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Mastiffs => Old English Mastiff Discussions => : mastiffmommy May 28, 2005, 12:46:05 PM

: Galahad likes the Frog position
: mastiffmommy May 28, 2005, 12:46:05 PM
Galahad has for a couple of weeks now, been real into stretching out, on the floor, the couch or the bed. He lies there with his front legs in front of him and the back legs straight out behind him, totally flat on his belly. For only being 14 weeks he takes up an enormous space in the bed, cant wait for  him to weigh over 200 lbs lol..... But on a serious note, it still concernes me a little, some people say that, that position can be a sign of being too loose in the hips. One of my danes used to do that aswell, not only as a puppy but her whole life and she had perfect hips, so I dont know if there is a truth in it, but cant help that is still bothers me a little. Anyone here has dogs or puppies that likes the "frog" position??

: Re: Galahad likes the Frog position
: nickerbokker May 28, 2005, 12:49:43 PM
see, i ALWAYS heard that if your dogs did that, it was a sign that they had good hips and it didn't hurt them to stretch them like that.  i was so happy when cody always did it....

but now i have wangus who does it alll the time, so i dont believe it since his hips are TERRIBLE

i dunno which it is, or if it has no truth at all!
: Re: Galahad likes the Frog position
: Rufiesmom May 28, 2005, 12:56:57 PM
This is Sophie when she was a baby doing the frog thing.  It's the Superman flying position!
: Re: Galahad likes the Frog position
: mastiffmommy May 28, 2005, 01:19:18 PM
yeah... just like that  :D They look too cute, but also makes me a little worried every time I see him do it. Did you have Sophies hips tested, or has she ever shown any signs of bad hips??

Nicker... It is hard to know what to listen to and not, on one hand you hear something and then you hear something that totally contredict what you just heard. But codys hips are okay arent they??? by the way, how is Angus doing???

: Re: Galahad likes the Frog position
: Rufiesmom May 28, 2005, 01:27:40 PM
Sophie only laid like that when she was a pup.  Our girl Bailey is 2 and lays like that still. 
: Re: Galahad likes the Frog position
: Jaimie May 28, 2005, 03:21:25 PM
 Ace doesn't lie like that but my newest addition Sasha will occasionally lay like that though.  My friends Newf lays like that all the time and his hips are fine and he is 6 years old.
: Re: Galahad likes the Frog position
: nickerbokker May 28, 2005, 09:10:06 PM
yeah... just like that  :D They look too cute, but also makes me a little worried every time I see him do it. Did you have Sophies hips tested, or has she ever shown any signs of bad hips??

Nicker... It is hard to know what to listen to and not, on one hand you hear something and then you hear something that totally contredict what you just heard. But codys hips are okay arent they??? by the way, how is Angus doing???


cody is made of friggin steal!  the dog is solid as shit, hips and all.....i should never have neutered him, he could have helped the golden gene (and considering he is the most beautiful golden i have ever seen [ aside from my dead dogs cuz they always beat the alive ones], he could have helped in the pretty department also.)

ya know how all goldens have bad hips and bug eyes these boys doesn't!  he is solid and beautiful!  and humping his bear while i type this LOL.......

it is hard to judge what to think one has any "real answers" just opinions based on experiences... .but since that is different for everyone, its always hard to know what will be the case with your own beast. 

everyone has a different answer for feeding schedules, feeding bowls, collars, foods, health....and its really annoying to be honest with you LOL.....

: Re: Galahad likes the Frog position
: moonlitcroatia May 30, 2005, 07:03:06 AM
Betti stretches out like that, too.  Greta, on the other hand, cannot and she is the one with bad hips.  Even when she was a puppy, she was too stiff and isn't shaped in a way that allows her to do that.
: Re: Galahad likes the Frog position
: moonlitcroatia May 30, 2005, 07:06:22 AM
Since hip dysplasia is painful, I would think that the frog position would be difficult and hurt a puppy who has it.

Here is some interesting information (quickly sums it up):
: Re: Galahad likes the Frog position
: greek4 May 31, 2005, 08:27:54 AM
Both my dogs sleep on their stomachs and backs like frogs.  Both have good hips as far as I know.  I have heard that laying like that indicates good hips. ???
: Re: Galahad likes the Frog position
: lins_saving_grace May 31, 2005, 08:32:37 AM
My Rotts love to frog it.  They seem to be terribly comfortable doing it especially if in the way while doing it.
: Re: Galahad likes the Frog position
: Rachel May 31, 2005, 09:01:30 AM
In a mastiff group I belong to there was a big discussion about the frog position and hips.  Lying in this position actually does not say anything about the hips.  Dog's hips can be absolutely perfect or horrible and they will still lay in this position.  Someone had a good website but now I do not remember what it was...
: Re: Galahad likes the Frog position
: GR8DAME May 31, 2005, 11:00:33 AM
Strider frogs right side up and upside down and I can say for certain that his hips are perfect. I have spent well over a thousand dollars in the last two months on x-rays and orthopedic specialists due to  a HOD scare to find out that his hips are properly alligned, dense, and socketed. The poor guy aught to glow in the dark. So i I think some dogs like people are comfy that way and some aren't.