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BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : Binky March 09, 2008, 10:42:11 AM

: OMG!!! I think I'm getting a LEO PUPPY!!!!! But... (sorry long)
: Binky March 09, 2008, 10:42:11 AM
OK, so I have been approved by a breeder to get the last pup left in her litter!!!!  I am sooo excited...BUT, I feel kind of guilty.
We were planning on getting a rescue pup for our next dog and I found a lovely St. mix.  We put in an application but were too far away for them to do the home visit-I'm guessing this is the reason as I never heard back from them
:(  Unless it was b/c we have a baby.  Anyway, this is our third not so positive experience with rescue.
We tried to go through Pyr rescue before Binky and the people were kind of rude and then just didn't get in touch.  Then we found another St. mix who was supposed to be great w/animals but before we got him, he attacked a cat at his foster home.
So I know that there are great dogs out there to be adopted but my husband is afraid to bring in a dog w/unknown heritage to the family (7 other animals plus a 6 month old baby).  And now I'm leary too, so I got in touch w/the Leo breeder and she had one left.  It kind of seems like it's meant to be.  And I have really wanted a Leo for a long time.  But I still feel guilty, spending SO much on a pup and leaving another in a shelter...
Sorry, this is kind of a rant.  I'm just upset b/c I should be way happy but feel so guilty at the same time.
: Re: OMG!!! I think I'm getting a LEO PUPPY!!!!! But... (sorry long)
: lookingfornewf March 09, 2008, 11:24:09 AM
 ;DI think you can be happy making sure a pup from a responsible breeder gets a very happy home and is brought up well. Sometimes a rescue works out and sometimes not. I have a rescued Jack Russel and I spent a fortune on my Newfoundland. And if it helps you I also donate to rescue groups whenever I can. Many need the money equally as bad as people to take the pups.
: Re: OMG!!! I think I'm getting a LEO PUPPY!!!!! But... (sorry long)
: lorim2 March 09, 2008, 12:33:45 PM
That was very well said Stella!  I need to print that out because I am the queen of "guilty syndrome". 
: Re: OMG!!! I think I'm getting a LEO PUPPY!!!!! But... (sorry long)
: Binky March 09, 2008, 12:57:03 PM
Glad to hear of the new addition, I hope it works well for you.
Feling guilty is very over-rated, I rarely bother. I have three dogs, two danes from breeders and one dane mix that was a rescue. I have tried to work with Dane rescues and was rarely successful, Strider was an animal control rescue-all they wanted was your name, phone and $200.00. I don't feel bad for going to a breeder for my other two, I got exactly what I wanted, when I wanted it, and I paid for the priveledge. My choice, and I have no problem sleeping at night.
I have personally rehomed three dogs that were in need, and found countless dogs in rescue for friends and family that were looking to add to their flock. I can live with that.

Wow- thank you!  That's what I needed- thanks everyone else too.  Stella, you have such a great attitude!  I am really going to try to be more like you :)  I feel guilty about everything even though I really have no reason to.  I donate generously to several shelters, I give my animals a great home,  I'm a good mom and wife...  so I guess it's OK for me to get what I want once in a while. 
OK, now it's time for me to go into crazy excited puppy mode!  I will try to post pix later.  Thanks again.
: Re: OMG!!! I think I'm getting a LEO PUPPY!!!!! But... (sorry long)
: GreatPyr March 09, 2008, 02:14:41 PM
Glad to hear of the new addition, I hope it works well for you.
Feling guilty is very over-rated, I rarely bother. I have three dogs, two danes from breeders and one dane mix that was a rescue. I have tried to work with Dane rescues and was rarely successful, Strider was an animal control rescue-all they wanted was your name, phone and $200.00. I don't feel bad for going to a breeder for my other two, I got exactly what I wanted, when I wanted it, and I paid for the priveledge. My choice, and I have no problem sleeping at night.
I have personally rehomed three dogs that were in need, and found countless dogs in rescue for friends and family that were looking to add to their flock. I can live with that.

Wow- thank you!  That's what I needed- thanks everyone else too.  Stella, you have such a great attitude!  I am really going to try to be more like you :)  I feel guilty about everything even though I really have no reason to.  I donate generously to several shelters, I give my animals a great home,  I'm a good mom and wife...  so I guess it's OK for me to get what I want once in a while. 
OK, now it's time for me to go into crazy excited puppy mode!  I will try to post pix later.  Thanks again.

I agree with you,sometimes to say it takes alot of nerve knowing how people feel about Rescuing dogs first..I feel the same,I have dealt with a rescue in 1 of the dogs we have now,we love him to death and have had him 5 years soon but he was not what the rescue told us.We adopted him at age 3.Since then I will not adopt another adult dog,ecspecially a large breed,we have other dogs,children, risky for our family to take the risk with a large,grown dog.So guilt should not follow you,not everyone is able to rescue dogs from the pounds or rescue situations,our familys have to come first so we must do accordingly,each household is different.

Congrats on the new Leo! Hubby wants a St Bernard in our future but I cant decide on a Leo or newfie or Saint,I have been looking at all of them and hubby would choose the one I sway him on ..ha.ha...I have a pyr now and want another but have read and talked to so many pyr owners about keeping two together safley that I have alomst decided not to chance it.

Lots of Leo pics when he gets home :)
: Re: OMG!!! I think I'm getting a LEO PUPPY!!!!! But... (sorry long)
: lookingfornewf March 09, 2008, 03:08:35 PM
The only thing you might feel guilty about is if we don't get lots of pictures once you get the pup, you know how we all live for puppy pictures. I've never even seen a Leo pup, there must not be too many around. Congratulation s on your new pup.
: Re: OMG!!! I think I'm getting a LEO PUPPY!!!!! But... (sorry long)
: Binky March 09, 2008, 03:48:05 PM
Thanks again guys-I knew this board would be supportive!  I just spoke to the breeder and she seems so nice and really dedicated.  She has two Leos as well as a Newfie and a Saint, and had a GD who passed away!  Talk about a BP lover!
She made me really happy and said they approved us so fast b/c she thinks we'll be the perfect family for one of her Leos.
The pups will be ready at about 9 wks old, so Easter weekend- only 2 weeks to wait.  I feel so lucky that I just happened to find this breeder and she just happened to have one available- I know people who've waited for years for a Leo.
Anyway, I'll do a new post w/pix later.
: Re: OMG!!! I think I'm getting a LEO PUPPY!!!!! But... (sorry long)
: Ali March 09, 2008, 07:22:21 PM
No room for guilt - this is a celebration! I have fallen in love with Leos since joining this board. Like everyone said, sometimes rescues work out and sometimes they don't. You tried, but that wasn't in the cards for you. YOU must have been a very good girl because karma is giving you a big opportunity! ENJOY it!!
: Re: OMG!!! I think I'm getting a LEO PUPPY!!!!! But... (sorry long)
: GoldenPyrs March 09, 2008, 08:24:11 PM
I'm so happy for you!  I saw the baby Leo pics and they are so adorable!  I can't wait to watch your little Leo grow.  We've talked about Leo's here for awhile too, so one maybe in our future (just not now).  I'll be curious to hear what you think is similar & different about Leos & Pyrs as your little one grows.  Congratulation s!