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: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: bluskygirl November 02, 2006, 03:57:04 AM
My last dog was the kind of dog you couldn't be near in the car becuase she would pace and jump and lick and just generally go nuts until we got to where ever we were going. It was craziness.  SO, when I got Bella I wasn't expecting quite as much insanity in the car, but I expected something... Bella loves to get in the car, but as soon as we get going-like before I've even left my carport- she's curled up on the seat and she sleeps teh entire trip! 5 minutes or 45 minutes, she's crashed. It's so odd to me, but also nice! :) Is this typical big paw behavior?? What does your dog do?
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: Anakalia November 02, 2006, 04:04:11 AM
Koby gets very very nervous on car rides, but I think it may be because we have a car and not an SUV he doesn't have much room in the back to relax, and we can never take him and my daughter in the car at the same time because he takes up the whole back seat.  As soon as he gets in he'll start the shoe string drool and he'll be panting a lot!  We try to take him to the park and "fun" car rides so he doesn't think car = vet office.  BUT it doesn't seem to work much and he's always a nervous wreck! lol
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: Lyn November 02, 2006, 04:11:10 AM
Lola lays down and either sleeps or chews on a bullystick. We keep one in the truck for her. Bubba on the other hand doesn't have enough room to lay down comfortably. So he sits or stands and looks out the window. So we only take him for short trips. He's not much for rides anyway. Lola loves it though.

We have a shortbox Sonoma truck. I know.. wrong vehicle choice for Saints. LOL We tried to put them both in the back once.. I had my seat all the way up and poor Lola was squished against Bubba, so we can only take one at a time.

: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: macybean November 02, 2006, 04:11:19 AM
Riley likes to be the co-captain. He'll sit with his butt on the backseat and his paws right behind the console, head over the console, watching the road. He also likes how the a/c hits his face right there, I think. Sadie just lies or sits against the seat with her head down, waiting for it to be over. She's not a car fan but loves going places, so she still gets excited and jumps right in. I have a little Jeep Wrangler, so the two of them seatbelted into the backseat is quite a sight.
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: Kirsti November 02, 2006, 04:15:12 AM
We normaly take the van, so Sammi gets a whole set when she's the only dog... when we take my uncles dog they share. But it works out great, sometimes she will get up and walk just to look out the front window. I took her in my car once, and I felt so bad afterwords cuz she had no room, my seats were to small for her, and I don't really have a back seat I could have put her in... but normaly she enjoys car rides...
Sometimes if its a long ride, like going to my cabin, I will put treats in the car on her seat...
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: GabesMom November 02, 2006, 04:29:12 AM
Gabe gets super excited when say "Wanna go bye-bye in the Beep-Beep"  We have a Touareg and the funniest part of the whole thing is getting him into the truck.

If you open the back door he will plop the big front paws up in the bed and turn around and look back at you like "Well? Are you gonna help me the rest of the way in?"  And I know that he can do it on his own.  I have watched him when he thought I wasnt looking!!!!  He is 162 lbs...

But once he is in, he will gladly ride anywhere I will take him.  We hike with him a lot and its a couple hours of a drive to get there and he will bark at me when its time to pull over for the potty break.  And get right back in and go right back to sleep.

I often wonder what people think when they see us driving around with our Big Guys/Gals.

: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: People Whisperer November 02, 2006, 04:40:52 AM
My BPO does the same thing! She sleeps 10, 45, or 7 hour rides. I have to wake her up to go potty and she goes straight to sleep. I love it!
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: TheUnSaintlySaintClan November 02, 2006, 05:02:55 AM
We have a Taurus wagon and Simon and Heidi take up the entire cargo section. For the first few minutes they are both doing "circles" around each other trying to look out the back windows. The only problem is when they're standing up, they block the entire back window. They drool all over the back seat. I also have drool caked to the back window of the car. I have to clean my window every few days so I can see clearly.  After a while though, they settle down and lay down.
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: newflvr November 02, 2006, 05:07:33 AM
I take Cowboy and Chester with me everywhere and they expect to go EVERY matter where!  I have a van and all the seats are down with big dog beds all over so it's very cushy for them!  We regularly are in the car all day with NO problems.  Cowboy refuses to pee anywhere but home so that's never been much of an issue.  Cowboy dozes but Chester loves to sit up and watch the world through the back window!!
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: macybean November 02, 2006, 05:14:18 AM

If you open the back door he will plop the big front paws up in the bed and turn around and look back at you like "Well? Are you gonna help me the rest of the way in?"  And I know that he can do it on his own.  I have watched him when he thought I wasnt looking!!!!  He is 162 lbs...

Riley does this. Sometimes, he doesn't even bother to put his front feet up. I know he can get in, though it's a little difficult (I have to flip the front seat forward for him to get in-only have two doors on my jeep). I used to wait for him to do it himself most of the time, but once, he slipped and one of his back feet went between the car and the riding bar thing on the side that you step on to get in. He fell backwards. He's too heavy for me to hold up, and I was freaking out that his bone was going to break. I managed, somehow, to hold him up enough to get his foot out (this was pretty recent and he's 130 pounds now).

Now, I go ahead and pick him up from the back like he requests...
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: GabesMom November 02, 2006, 05:29:01 AM
Macybean - My husband has a Jeep and get this...That silly dog will jump up into the jeep.  And my husband's jeep has a 4 inch lift on it (it's the toy).  Gabe know's that when Daddy say "Wanna go bye-bye in the beep beep?" it means they are going somewhere out in the middle of no where. 

Which means when they get home the Dog; Jeep; and Husband need to be bathed.
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: Nicole November 02, 2006, 05:58:11 AM
Well. Cabeza LOVES getting in the car. So much that as soon as he leaves our front door, he will literally jump into ANY car that is sitting there with the doors open. He's gotten into UPS and FedEx trucks before. No kidding. And random people's cars. Its ridiculous.

Once in the car, he is super excited. He used to be really bad when we didn't have our 4-Runner. Trying to get in dad's lap, trying to look out the windshield, etc. Just way excited. Now that we have the 4-Runner and he has the entire cargo area, though, he's getting used to the idea of having his own back window to look out, and not be bothered. If Molly is in the back seat, she'll fold down half so that he can scoot up and lay with her. They like it a lot!
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: lins_saving_grace November 02, 2006, 02:36:08 PM
Car rides are so fun and i'm really glad Lady and Grace love them...even to the vet. 
typically we pace from side to side for a while...stick our noses out and sniff.  then we sit or lay down.  then we listen for key noises like the blinkers or notice the wheels slow down.  we think we're somewhere to stop or get out and bounce and pace.  Grace will poke me in the back of the head while Lady sticks her big noggin between the drivers side window and my left shoulder till she can give me a wet willy. 
Alas, it was just a red light.  RUCKER FRUCKER DRUCKER MUCKER.  sometimes in the day time if the windows are down enough we like to bark at people at lights and scare them.  Or bark from the back window at dogs in other cars.  that's always funny. 
My favorite part about car rides in when the Jeep bounces up and down till the wheels leave the ground and i look like i've installed one of those crazy bouncing suspensions.  :)  car rides are always an adventure.
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: Moni November 03, 2006, 02:46:08 AM
Tenchi LUVs car rides.  When I sign "car" to him he gets all excited and does the prance in place thing.  We have a subie wagon and he either curls up in the way back or we put one or both of the seats down for him.  It depends on who else is in the car.  Sometimes if I have groceries or whatnot in the wayback, he'll sit ON the bench in the middle.  Yup, his hiney parked on top of the seats, sticking his head out the window.  However I only allow him to do this when we're driving around downtown or somewhere slowly.  Otherwise he has to lay down nicely. 

Mojo is addicted to car rides.  He will also leap into any open car, straight to the front passenger seat!  He has been my shotgun companion for over 10yrs.  He gets very depressed when summer comes and he can't come everywhere with us.  I used to call the car his portible crate, because he'd prefer to be in the car for hours while I had to run errands rather then stay in a big roomy house with daddy.   :D  I call him my furry car alarm with teeth.  He's well behaved when I'm in the car with him, but once I step out of it, don't try getting into my car.    ;D  This boy has made me feel safe during zillions of long trips through the middle of nowhere.  He also barks on command, so that helps when people are giving me weird vibes.  lol

Faust doesn't mind car rides either way, he'll take them or leave them.  He prefers riding in front, but usually has to ride in the backseat or in the way back.  He's pretty chill about most things, such a laid back dog really.

Zeo really does NOT enjoy car rides.  When she was a puppy she used to drool copious amounts until her and the car were drenched.  I'd have to bring loads of towels whenever I took her anywhere.  We just pushed through and she doesn't get car sick anymore, but its definitely not somewhere she'd go if given a choice... at least not happily.

Kida is a spaz and likes to wrestle with the kids in the back seat.  She too loves car rides and will leap into it, whenever she sees the door open.  Her motivation is not the ride, but the hidden treats she can find.  Things like a stray french fry that fell into the seats, or maybe a pretzel or cracker.   ::)  Yep, she's my little packrat.

My mom's dog, evil Wiggles, is the absolute WORST in the car.  O.M.G... I swear!  I need to tether her to a harness, because otherwise she leaps from front to back to wayback then to back to front to back to wayback!  If that wasn't bad enough, she's barking her fool head off the entire time and louder when she's restrained.  It sounds somewhere between a train whistle, foghorn and someone getting murdered....  Yeah, let me tell you how much fun THAT was.  After a lot of drives, she has toned it down a liiiiittle bit.  Those first 15min of a drive are insane though.   :-X
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: PennyK November 03, 2006, 03:38:54 AM
Teddy will whine and wimper if I make him go in the back.  Let him ride shotgun and he's great!
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: 2dobies November 03, 2006, 03:47:23 AM
Darmok gets upset if she CAN'T go.
We took her on a 2000-mile vacation this past spring through Alabama, Georgia, the Carolinas, West Virginia, etc, and she LOVED it!  She gets comfy in the middle seat (my son likes the rear seat) and stretches out so that front toenails are against the passenger side door, and back toenails are against the drivers' side door, and sleeps until we stop for a potty break.  She loves to travel, whether it's across the country or across the street
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: kathryn November 03, 2006, 05:17:32 AM
I have a T100 truck so the dogs get the back seat.

Cinder will lay down after looking out the window for a little bit or she'll just sit there and look out the window.

Kaila likes to look out all the windows hence the nose prints on all the windows.  She'll also stick her head between the driver's window and me so she can see what's happening up front and her favorite place is to hang over the front seat where the A/C will hit her in the face.  She has her back legs on the back seat and front legs hanging over the front seat while her fat head blocks the rear view mirror.

Shiner doesn't like rides.  He will lay down and pant and get really upset. 
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: chaos270 November 03, 2006, 05:41:56 AM
Kali gets sooooo mad if you go anywhere without her. She follows us as we're getting ready but as soon as we pick up the purses she goes crazy running back and forth between you and the door and headbutting out purses.  She always beats you to the car and stares either at the door or the back hatch for you to let her in.

We have a PT Cruiser so we always either have the larger portion of the backseat down or out of the car. She loves sticking her head out the window even if it's below freezing outside  ::).  And yes we let her have her window even though we freeze.  She'll poke her head between the front seats and stare at the window controls until we put the window down. 

On long car rides she'll alternate between sitting on top of the person in the back, resting her head near you or have her head out the window.  She'll also sleep with her head on the arm rests of the front seats.

Lacey on the other hand goes crazy in the car.  She tries to herd anything and everything outside of the car and tears around the back like a maniac.  So we usually don't take her alot with us because she gets to be so annoying.  plus we worry about her hurting herself.

here's some of Kali's carride pics:



: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: Leah-n-boy-os November 03, 2006, 06:38:47 AM
My zoo loves to go places. It doesn't matter where, they love to go. Hubby went out and bought a canopy for our pickup, beacuse he felt it was unfair that only one or two got to go at a time. So now everyone fits, with room for friends! I used to have a Suzuki XL-7 that everyone *somewhat* fit in, (two stood while one had to lay down) but Hubby bought me my dream-car last month (Jeep Wrangler) so now if they righe with me, it can only be two at a time, and we're working on being seatbelted in. (Apollo *detests* being constrained, but that's the rule, so everyone has to abide by it!)

Onyx is a total rag-top dog. The most hysterical thing in our lives was driving up to a traffic light with the top down and Onyx taking up the *ENTIRE* back of the Jeep, and seeing people's faces around us. Onyx loves the jeep the most...Mom plays better music, and runs more errands, which means he gets more treats from people spoiling him rotten!!
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: navarre1316 November 03, 2006, 07:05:58 AM
Navarre loved car rides!  He also took up the whole back seat.  He would sit up at first and then would lay down for the rest of the ride, he was a good travel companion!

Daphne also loves to ride, she sits up more though, she likes to look where we're going.  She'll sit in the middle of the back seat and look out the front window!
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: Nina November 03, 2006, 07:37:56 AM
Harley rides in the back of our Caliber, and she has her head out the back window.

: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: MommaBear November 03, 2006, 07:49:10 AM
Bear loves car rides! Especially cruising in Chris' little prelude. She is able to sit in the back seat and put her head out of his sunroof  8) She makes everyone laughs that sees her.
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: Fumble November 03, 2006, 09:34:03 AM
ooh i can't believe i'm at work right now and don't have access to all my fumble car pictures! fumble LOVES the car, and just recently started sticking his head out!  i have to admit it is so funny to see him sticking his head out and jowls flying in the air!! oh it just brightens my day! then he'll usually put his head on the center console thingie! esp if it's along ridE! oh how he loves the car though.  i usually leave my keys in the door and jingles them when he wants to go for a ridE! he's so smarT! :)
: Re: What does your BPO do on a car ride?
: shangrila November 04, 2006, 02:45:44 PM
Zoey will stand and watch the windows most of the time and then when she gets bored she will lay down.