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Topics - Butts Mom

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Discussions & Information on Grooming / Clipper Recommendations??
« on: July 04, 2007, 11:54:50 pm »
The boys are ready for their 2nd clipping and my sucky Wahl clippers,just don't want to do the job.Anyone have ones that they love??

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Advice needed - Update
« on: June 28, 2007, 03:56:03 am »
I walked out to get the mail and the neighbors Pup (6-8 mth lab/rot mix)was loose and he followed me home.Well he is in the verge of being emaciated(sp) and both his ears are big open sores with flies all over them.I gave him 2 cups of food and he chowed it down and a bowl of water and then called the dog warden.Then I took him 2 more cups of food which he gladly ate and a few toys to play with.I don't want any problems with my neighbors,so should I don't know if I should tell the dog warden I know where he came from or not.My only thought in telling them where he came from is they have another dog too.Advice???

Treatment & Preventative Meds / Suggestions for fleas
« on: June 26, 2007, 02:46:24 am »
Last year I saw one flea on Butt late in the year went and got Frontline and treated him once.I talked with the Vet when Butt was in for his xrays and asked him if I should use Frontline as a preventative and he said with lasytyears history he wouldn't worry about it unless they got fleas.My neighbor(1/2 mile away) was down on Sunday and said both his dogs had a major infestation of fleas.So now I'm wondering if I should use a preventative? I called the Vets office to set up a weight appt for Tub and see what the next course of action for Butt is,but my Vet is on vacation,so I couldn't discuss the flea issue with him or Butt for that matter.I did find out though that the Frontline is $16.60 a mth per dog,ouch!!That's alot on top of what I pay for both their heart worm pills a mth,their glucosomine and Butt's meds,so tell me what do to and I'll do it ;)

Collars, crates, & other cool things / What size is your dogs neck?
« on: June 16, 2007, 12:55:52 am »
Me and the boys are working on a few new projects to try and support all of us since the divorce.I was wondering if I could trouble you guys to tell me the sizes of your dogs necks?? TIA

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Help w/ Tub's barking-long
« on: June 10, 2007, 10:00:45 pm »
Tub( almost 8 mths) is going to kill me from sleep depravation.If he is outside after dark he barks and then barks some more.I know some of the times he sees something and is barking at it,other times I don't see any reason for it.Sometimes he is laying there sound asleep and will pop up and start barking.If I make him come in the house because I'm worried the neighbors are going to complain he will run thru the house barking.This goes on until about 3 or 4 every night/morning.I've tried ignoring him and it doesn't help.If I'm still up when I'm ignoring him he will come up and smack me with one of his feet and stand there barking at me.I have plenty of brusies to prove it :(If I'm laying in bed with the lights out he will come up bark in my face and walk away and start to pee on the carpet,which in turn gets me up to let him out to bark, and he ends up getting what he wants.I've also tried playing with him and that will work until he thinks he hears something and takes off.I know he is a dog and dogs bark and I don't want to take that away from him or ake him think it is wrong to bark if he has a legit reason.I just can't have him barking all night long.The times Butt barks too,I don't do anything about it because I figure it is a legit cause.Out of 20 bark sessions a night,Butt may go out once to bark w/ him and Butt never barks in the house.Since I got Butt as an older dog I don't know if this just a stage Tub is going thru of having to bark at everything and being scared of everything or ??? You should have saw him the night the toad had him cornered in the yard and was going to attack him and carry him away ;D So what do I do with him??? Besides calling the parental abuse hotline on him ;)

Events to go to or join / My first Dog show
« on: June 03, 2007, 07:49:06 am »
Yesterday and today I went to the local AKC dog show.Holy cow I got to tons of big dogs!!!!Of course my favorite was the Saints :D There was only 3 of them though :( One was an 8 mth old male and he already weighs 120,and I thought Tub was big.I got to meet a bunch of Newfs for the first time in person.One lady came up and asked if we help hold a couple of her dogs while she showed one.Then she would come back and switch dogs,too cool!!! I was surpised that they were smaller then Saints,I thought they were very close to the same size.There was also a brown Newf,so that was a new site for me.They said there are also grey ones,but I didn't get to see one of those :( And the Danes,well there was a ton of them.They are soooooooooo tall!!! I also got to meet a couple Bermese Mtn dogs.Oh they are too adorable.The lady asked if we wanted to meet the pup.Like we could say no :)He was 6 mths and so cute.It was hard not reaching for my wallet and saying sold ;D The Great Prys are very pretty in person too.It was a small show,but I'm glad I went so I got to see so many of the different breeds in person,now I will quit rambling ;)

Saint Bernard Pictures / Butt and Tub Pics
« on: May 29, 2007, 06:37:46 am »
I haven't had much computer time in the last few months,so I thought I would post some new pics of the boys.Tub is growing like a weed,I always ask him where that cute puppy I brought home went :)He just turned 7 months,tomorrow I'm taking him to get a weight on him,I'm sure he has topped the 100 mark.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Limping Butt and X rays ?'s
« on: May 28, 2007, 01:10:12 am »
Butt has been limping about a month.It is his front shoulders that seem to be bothering him,mostly the right,but on occasion the left too.I took him to the Vets  about 2 weeks ago because of the limping and some bumps I was concerned with.The bumps on his legs the Vet said are the start of calloues(sp)and the one on his back is a zit.For his limping he gave me Rimadyl to give him twice a day for 3 weeks,to see if that helped.Well it didn't so now the next step is to take him back for xrays.The Vet said they would sedate him for the xrays :o Is this common practice or is it because at the Vets he is not a sweet cuddly Saint and has to be muzzled?? And any thoughts on what could be causing the limping?? I don't think it causes him any pain because it doesn't slow him down when him and Tub are raising cain.Thanks in advance,sorry so long.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Dogs,Spiders,Bugs and Bees
« on: April 21, 2007, 09:36:20 am »
I'm always over run with Spiders and a few other bugs once the weather turns nice out.I can't use much of anything in the house because of the birds,so I have always used an outdoor spray around the outside of the house.Is this safe to use with Butt and Tub?? My big concern is them eatting the grass with the spray on it.If I shouldn't do that anymore any other ideas?? Second part is there anything I should keep on hand or know about dogs getting stung by bees?? I have noticed a bunch of wasps outside already and Tub with his brilliant puppy mind thinks it might be a good thing to try and catch then in his mouth :o So far he hasn't caught any,but just incase I want to be prepared.TIA

Anything Non-Dog Related / Birthday Cake Ideas
« on: April 13, 2007, 03:13:18 am »
I have to make a b day cake for a 15 yr old boy for tomorrow and would like it to be a unique cake.Any ideas for something different along the lines of a practical joke cake??TIA

Saint Bernard General Discussions / My Big Butt is 4
« on: April 11, 2007, 06:42:50 am »
Today is Butt's 4th B Day.I took both him and Tub for a ride with me to town to get Bully Sticks and a couple of new toys.And then we got McDonalds on the way home to celebrate.Now they are very contently sleeping it off :)

Treatment & Preventative Meds / Advice needed -Post Neutering
« on: March 23, 2007, 03:30:29 am »
Well I took my little Tub to get neutered yesterday.Last night after he came home he licked down there a few times.Well today he is feeling more himself and keeps licking it,it's not contant,he is a Saint so he is still sleeping a lot.They told me if he licked it a lot to come in and get a collar for him to wear so he couldn't reach it.Here's my dilemma,I have been 100% againest collars for years with my birds.They are used a lot with plucking birds and all the research I have done personally most of the time the bad outweighs the good.So what is your thoughts on the collar for this situation?? Or do you have any other ideas to try?? Or should I just leave him be unless he causes damage?? Oh the stress of motherhood :(

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Fencing for Saints
« on: March 15, 2007, 04:54:49 pm »
I want to put a fence up around the yard so Butt & Tub can play outside together.I was wondering how tall you would recommend and any specific type?? It does need to be strong,incase Butt charges it to get to his arch enemies-the neighbors cats.TIA

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Husky in Ohio may need a home
« on: March 07, 2007, 09:44:39 am »
Friends of John's got an Alaskan(?) Husky on Sat and are thinking they might need to find a home for her.Sat night while they were sleeping she ate a whole in the house door.It's a good thing it is metal on the outside,so she didn't get out. Sunday night while they were out to dinner she ate their turtle and tore about 3 sets of mini blinds.Monday the Dad took her to work,so no issues.Yesterd ay they left her crated all day while they were working. :( And she punished them for that,by sliding out the bottom tray and totally destorying the carpet underneath.Joh n has offered to let her stay at his house during the day while they work.That way she would have his dog for company and not have to be crated.He has a doggy door that leads to a fenced yard,but they were told she jumps fences,so they won't let her stay there.This morning when I talked to John he said they are talking they may need to find a home for her.I told him I would post on here and see if I can get any leads. This is her 3 rd home and if I remember right she is 3.Her last home was a huge family,so she was never left home alone.She had 2 dogs for play mates,there was also a cat and ferret until she ate them.John said she is a very sweet dog,other then her issues.I've seen pics and she is a very pretty dog.It sounds like in the right home she would be a great dog.So there is what I know so far,I will keep you all posted if anyone is interested.

Saint Bernard General Discussions / My Boys are a bad influence
« on: March 02, 2007, 05:13:12 pm »
Last month I had little visitors here for a couple days.Well I talked to their Grandma today and she just got a new puppy.She said last night that the 2 1/2 yr old little girl bit the puppies ear.When asked why she did it,she said "that's how Butt and Tub play" :D Good thing Tub has out grown most of his humpiness or they might not be able to play with the kids anymore ;D

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