Author Topic: How to Socialize an Adult Big Dog  (Read 7477 times)

Offline Rajas Mom

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How to Socialize an Adult Big Dog
« on: June 29, 2008, 03:40:30 pm »
When we adopted Raja at 9 months of age she had lead a fairly sad life.  Her previous owner had gone through a separation shortly after adopting her (I know him, and feel sad about his situation) and began living the single life.  Hence, Raja ended up in a crate a lot.  He had young kids, and she is great with them, but...

We shortly after discovered that Raja occasionally takes an intermittent dislike to certain people.  For example, my cousins came to visit one day.  She was fine.  Happy and smiley as usually.  Suddenly, she began to growl at one of my 10 year old twin cousins (the one who would smell nothing like an animal as he as horrible allergies).  Another day, we were on our way to the pet store to try to socialize her more and stopped to get gas.  She began growling fiercely at woman at the pump next to us.  She managed to hop out of the car and my husband had to use all of his strength to restrain her (I probably wouldn't have been able to to it).  We ended up leaving her in the car when we got to the pet store (despite having other past successful trips, we didn't want to put other dogs and owners at risk).

She has not recently shown any problems, and we try to have people come over as when we invite them in, she is receptive (way too much so probably).  The problem currently lies in that none of our friends are dog lovers, without along 140 pounds of slobbery dog love.  My best friend, who tries, breaks out in rash where Raja's slobber hits her.  Ideas?  We are planning on getting her into another Obedience class (she knows her commands, but they don't seem to work when this aggression comes over her).
Raja (Our Princess), 3 yr St. Benard
Charlie (Our Calico Cat), 3 yr
Bocephus (Wild & Crazy Lab), RIP
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Offline navarre1316

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Re: How to Socialize an Adult Big Dog
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2008, 10:38:18 pm »
Socialize just like you would any other dog.  Treat her like she's a new pup, I know her size is a factor maybe try another leash/halter/collar to have better control of her.  I had the same issues with Navarre.  Take her anywhere and everywhere.  How old is she now?  Issy is just now about 1 1/2 and she has started in the last few weeks to act afraid of some people or situations that she was fine with before.  But she's also being more protective of the house.  I know with her it's another fear/unsure stage.  So I just need to get her out more, even if people don't come up to her. 

I know some dogs look at the car as their property and will protect it as such.  I'm sure other people will give you more specific thoughts (it's late and I'm not thinking clearly!)  Good luck!
God placed me on this earth to accomplish certain tasks...I'm so far behind I'll never die!!

Navarre: GSD 9/13/99-5/14/06 patiently waiting
Issabeaux: GSD 1/27/07
Daphne: Boxer
Stone: Siamese mix

Offline ruffian

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Re: How to Socialize an Adult Big Dog
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2008, 07:03:26 am »
I use a prong on Gage and my male Shiba when I need absolute control.  When used properly you should have a very responsive dog, that will listen to comands.  Prong collars are a TRAINING device, not something to put on your dog of its nightly walk around the block so they dont pull.  You use them to train the dog to not pull, on any collar.

There is also diversion training, getting the dog to focus on you not what is upsetting them.  The prong would help in this, to get her to stop growling and look at you instead, then ask her to sit and reward, do not comfort her and say its ok when she reacts like this becaus eyou are rewarding the growling, you need her to stop and follow a comand then reward. 


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Re: How to Socialize an Adult Big Dog
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2008, 06:07:10 am »
Try not to anticipate his reaction to the boy next door. If you anticipate a negative response, he will feel it and tense up, bark, etc.

I use a prong collar on Tink for her training. It is actually more humane than a flat or chain collar when training. A short jerk on the prong is better than a constant pull on her throat. Also, constant pulling on the neck/throat can do damage long term. She knows that when I put it on her it is time to go to school and shape up and we are "probably" going to go for a car ride! She gets very excited.

You can't expose your dog to enough new things, the more he is exposed, the more subtle he will become. But he must respect you as his leader. If you tell him a behavior is unacceptable he needs to correct it immediately and then you must give immediate praise or treats when he stops barking, growling or whatever the bad behavior was. It needs to be immediate so he will associate the reward with his correction or the bad behavior. Repitition is the key.

My dog trainer says that when you are training a new behavior 15 minutes on the subject is the max. You have to give the dog a break and do something fun like fetch or play with a tug toy. Then resume the training. A dog's attention span can be like that of a 5 year old especially with younger dogs. They can become aggrevated with long training sessions. Try limiting his new exposures to 15-20 minutes, then remove him from the situation and give him a break. Reward him for doing good and then repeat. The more you practice and the older he gets you can lengthen the sessions.
My name is Lori.

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Tinkerbear (lab/kom mix)
Harley (Newfy/Saint mix)
Boomer (Cat-russian blue)
RIP - Tater Marie (basset 11/95 to 1/08)
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