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Newfoundlands => Newfoundland Discussions => : BarkleysMum January 17, 2007, 08:53:51 PM

: Ok....ewww
: BarkleysMum January 17, 2007, 08:53:51 PM
The first thing you need to know is Miss Anna Banana has a habit of grabbing something to put in her mouth and prances with it.  She does this when she's happy especially - like when you first come home, or when you're letting her outside, and sometimes she drags a toy from outside in with her.

The second thing you need to know is that is minus 19 celcius here today.

So I let her in the house and she has something in her mouth.  I'm cooking supper so don't pay much attention - just tell her to lay down.  On the carpet.  In the living room.

When I finally get around to looking at what she has, I notice it and ok EWWWW  :o  :o

yep.....frozen poop.

Yick yuck ick!!!

I did great joy out of telling my hubby about it.  Over supper. hehehe
: Re: Ok....ewww
: jabear January 17, 2007, 09:36:52 PM
Ewwww!!! What a gordy girl. Funny story though!  :) I hope that your hubby enjoyed the story and the clean up from the carpet.
: Re: Ok....ewww
: Scootergirl January 17, 2007, 10:08:26 PM
Hey, at least it was frozen! Easier to clean up that way.
: Re: Ok....ewww
: Anakalia January 17, 2007, 10:24:31 PM
HAHAHAHAHAA!  She had to bring in SOMETHING, she just couldn't find a toy. lol  Suppertime is the best time to tell hubby the story!  My family tells some very icky stories during the dinner table, totally normal!  ;D
: Re: Ok....ewww
: specialkdanemom January 17, 2007, 10:56:38 PM
Reminds me of our family's dog, Tasha (Samoyd), from when I was in grade school. She always carried around a knotted sock for tug-a-war.  One "night" (in the backyard) our friend grabbed it from her to play and thought it felt quite odd... she held it up in the light and saw that it was a dead, skinned baby opposum.  Yuk x3!!!!!
: Re: Ok....ewww
: aggghgmom January 18, 2007, 06:31:39 AM
Iwwww (is that how you spell that?)

Stoli my springer spaniel had something in her mouth once I thought it was a stick until I got closer and it was a bunny leg!  So gross I screamed for a good 10 minutes - wouldn't let her kiss me for weeks. And getting it away from her wasn't pretty.
: Re: Ok....ewww
: BarkleysMum January 18, 2007, 06:54:56 AM
Iwwww (is that how you spell that?)

Stoli my springer spaniel had something in her mouth once I thought it was a stick until I got closer and it was a bunny leg! So gross I screamed for a good 10 minutes - wouldn't let her kiss me for weeks. And getting it away from her wasn't pretty. I'm guessing you didn't keep it for good luck??? lol

These pups are cute but they do some gross things!!!  Hubby wouldn't let Ms. Banana give him any kisses this morning...hehe .  Now I'm wondering what would have been more fun (aka evil) have told or not told?  ;D
: Re: Ok....ewww
: aggghgmom January 18, 2007, 08:30:18 AM
Nope didn't seem to lucky for the rabbit!!
: Re: Ok....ewww
: schelmischekitty January 18, 2007, 10:05:50 AM
ha ha, this was too funny to read!  i read it last night and started laughing, hubby asked me what i was reading.  so i read it.  and he says "you're on BPO again, aren't you?" ha ha.  when i said yes, he said that explains it ALL and started laughing.  thanks for sharing a good laugh!
: Re: Ok....ewww
: amylynn January 21, 2007, 07:33:48 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHA!!! :) You mean you didn't want her to have a poopsicle? :) LOL

: Re: Ok....ewww
: FumbsAuntie January 22, 2007, 07:45:47 AM
OH my goodness! thats great!!! well funny but not great!! hehhehehehe Oh Anna!!
: Re: Ok....ewww
: BarkleysMum January 24, 2007, 09:22:02 AM's the not so funny part.  After the poopsicle treats (which by the way, she convinced Sheba were awesome to eat so I had BOTH of them snacking their way through the back yard...prompti ng me to say to my husband "go clean up the da*n poop!!!") ... sorry I digressed there...

after her snackfest, she wouldn't eat her own food the next day.  We had to really cajole her to eat both in the morning and evening.  In fact, in the evening, she really didn't eat.  So the next morning we didn't feed her breakfast, and yet she still didn't pounce on her food as usual that evening.

I called the vet, explained about the poopfest and the now failure to eat.  She said that although we humans don't like it, dogs will eat poop.  The only concern is that sometimes they pick up parasites from the poop, and that we should watch her carefully.

Thankfully her appetite was back by the next day - but it is indeed something to be aware of I guess!

No more poopsicles for my girlies .... thankfully.  Now I don't mind getting the morning kisses from
: Re: Ok....ewww
: Anakalia January 24, 2007, 09:29:14 AM
Heheheee "poopsicles" I like that!  Parasites in poops are so bad!  I'm constantly finding Koby eating Raccoon or Rabitt poos and I'm so afraid he's going to get sick, although he hasn't yet (knock on wood)!  I'm glad your girls are fine and that their appetites came back.
: Re: Ok....ewww
: Lyn January 24, 2007, 10:01:53 AM
When Bubba was young he kept reinfecting himself with tapeworm and picked up hookworm from eating poop. The bacteria too was a concern of mine. He too would go off his food for a day afterwards.

Now Lola is a poop eater.. fresh or frozen she doesn't care. The last straw for me was when she ate a huge pile of Bubba's poop and proceded to puke it up all over my carpet. YUCK! So when she's outside now, I'm outside. Which is a gigantic pain in the butt but this way I can correct her whenever she attempts to pick any up. So far so good. She sneeks some here and there because she's faster than me. LOL
: Re: Ok....ewww
: Fumble January 25, 2007, 08:20:56 AM
ooh myy anna banana is just letting her fantasic mommy and daddy know that she's not one of those girly puppies.. sheis a tomboy!!  hehe!!  maybe it's the weather, cause fumble was out there yesterday sniffing especially long at mines i have yet to clean!! hmmm??

i'm so glad though that anna is fitting right into your family!! give her a hug and kiss from fumble, stac and i!
: Re: Ok....ewww
: Duramax April 27, 2007, 10:39:12 AM
Duramax did that with me this winter too, he brought his prize inside and set it down right on the carpet to share with every one ::) ick ick poo.