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Messages - Burgieboo

Pages: [1]
I'm new here, but just couldn't resist a reply. I have a 6 month old Newfie , 7 month old chocolate lab and a 9year old Aussie/Border Collie mix.  The Lab is recovering from an elbow injury received from playing with the Newfie. The surgery was over  $ 3,500  and we're not done yet! Both dogs weigh within 5 lbs. of each other so I really didn't worry about them hurting each other. BIG MISTAKE!!!!! I know I won't ever have 2 puppies at the same time again. I don't think it's fair to either of them. I quit work to be home with them, thinking I would have losts of time to give all of them what they needed. What they need and aren't getting is quiet, just hanging out, one on one time.
Please be warned about possible injury from puppy play, and good luck to you.


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