floor or for jumping on the furniture nor would i chain him to a pole for 15 minutes either.  I cant say i've never lost it (supposedly grounded them for life) w/ my own children but an occasional spanking isn't against the law and obviously, this child's mom (A SINGLE MOM) was flying solo on a job that requires 2.  Substitute teach a kinder and a first grade class for 2 weeks-if u werent a drinker u will b after that because the corner, touching-much less grabbing, yelling etc IS againt the law and when you have > than 1/2 children of single parents and many have 3 or more brothers n sisters, you have to be very compassionate and creative. 
Some kiddos just dont understand animals for many reasons.  I came from a family where dogs and cats were DISGUSTING and kids should be seen and not heard (beaten, straight A's, perfectly clean homes) and had i fallen true to the self-fulfilling prophecy of failure, i wouldnt be happy today and i surely wouldnt love a BIGPAW....much less own one and other furries.
Compassion is a tough thing to have but if we can see that 5yo child as a product of more than bad parenting (like a rescue) then we can still have high attainable expectations but just use more animal oriented means to reach them.  An overwhelmed dog owner produces a nervous pooch-calm, patient, firm and rewarding boundaries while training helps create a similar confident are no different.  I still feel bad my 13 yo isnt a straight A student in all advanced classes (of course, my mom beat me and grounded me and yelled at me for anything less and the quicker i could move away, the better).  The kid probably hates his homelife and when u provided him with that tiny hope for structure, he didnt want to go back to he@#.......he just needed someone to SHOW him.  I still believe in subbing kinder and 1st gr for 2 totally humbles one!  ;) 
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Offline London_Pyr_Lover

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« Reply #32 on: January 14, 2008, 03:29:23 pm »
I hate to say it, but this is why I have chosen dogs over children.  I have 10 times more patience with a dog then I do with a child.  Dogs are easy to train, they want to please you, children, well, the children that I've known are far too independant and rebellious then I would be able to handle without flying off the handle.  Well behaved kids in small doses for me.  ;)
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Offline karateblossom

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« Reply #33 on: January 14, 2008, 08:41:18 pm »
Stella, you are certainly right about the parents creating problems that others have to deal with.  Your description of the mom not intervening disturbs me but YOU stepped up and took care of it and thats cool.  ;)  I was a single mom of 2 young boys for a while (working ft and going to college ft) and i got a lot of unsolicited advice about what i was doing wrong.....and depending on the advice giver, it was conflicting with each others advice.  It was survival in many ways-i HATED grocery shopping because of it and to this day, i let my hubby of 8 yrs do all the shopping..LOL.
karma is kewl!

Offline Jennalyn

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« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2008, 05:37:00 am »
My ABSOLUTE favorite are the parents who bring their toddlers to the BIG dog park and let them run around. 

Let me explain - The town where I live had the intelligence to put in 2 adjacent dog parks: one for younger puppies and little dogs and one larger park for Big puppies and Big Dogs.  Both parks have the normal legal dsiclaimers and rabies vaccination requirments (and animal control frequently stops by to do a check), but on the BIG dog park, there is a very large sign that says - ENTRY OF CHILDREN UNDER 6 IS NOT RECOMMENDED, ADULT SUPERVISION IS REQUIRED -ENTER AT OWN RISK.  The town I live in is one of the top 5 dog friendly towns in the nation.

Even with that HUGE sign, it never fails.  I go to the dog park with my two Saints and someone inevitably brings in a a 4 year old and lets them run around all wild.  Now, my dogs know that the park is the ONE place where they get to be all stupid and rambunctious, so they run around and act like fools.  Just imagine 2 dogs of at least 150 pounds each running at full speed, cavorting and having a good time with the 15 other dogs in the park.  Enter the 4 year old who runs strait into the middle of the dogs who are running around.  now my dogs are GREAT with kids...but kids aren't always great with my dogs.  inevitably, the kid's gonna get knocked down and most likely terrified by the large number of large dogs who come over to sniff it and make sure its okay.

Now, I'm pretty vigilant when it comes to my boys, so I'll call them to me before the screaming mother starts, well, screaming.  But I always get yelled at for some kid getting knocked over or crying because my big dog(s) scared the little snot.  I always wanna say, DID YOU SEE THE BIG FLIPPING SIGN????????????  This is the DOG PARK, not the KID PARK.  Take your kid to the little dog park if you want him to paly with dogs!!!!!!!!!!!  It isn't my fault that you're an idiot and an irresponsible parent!!!!


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« Reply #35 on: March 06, 2008, 01:14:59 pm »
We were in Big Bear a few weekends ago, and I brought Monty along.  We were walking down the street one morning, people were very nice, beautiful day, strolling along, sun was shining, birds were know that kind of perfect morning...too perfect...Ente r Mother with that 2 year old "Dennis the Mennis"...

Lil Baby Junior waddles up to Monty...Monty rolls over to get petted, all is fine and dandy until the kid...KICKED MONTY IN HIS Private Doggy Parts!! (Monty is neutered..but still) of Course Monters yelped, and jumped right up...Knocking the little brat to the ground...  The Mom starts Screaming hysterically, her husband is Laughing his tush off...and the kid is on the ground bawling...

That woman decided to call the COPS right then and there, saying I have a vicious pitbull loose and he tried to attack her child...

LONG story short, thank GOOODNESS there were MANY pro-pitbull witnesses that backed me up... But it was definately an ordeal I'll never forget, nor will I EVER forgive...How can you let your kid get away with KICKING a DOG?

Offline Sillygoose

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« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2008, 01:36:11 pm »
Stupid....I hate that. I hope the hubby was one of the people pro monty. I guess she figured it was ok to kick the dog but not ok for the dog to jump up and try and get away from the bratty kid. Idiots! >:(

Offline London_Pyr_Lover

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« Reply #37 on: March 06, 2008, 01:43:24 pm »
That's f'ing discusting and makes me really mad.  >:(  Some people should not have kids, especially people who think it's okay for a kid to kick an animal, and then gets angry when the poor animal jumps up in pain and knocks the little brat down.  She's lucky he's a good dog, 'cause I know of MANY dogs that wouldn't think twice to turn around and bite the kids freaking FOOT off!  Heck, I would've torn a strip off the mother, probably the father, AND the kid! OOHHHHHH!!  It makes me SOOOOO MAD!!  sorry, I got off on a tangent there.  :-[ :)

I was at the dog park yesterday, and Naja started playing with this GSD/Border Collie mix.  Everything was going really well and then the other dog got nasty.  She was all barks and growling, not in an overly aggresive way but very dominant, she kept trying to grab Naja by the coller and drag her around, when Naja tried to get away, she would chase her down and grab her by the coller again.  The owner of the other dog just watched and didn't say anything.  We tried speeding up to get away from him and his nasty dog, but he would speed up right along with us.  I finally had enough and just left.  I don't know why some people think it's okay for their dog to behave badly like that.  If Naja is getting aggro with another dog, I will seperate from that dog and walk away; and or correct her.  This man did NOTHING.  The darn dog chased my poor girl straight into a tree where she whacked her right leg which just happens to be the leg that she injured as a young puppy.  Now I know i'm being a little over protective but I would hate it if she reinjured that leg and reversed all that I've done to get it back to normal!  And I also know that dogs have their own way to tell each other to F off, but Naja is too polite.  I almost feel like I failed her.  She kept coming to me to protect her, and all I could do was take her out of the park.  Hmph!  >:(
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Offline brooklily

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« Reply #38 on: March 06, 2008, 02:42:53 pm »
aaaarrrrggghhh h.  The frustration at stupidity!!! Heres two. As i have posted b4, Brooklily and I are working on her leash aggression. Soooooooo we have lots of incidents.

About one week ago we are walking in the morning and I see down the street a mother and her daughter walking to the bus stop with thier two yorkies. Im thinking , fine , everybodys leashed up , and Brooklily doesnt usually  get upset at little dogs. We will keep going , i will stay relaxed, (thanks to the help here, saying my heart rate effects brooklily's reaction) No problem right? Well the little girl, maybe 6 or so, sees Brooklily , her mother HANDS THE GIRL the leashes ( g.d. retractable ones at that) and she runs at us full speed with her dogs.They are barking like crazy, and about 12 feet in front of the girl. I am like CRAP!!!! Cant control my heart rate now lol. i have my hand up and I am yelling NO at the little girl. She keeps coming, no control of her babies, I start yelling STOP, in my mean voice. So She stops about two feet from Brooklily. The mother comes running behind yelling at me "Whats the problem?" I start... Please dont let your child walk the dogs if she doesnt know how!.... please dont run at dogs you dont know!.....Please put them on a leash that works for the city !(very busy street).All the while Brooklily is in full snarling mode , My adrenaline is way up , my BPO lesson of being calm is shot to h*ll. The mother looks at me and in the most sarcastic tone says" we thought we would like to meet you , we have seen you walking your dog'" Her daughter is close to tears and I want to tell them i am only concerned for thier dogs and the little girl, but forget it. If she is so stupid that she thinks I was concerned about Brooklily and my saftey, she is not worth it. She makes a smarmy face at me and walks away. 
 Well Big loss for me huh?Ohhhhh we could have been friends. ( that is my sarcastic voice. ;D )
I guess im still mad .Because you know it would have been Brooklily that got in trouble :(. I am ranting. I wont go into the other one cause i will be typing forever. Ahhhhh venting is good. :) 
She is not naughty, she is fun!
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