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Saint Bernards => Saint Bernard General Discussions => : Lyn October 18, 2006, 01:35:36 AM

: Is this a Saint trait? Or are my Saints just weird? lol
: Lyn October 18, 2006, 01:35:36 AM
Bubba and Lola both do this.. It never really stuck me as odd until 4-5 people have asked me why they do it.

If you call them to you for attention.. they will turn around and back their butt up to your lap. So technically you are petting their butt. Bubba will also hike one rear leg or both legs up into your lap or on the chair. Lola is too short to do that so she just backs up against your legs.

Someone had mentioned that it may be a dominance thing.. but it appears to be a completely submissive gesture to me. Kinda like "I mean no harm here's my butt!!" LOL

Here's a pic of Bubba after my son called him over to pet him. Ignore my messy counter and my miserable looking son. LOL He had just got up and got dressed for school. :D

So does anyone elses Saint do this or are mine odd?  :D
: Re: Is this a Saint trait? Or are my Saints just weird? lol
: PennyK October 18, 2006, 02:05:09 AM
Teddy does the SAME thing!!!!!

I try to sit on the floor with him first thing in the mornings for a big petting session and he always puts his butt to me (generally has his back to me and tries to sit in my lap).  Its hard to get hold of his head for some good hugs cause he's always got his butt to you!
: Re: Is this a Saint trait? Or are my Saints just weird? lol
: LJ06 October 18, 2006, 02:10:53 AM
 :D My Saint Gracie does the exact same thing. When someone calls her or she goes over to someone she will give them her butt to pet instead of her head. She will also back into me if I am standing there or her favorite is to go in between my legs (she's a small Saint 105lb so she can fit still) so I can pet her butt I guess ??? :). I also notice that my Mom's Great Dane tend to lean on me when you I'm standing there. Bubba and Lola are not odd at all- b/c Gracie does all those things you mentioned. Even "one leg" sitting on couch.  :) Even though I dont let her on furniture- it is quite funny to see her sitting there like it is a normal everyday thing...
: Re: Is this a Saint trait? Or are my Saints just weird? lol
: bhender254 October 18, 2006, 02:18:32 AM
My Pyr's do the same thing. :)
: Re: Is this a Saint trait? Or are my Saints just weird? lol
: bluskygirl October 18, 2006, 02:37:30 AM
Bella hasn't started this yet, although it sounds like she will! I heard once that it has to do with the fact that getting your butt scratched (if you're a dog of course!) feels less threatening and "safer" than your head, so they offer you the back-end first. No idea if there's any truth to that!  In any case, it's cute!  Bella's still too little and crazy to lay on the floor with. She just wants to eat my hair... LOL
: Re: Is this a Saint trait? Or are my Saints just weird? lol
: Lyn October 18, 2006, 02:47:58 AM
Penny, I agree it's hard to give them hugs when you have their butt. Silly dogs..  :D

Our company just thought it was so odd, they had never seen anything like that before. I had no explanation since it's was a normal thing for me. :D

Bubba does the couch and chair sitting too. He has his own couch in the rec-room that's his. Instead of laying on it which would probably be more comfortable, he prefers to have his front feet on the floor and his butt on the couch. :D

He's also slid the kitchen chairs across the floor trying to sit on them. It's hilarious to watch him walk backwards pushing the chair until it's against the wall and then sit down on it. :D I need to get that on video and upload it to YouTube. :P

My sister in law also taught him "Kiss my nose". Lola is learning this one too now. ::) But she will tell Bubba come here so I can kiss your nose. He will put his nose right against her lips so she can kiss it. LOL Imagine our guests surprise when Bubba gets right in there face and presses his nose against their mouth. LMAO. They look at me all confused.. "Oh he just wants you to kiss his nose" :D

I will never be without a Saint now. They have so many odd, cute little quirks.
: Re: Is this a Saint trait? Or are my Saints just weird? lol
: Imani's Mom October 18, 2006, 04:21:15 AM
It seems to be a giant breed trait- they act like they are trying to sit in your lap for petting, and don't realize how big they are.  Mine will also back up to furniture and sit on it like a human sometimes.
: Re: Is this a Saint trait? Or are my Saints just weird? lol
: shangrila October 18, 2006, 08:20:29 AM
Zoey doesn't back up to peopel to get pet, but that probably has more to do with the fact that she can't walk backwards because of her hips and has trouble with U-turns.
She will lay with her butt to us if she is on the bed or something.

She does like to be kissed on the nose though, so when she greets me she will stick her nose in my face for a kiss  ;)
: Re: Is this a Saint trait? Or are my Saints just weird? lol
: Leah-n-boy-os October 18, 2006, 09:43:25 AM
Both of my big boys prefer to give their "loaded end" for petting.
: Re: Is this a Saint trait? Or are my Saints just weird? lol
: Saint and Mal mom October 18, 2006, 02:59:42 PM
Yep, Dolly looks butt scratches!  ;D I think it's an all-big-dog thing!
: Re: Is this a Saint trait? Or are my Saints just weird? lol
: TheUnSaintlySaintClan October 19, 2006, 03:48:23 AM
Simon and Heidi do the dame thing. Heidi is small still so it's not as bad when she does it, but Simon is almost as big as I am and when he does it I can't get up! He has learned "move" so he will at least get off of me when I tell him. Thank goodness. They both like to sit on my daughters' bed because it's lower, they can just plop their butts down. Kind of sofa height for them. It's hilarious though when they do it. They look almost human. haha
: Re: Is this a Saint trait? Or are my Saints just weird? lol
: Binky October 19, 2006, 04:54:15 AM
We need pix of these crazy Saints!  McDougal, our Papillon, is the king of the king of butt scratches.  He knows that I don't like him to back right up on my lap, so he tries to be sneaky and inches backwards across the couch until his butt is on me!  Gross.  Guests just love to come over and have McDougal pop in to their lap, butt directly in their faces!  No wonder people have stopped dropping in... :)
: Re: Is this a Saint trait? Or are my Saints just weird? lol
: Lyn October 25, 2006, 01:52:07 AM
Here's a pic of Bubba sitting on the kitchen chair. And yup I keep my camera in close reach at all times. LOL
: Re: Is this a Saint trait? Or are my Saints just weird? lol
: macybean October 25, 2006, 03:15:01 AM
Riley does that all the time. He's not allowed on the couch, but I guess he figures if he's sitting on you while you're on the couch, it's okay. If you're laying down, he'll sit on your chest that way.
: Re: Is this a Saint trait? Or are my Saints just weird? lol
: lindar5928 November 02, 2006, 04:14:49 PM
Yes Saints like to "sit like people" on couches, chairs and laps (and coffee tables). Barney even likes to sit on the stairs like that and me sitting next to him. We kinda hang like that.
Perhaps they are trying to relieve the weight on their legs (I heard this but am not too convinced)
Saints also like to sit next to you when you are standing and lean against your legs (major weight here) When you move, Barney will just slide down to the floor and wait for you to pet his tummy.
And of course, Saints like to lay across your feet when you are standing. This may actually be part of the ancestery - keeping the stranded skier warm - then again may not
Bottom line - love the saint and let him (her) sit on the couch, chair, lap or stair. Just love them
: Re: Is this a Saint trait? Or are my Saints just weird? lol
: bluskygirl November 03, 2006, 03:19:13 AM
That picture of Ruckus makes the couch look like it miniature!  THat's so cute.  :)