Author Topic: Bailey and SAR Training  (Read 3195 times)


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Bailey and SAR Training
« on: August 02, 2008, 05:05:21 pm »
Never again we will do any type of training outdoors in AUGUST in Texas. WHAT were we thinking???

Bailey did OK, she doesnt like the heat and it got to 106 today.

I think that we will be doing one more class to see if this is her thing, if not it was a neat learning experience.

The instructor was great and it was something that I would like to continue with, so if not Bailey, then who?? I am now evaluating all of the other dogs including the rescues.

Poor Bailey, on the last search she decided she'd had enough and headed to the car... guess she told me.


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Re: Bailey and SAR Training
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2008, 07:26:09 pm »
If Bailey does well in SAR then maybe she can come up and help me search for all the things I've hidden from myself.  :) 
Heat is unbearable this time of year.  Maybe you could get one of those things you stick in the freezer and then put on your neck and keep her a little cooler like that.  You could carry a cooler with you and get it cool if it looses its freeze too.