Author Topic: Berner puppy mom's or dad's...question  (Read 9589 times)

Offline MarleyPyr

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Berner puppy mom's or dad's...question
« on: August 07, 2008, 04:35:36 pm »
Is your puppy out of control with energy??? :o
Never had a puppy puppy (under 9 months) so I don't know if this is a puppy thing, a breed thing or an individual trait(hope not) but my berner puppy has the tempermant right now of a golden!! yikes. Will she calm down? LOL
1 Great Pyr 2yrs
1 Berner pup



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Re: Berner puppy mom's or dad's...question
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2008, 07:46:33 pm »
you're not alone.  some puppies are laid back.  some aren't.  Grace is my first puppy that had a ton of energy.  she didn't sleep passed 4 am until she was 1 1/2.  she's still an early morning dog, but between 5 and 7 am isn't so bad. 
she had places to go and people to see when she was young.  the breeder marked her as a pet to sell, but forgot to tell me when I picked her up that she was a speeding bullet.  She mentioned that she was the first out of the pen, but not that she would bolt around for hours without a break.  I like thinking about those memories, but i'm really glad she's calmed down.

Offline Berner_Mom

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Re: Berner puppy mom's or dad's...question
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2008, 07:10:12 am »
My Tucker is 5 months old, and yes- I do find he has a lot of energy....but it seems to be in short bursts.  He is an early riser, but thankfully the 3am/4 am/5 am's have pretty much stopped, and now he's ok getting up at 6 am, when I normally get up. 

But he will play/play/play like crazy first thing in the morning, especially with our one cat, Simba (1.5 years old), and getting him to heel and listen to voice commands on the morning walk is almost impossible.  He wants to smell everything, chase bugs, meet everyone- its exhausting!  BUT...all this only seems to last the first hour or so of him being up.  Then he's calm, hanging out, eating his breakfast, watching my husband and I get ready for work.  He goes to his "room" (kennel) no trouble, and we leave.

I come home at lunch (3.5 hours later) and give him lunch, walk him again, and he's the best behaved puppy ever, heels like theres no tomorrow- but will still burst out of that quiet demeanor if there are people/other dogs around, and will be crazy, bouncy again- and then switches it off, and is back to being calm and cool.  He is much the same way on his nighttime walk, though I do notice he doesn't behave quite as well as the mid-afternoon walk, perhaps because this is the only walk that my husband accompanies us on?

I would agree with the other poster, every puppy is different, even inside its own breed, I'd classify Tucker as "laid back with short random bursts of energy", and I've heard much the same from friends with Berners.

BTW- your profile pic is cute!  Your pups look adorable.

Mom to daughter, McKenna,
With us for 40 weeks, 1 day
Silently Born Into Eternity
on May 27, 2007

Mom to fur-kids:
Tucker, 16 months, BMD
Echo, 6 years, Siamese
Simba, 2 years, Orange Tabby
Mom to one reptile-teenager,
Trevor, 16 years, red-eared slider turtle

Offline queenbeen

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Re: Berner puppy mom's or dad's...question
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2008, 07:43:16 am »
Our little guy Duke is just shy of 9 weeks and he's much like Maddie and Tucker. He has tons of energy in the morning and then gets laid back later in the day. He does get short bursts of ebergy, but he's so young that he spends much of his time sleeping. He's really been a great puppy so far!

Offline sc.trojans

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Re: Berner puppy mom's or dad's...question
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2008, 09:18:35 pm »

Berners are very high energy for the first couple of years - this is typical (being couch potatoes is NOT).  As a working breed, they are usually very boisterous, but also, not a breed with speed endurance.

As with most puppies, they play in bursts and need frequent rests.  This is why owners are always cautioned not to take Berner puppies on walks.  The constant repetitive motion on their young joints is not healthy, and your pace is not their's.  Free exercise of frequent running, and stopping, is the natural and healthiest mode.

My most recent Berner  puppy was exhausting.  She has a very strong working drive and high drafting aptitude and it showed as a pup.  She was up and raring to go and tough to tire.  At age 4, she is only now starting to mellow :) but many mellow by age 2.

SC Trojans
with Gracie and Skylar

Offline Mainebernese

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Re: Berner puppy mom's or dad's...question
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2008, 10:07:24 am »
Cooper is 10 1/2 months old and he is still a crazy puppy!  He is very laid back if my husband is home during the day, but when I get home from work, he just goes crazy for hours.  He plays with other dogs for hours as well...the only one to outlast him is a 2 year old golden.  It actually seems like he is getting even more energy the older he gets!  It is good to know there are other berners out there like him! 

Cooper ~ 1 year old Bernese Mountain Dog
Coda (aka ruler of the household) ~ 5 year old, chubby grumpy, male cat
Ava (sister to the ruler) ~ 5 year old petite angel, female cat

Offline Nelson526

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Re: Berner puppy mom's or dad's...question
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2008, 06:14:57 pm »
I have an 11 week Berner, and I was wondering, am I not supposed to be taking him on walks? He loves the walk. I take him on a 20 minute walk in the mornings and in the evenings.

Offline sc.trojans

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Re: Berner puppy mom's or dad's...question
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2008, 10:39:31 pm »

Nope - way too young for paced walks and bad for large breed growing joints - especially Berners which are so commonly dysplastic if not from reputable breeders. 

Free exercise and active socialization with other young dogs should be the focus for several months.  The socialization window closes hard at 16 weeks so this is the critical time to get as much exposure to WELL BEHAVED young dogs and adults, people, children, strollers, sounds etc.
SC Trojans
with Gracie and Skylar

Offline Nelson526

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Re: Berner puppy mom's or dad's...question
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2008, 09:38:42 am »
Ok, so what do you suggest that I do for exercise with him? I live in an apt and the walks have been great for him, he really enjoys them. Should we just do a short walk (like 10 min?) in the morning and evening? And when can he begin to have longer walks?

Also, he bites like crazy. I mean he jumps up on me and chomps down on my skin. He leaves over 15 bruises and bloody cuts. He isn't an "aggressive" dog, he just bites really bad, and my clothes too. I got him a pigs ear the other day and that has kept him from biting me a lot, but what else can I do?

It doesn't work to yell "ouch!" or to grab the back of his neck as his mom would, and it doesn't work to walk away because he rips my pants! Any suggestions would be FANTASTIC.

Offline sc.trojans

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Re: Berner puppy mom's or dad's...question
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2008, 10:43:08 pm »

I would highly recommend you find a puppy class in your area - these are essential for both socialization and proper exercise.  Most trainers offer them and it allows young dogs to develop their dog social skills.

On your own, you should take him to an area/park/field etc. and allow him to run around on his own.....this is the best time to start building communication between you both and teach him to focus on you.  So the first game to teach should be "chase me" - put a verbal cue to it whether it is "come" or something similar and run away from him, looking over your shoulder at him.  A young puppy should come after you.  Give him a treat when he catches up to you.  Do this 5 times with breaks in between.  Also bring a toy and start teaching him tug of war.  Reward for his grabbing the toy - not you and gradually teach him where he can put his teeth (and where he cant).  When he puts his teeth hard on you, game over.  Say "too bad" and end the game - totally.  Don't worry if he doesn't totally comply initially - it may take time for him to learn that the game is over.

The point is that he should be running around, stopping and laying down, and repeating like a typical puppy....not walking, repetitive motion, on paced walks.

There are other recent posts on good teething toys, and freezable ones.  You need to be prepared for this and give him the proper strength items to help him through this period of teething.

I know you say ignoring him and walking away isn't working - but it WILL.  If he is too much of a pistol when trying to walk away, then pick him up and move him to another area to indicate "game over" - and walk away. 

Berners are high energy dogs and need very active socialization to avoid shyness and fear issues, so above all, find a puppy class.  If you have trouble, let us know where you live and someone may have a recommendation for you.
SC Trojans
with Gracie and Skylar

Offline Nelson526

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Re: Berner puppy mom's or dad's...question
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2008, 05:12:17 am »
Thank you for such a detailed response!! I will continue to try walking away. This morning when he and I went outside we went to an area where it was open and he was able to roll around outside, play, stop etc like you said. Thank you for the advice. It really helped.
I am in Overland Park KS, and we are currently in a puppy kindergarten class, and will start obedience classes (one with no choke collars :) ) on Sept 4th.
I will look up the recommendation s for teething after I write this. He just turned 3 months yesterday, so I would assume he will start teething in a couple months?
Thank you again, and I'm sure I will be asking many more questions. :)

Offline sc.trojans

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Re: Berner puppy mom's or dad's...question
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2008, 02:26:16 pm »

Actually, gum sensitivity could be setting in now...and he will likely be teething by 4 months of age.  Be prepared for that anyway, as it is common at that age in the breed.

I am glad you are in a puppy class, and positive training will be a great asset - you'll see improvement for sure!
SC Trojans
with Gracie and Skylar