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Topics - jabear

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Mess? What mess?
« on: April 26, 2005, 07:44:22 pm »
When we came home we found Bear in his usual happy, glad we're home state. As soon as we entered the living room though, we found that Bear was very indecisive in choosing a toy to play with so I guess he decided to play with as many as he could find in one of his two crates. It is so cute how he knows what he might want but needs to go through them all until he finds just the right one.  ;D

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Giant Pawed Dog on MTV
« on: April 24, 2005, 02:31:23 pm »
The new MTV show Meet the Barkers has a Newf on it. She is still a puppy and black with white markings on his feet, nose, chest, and end of the tail. She is soooo cute!They showed the trials of potty training, Travis sharing his cereal with her, her eating a bag of chips out of the bag, and at the endshe is being cuddled and loved!

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Dysplasia
« on: April 24, 2005, 01:28:27 am »
About a year and a half ago Bear began to limp in his elbows after playtime, long walks and sometimes after getting up from a long nap. We watched him carefully and noted when it happened on a calender. Well, after a few doctor visits and medicines, new, unclear x-rays showed hazily that he had slips in his joints. The vet told us that it was severe dysplasia and that we needed to prepare for him to get worse by the day. He said his quality of life would be changed and that we should neuter him right away because he would never be able breed. I was so horrified by the blatant disregard for my feelings at hearing this news. I ended up calling our breeder and balled my eyes out. She reassured me that finding things like that in the x-ray were normal at Bear's age and that as long as I had him on his joint meds he would be okay. I also talked to several of my Newfy friends and got the same advice. So, we relaxed and just watched him. As he has gotten older his bones have solidified and we rarely, if ever, have a sore limpy dog. We think we're going to take him in for real, OFA certified x-rays in September when he turns 3 so that we can find out for sure if our intact boy  had growing pains or if he really does have dyslpasia. 
So, I am wondering now how many of you have gone through a scenario like this? Does anyone else have a dog with dysplasia? If so, I'd love to know how you treat it other than with Remadyl.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Ear cleaning
« on: April 23, 2005, 08:45:48 pm »
Bear has very long, heavy ears that have gotten infected a few times. We have to clean them often but there are times when it seems as though nothing can keep them clean. The wax build up appears daily and its gross. Maybe it is the warmer weather, maybe its just bad hygene on our part, but any advice on what works for you would be greatly appreciated.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Food for thought
« on: April 23, 2005, 10:30:58 am »
In light of the recent PETA and animal cruelty conversations that have been floating around lately, I thought that I would share a column I was sent by our own member, Brat. It is food for thought and might just make you praise yourself a bit since a lot of you do love all creatures.

"All creatures great and small."

I heard something on the radio news today that made me sooooooooo angry, I
didn't know what to do with myself.  Then I remembered - I AM a writer.
When events move me, I write.

There is a 'breaking' news story that really in its essence is nothing new -
nothing "breaking" about it.  It seems not far from  where I live a pile of
four bald eagles had been found,  dumped unceremoniousl y in a pile.*   What
was even more sickening to me? Each of them had had their legs sawed off.
Apparently, there is a huge black market for eagle talons, even as the
eagles are supposed to be a protected species in this country.  (* as I send
this to you, the count of killed bald eagles have gone up to 40+).

After I calmed down a little, I got to thinking about what kind of human
would do that.  I really cannot fathom the mindset of such cruelty but then
I realized that we have all been guilty of treating some other lifeform as
our personal  property, here for our convenience, our use, our comfort.
This is nothing new.

Most of you have heard me talk of my love, my connection for the eagles.  I
find them absolutely majestic, wise and with much to teach us if we are open
to the learning.  I would extend that even more.  I believe every other
living being on this planet we call earth has much to teach us.  I would
also suggest that no matter your personal philosophy of how each of us came
to be here, how we are created, every living, breathing being deserves the
right to peacefully co-exist here.

I will confess that back when I was a landlord(in another lifetime!) I did
wage chemical warfare on thousands of cockroaches; indeed I did..  Did I
relish the task?  You KNOW I did not - but their existence in that apartment
building was deemed a health hazard to the humans.  Soooooooo I sprayed
them.  Of course as anyone who has battled those critters knows, cockroaches
always have the last laugh.  I am convinced that they will exist on this
planet long after we humans have destroyed our own species.

But, having confessed that, I can honestly say yes, I felt bad about my
actions, and no, I have tried never to kill or abuse any other living
being.Yes, I can hear you; I DO eat meat, and yes, I do cringe when I think
of the abysmal conditions some of those animals live in so I might have food
on my plate.  I find that whole issue totally overwhelming.  But, kill an
ant or a spider?  Never!

I know some of you have pet peeves(was that a bad pun or what?!)  I have
heard your horrors of rats, or cottonmouth snakes.I know some of you carry
phobias about spiders.  Most of you have heard me wax eloquently (I
thought!) about the beauty of spiders and snakes.  I have told some of you
the stories of magnificent snails lucy joy and me have found on our walks.
I have shared  the absolute beauty of the coyotes we meet, or the sleek
skunks or raccoons we unwittingly disturb on our early morning forays in our

I have said it before, but it bears repeating.  How we interact with other
creatures, critters is all based on our perceptions, our own sense of place
in this world.  Instead of seeing a tiny mouse (or rat) as a threat to our
wellbeing, why not look at ourselves from the rat's viewpoint?  How scary
must we giants be to them?  Yes I know about the plague that swept Europe,
but  one rat running away from you is NOT going to cause you to keel over
and die.  Really.  One spider in the corner of a room is not a major threat
to you.  We don't have to kill others just to prove our dominance.  Do we?

So, may I suggest that next time you are freaked by the sight of a spider,
rat..or **** (fill in the blank), how about you allow it to live?  Instead
of giving in to whatever need you have to get rid of said critter, take a
moment and marvel at the beauty, the perfectness of its being.

Just for today, look in awe, not suspicion, upon those amazing miracles.
Gaze in wonder as you recognize how connected we all are, to each other and
yes, to those amazing soaring, glorious eagles.  Do it - today, please.


I'm starting htis topic over again because in the process of moving topics to their appropriate places, I accidently deleted this topi. I am SO SORRY Dfru (Donna)! So here is a little of her original post.

"I know my girl looks like a pure breed Lab, but her mother is a pure breed Rotweiller.  Her father is a mix Lab/unknown.  Lizzy thinks and acts like a rottie and is no way other than her looks anything like a Labrador.  Her body and muscle structure along with her strength is of Rottie quality, which is why I have a hard time with her at the regular dog girl is usually overbearing for even her lab cousins.
I had some very nice people respond and let me know where to take her.

If anyone can help her out I'd really appreciate it and so would Donna.She really wants someone that can match the spirit and size of her beloved dog. 

Meet & Greet BPOers / California get together
« on: April 20, 2005, 06:00:05 pm »
Calling all California members....I would love to find out who lives in the state so that we could try and get a BBQ or something going this summer so that we can meet and let our dogs play together. I know that finding cool people with large breed dogs is sometimes hard to do (for me anyways). SO, if you live here and would be interested, let me and Bear know!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Sleeping Arrangments
« on: April 18, 2005, 09:06:33 pm »
I never thought I'd be a person who would do anything (and I do mean anything) for her pet but alas, here I am...a devoted and loving Newf mommy. I have come to the conclusion that Bear gets whatever he wants and I mean looking at that smooshy, kissy face and pouty eyes who could resist right?  ;D Well, in the spirit of giving in, we let Bear go from his bed to our bed as he wishes. And even now at 155 lbs. he starts each night out by sleeping at the end of our bed, then goes to the floor, retreats to the couch, and finally ends up in the entry way on the cold tile. It is funny because he prefers everywhere but his own bed...go figure huh?
So whre do your fur babies sleep?

Food Discussion & Information / Rawhide
« on: April 18, 2005, 08:47:54 pm »
I have heard several different things about giving rawhide bones/chews to large dogs and problems that they might cause with digestion. I know that we have allowed Bear to eat a rawhide bone on occassion when he has been given one as a present/treat by someone else but we have never purchased it for him oursleves. So, just wondering if there is any truth to this school of thought?

Newfoundland Pictures / The Night Walker
« on: April 13, 2005, 11:41:54 pm »
Whenever I take Bear out for a walk at night I worry that people can't see him because he is so black- which is probably true. I have tried every blinking light/collar reflector out there and nothing worked because he is so hairy. ;) The only device we had success with were glow sticks (placed around the neck or on his ankles) but those got expensive afterwhile. So, here is my latest creation. I made him a reflective jacket- bright yellow with red reflective strips so that everyone knows he is a comin'.

Food Discussion & Information / Favorite Treats
« on: April 13, 2005, 10:04:48 pm »
I know that dogs love to work for treats.  :) What are your dogs' favorite? Personally, I would have to say that greenies rank among the top, right next to beef jerky.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Hot Spots
« on: April 13, 2005, 10:01:37 pm »
I was just wondering if anyone has any good remedies for curing hot spots. It seems that no matter how much we rinse after a bath and blow dry his fur after towel drying, he still ends up with hot spots. We have tried every hypo-allergenic and sensitive shampoo around it seems and nothing works. I know that after intitial hot spots the skin is much more sensitive and prone to them, but we desperately want to get rid of them. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

I just wanted to see how much you do for your dog. How much love do you really give you dog?

Newfoundland Pictures / My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades
« on: April 11, 2005, 08:26:03 pm »
We finally replaced Bear's doggle lenses becasue we lost one lense. And with the great spring weather we are having it seemed appropriate to get them out and let them be shown. He is so handsome (IMO) that he'll have problem attracting all the ladies now!  :D

Newfoundland Pictures / Dirty Pictures
« on: April 06, 2005, 07:52:11 pm »
I know we all love to let our doggies in when they are dirty right? Well here are a few recent dirty Bear pics ...right after a bath, and major blowdring and grooming session.

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