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BPO Training Forum => Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience => : Britz June 24, 2007, 11:20:04 PM

: Barked at me
: Britz June 24, 2007, 11:20:04 PM
Well  this morning We were sitting outside and  Zeus started again  trying to bite my  leg so I said  gruffly  like I always do "no Bite"  and calmly tell him " sit"  Well he  then   never  bit  but  sat there right in  front  of m e and started barking at me.  OK  I  don't want him to do this  Bark at me for  telling him not to bite. I  simply  told him to go "lay  down"   He  just  barked at  me till I Yelled "STOP" Then  he looked  at me and stopped.  HE has  never  done this  before and I feel i never did anything to make him  go off. I Was  sitting there petting him  and telling  him  to go get his toy.  HE ended up getting  a time out since  he tried to bite  right  after that, Not friendly bites or gumming grabbing  my  pants so I ended up  just getting up and  walking  in to the house.. He is only around 10-11 weeks old  but how do you stop that  barking he has never done it  before  I'm  going to train him the  "talk" Command. Maybe I'm just getting  worried  for nothing. BUt  seriously  I  jumped out of my  chair when  he barked at me. He just started getting his  bark  in the past  6 days  so I have seen and heard him  bark at the cat and  ethans remote control  truck  but  he has never once barked at one of us. 
: Re: Barked at me
: Britz June 24, 2007, 11:27:57 PM
He's most likely showing his frustration with not getting his way.  Alot like kids do.

One way of teaching him to not do that is to turn your back on him when he barks at you.  He won't like being ignored.  The second he stops barking, praise him.  It will take a few times but he will learn to associate the Good Boy with not barking.
Good luck.

thank you  I'll Try that.
: Re: Barked at me
: Icerotti June 24, 2007, 11:31:59 PM
We have a sassy weimaraner like I am going to try that Tina. :)
: Re: Barked at me
: lorim2 June 24, 2007, 11:34:52 PM
def sounds like the puppy stage...Marley will still do the barking thing at me if I am not listening to him...I try to ignore but he usually wins!  haha..but hes usually right..Most of the time one of his water bowls in empty!
: Re: Barked at me
: Duramax June 25, 2007, 12:01:59 AM
hahaha! that reminds me of boog the other day, he got sick of me having the camcorder trained on him so he lay'd down on his side and quietly started doing a 'BUFF...BUFFF.B URRRRR. BRUFFF BUF BUF.BURRRRR... .'big scary dog not! telling me he was sick of the camera, but when i ignored him he gave up and put his paw over his muzzel to hide. it was so funny! i'll post it some day if i can ever figure out how to post videos on the internet :P
: Re: Barked at me
: Britz June 25, 2007, 02:12:39 AM
hahaha! that reminds me of boog the other day, he got sick of me having the camcorder trained on him so he lay'd down on his side and quietly started doing a 'BUFF...BUFFF.B URRRRR. BRUFFF BUF BUF.BURRRRR... .'big scary dog not! telling me he was sick of the camera, but when i ignored him he gave up and put his paw over his muzzel to hide. it was so funny! i'll post it some day if i can ever figure out how to post videos on the internet :P

hahaha to cute.. 

THanks  all for your input  I have had to  ignore him yet  sence he hasnt  done it sence this morrninnga nd well he is just lazing out  right  now. .
I had the growl  yesterday  he  didnt  want  to give my pants back lol
: Re: Barked at me
: GoldenPyrs June 25, 2007, 04:36:45 AM
I've also had great luck with ignoring unwanted behaviors.  When Cassie arrived here she literally jumped on us and mouthed (or play bit) our hands constantly and since she was 21 months old and 70# it could really hurt sometimes.  We had to keep her in my hubby's office (he telecommutes & works from home full time) for the first week and only he and I worked with her at first until she settled down enough to be around the kids.  We were just really loving but consistant.  When she jumped up or play bit we'd say "no jump" or "no mouth" and turn our backs to her for 20 seconds or so.  As soon as she settled down we'd turn back to her with pets, praise and sometimes treats.  We also taught her to sit, down, etc. (with more treats  :)) and that really taught her to listen well, too.  It worked great and very quickly.  She came into the house a week or so later and we told the kids to do the same with her.  She's been here now since mid Feb and you'd never know it'd been a problem at all.  Your puppy is young and they're so smart and they really want to please, so he'll have it all figured out in no time.   ;)  ;D
: Re: Barked at me
: k2campbell June 25, 2007, 04:45:49 AM
I think the suggestions you've gotten here are great  ;)

Around 13-14 weeks Kate would chase us around the yard and nip at our ankles (or more like our tendons), it HURT!!! :P We instantly had to put a stop to it, I can't remember who suggested it but it worked. We filled up a spray bottle with 1 part lemon juice to 3 parts water, and carried it with us. It took 2 (maybe 3) times of squirting her (along with a stern "NO") for her to stop. Only thing is you have to be careful to get it in the mouth, you wouldn't want to get it in the eye (ouch)! ;)
: Re: Barked at me
: Britz June 25, 2007, 06:00:02 AM
I think the suggestions you've gotten here are great  ;)

Around 13-14 weeks Kate would chase us around the yard and nip at our ankles (or more like our tendons), it HURT!!! :P We instantly had to put a stop to it, I can't remember who suggested it but it worked. We filled up a spray bottle with 1 part lemon juice to 3 parts water, and carried it with us. It took 2 (maybe 3) times of squirting her (along with a stern "NO") for her to stop. Only thing is you have to be careful to get it in the mouth, you wouldn't want to get it in the eye (ouch)! ;)

Zeus  actually  just  did ths today I Was walking  away from him to grab  something and he ran  up and  grabed the back of my ankle  MAN  did it  hurt  I i'll have to try that  for the bitting.
: Re: Barked at me
: Icerotti June 25, 2007, 08:08:14 AM
When we first moved to the area where we live now. Katie(rotti) was just a pup. My dad and I were painting the house before we moved. She was bitting us on the calves and our ankles--dang it hurt. She kept stealing the painting supplies. So we had placed mouse traps on the supplies--she soon,stop trying to steal them.After a few days our calves were really bruised and sore from the bad girl. So my dad and I put mouse traps on the back of our pants. Problem solved---she left us ::)

You mUST remenber to remove before going to the store or risk getting very strange looks.
: Re: Barked at me
: DenverFurKiddos June 25, 2007, 08:29:38 AM
HAHAHAHA!!  That's such a great idea!  Maybe I'll try them in the trash can, toilet bowl, and mail slot!!!!   ;D
: Re: Barked at me
: Britz June 26, 2007, 01:18:20 AM
HEHE about teh mouse trap  I would  probley  hgo all day  shopping etc and  forget i had it on the back of my pant  leg.  We are working out h*ll I feel like  I have been  working on  everything between hubby  kids and dog   I have no time to work on myslef lmao