Author Topic: Just Some Pics of the Crew  (Read 3016 times)


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Just Some Pics of the Crew
« on: October 28, 2008, 05:23:42 am »
I get so feverish when I see pics of everyone's babies...I just get this bug and I HAVE to post pics too!!! :)

How many people can say they held down a wolf, against his will, and put a 2-year old's Elmo costume on him???  I swear, he really isn't as terrified as he looks  :P

It's near impossible these days to get all three of them within close enough proximity of each other to take a decent picture

Monty...still loves to give his "little" brother kisses

This is how he watches TV...I promise, he eats like a horse, he just never gains any weight!!

Can you believe he STILL fits under the coffee table?!?!