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Messages - greatmini

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My 2 Pyrs (Nick and Noel) are 3& 4 months old respecively and are presently living inside the house (small house!!!). They have been spayed and neutered (last week). They are soooo adorable and loving, but I got them to be guard dogs for mini horses, sheep, donkeys etc.. I have 10 acres of fenced pasture/yard. I do let them in to the barn while mucking stalls, but if one of the other animals comes in, the Pyrs run for the hills!! I had a HUGE dog house built inside the barn. They love being outside, but have also bonded with my other dogs (Westie, Golden, English Spaniel) and cats (Persian, Himalayan) who are mainly inside. How do I make the transition from inside to outside? Any help will be greatly appreciated!! It is getting quite crowded in here!!

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / New member
« on: February 23, 2008, 03:51:00 am »
Good Morning! I live in the N. Geogia mountains on a 10 acre mini horse farm. I also have mini donkey, sheep and a plethora of dogs and cats! The newest additions to the family are two Great Pyr pups aged 3 and 4 months respectively. They are adorable! The oldest is now about as big as my Golden Retriever. I am so happy to have come accross this site and look forward to getting to know all of you.

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