Author Topic: When my BMD is an adult: to harness or not to harness?  (Read 5159 times)

Offline Berner_Mom

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When my BMD is an adult: to harness or not to harness?
« on: July 29, 2008, 06:11:05 pm »
My Berner is only 5 months old right now, and we are walking him with a harness.  He is learning to heel really well, and once he is grown- I am thinking ahead!- I would prefer just to have a collar on him, for convenience sake of not having to harness him every time we go out.  Plus, I'm not sure they make harness' as big as Tucker will eventually be. ???

My question to those of you with BMD's or other large/giant doggies- would you/do you walk your adult dog on a harness?

What types of collars and/or harness' have you found work best? :-\

I've heard a BMD having a collar on all the time can result in a ring around his neck, and the fur stopping growth in that area...I'd like to avoid that as much as possible.

Any tips- greatly appreciated.
Thanks! :D
Mom to daughter, McKenna,
With us for 40 weeks, 1 day
Silently Born Into Eternity
on May 27, 2007

Mom to fur-kids:
Tucker, 16 months, BMD
Echo, 6 years, Siamese
Simba, 2 years, Orange Tabby
Mom to one reptile-teenager,
Trevor, 16 years, red-eared slider turtle

Offline maxsmom

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Re: When my BMD is an adult: to harness or not to harness?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2008, 06:18:12 pm »
I tend to keep a collar on my dogs, just because I am scared of them getting out and needing something visible for identification .  I keep chain collars, with their tags on them, on Jake and ChiChi, just because leather collars do ruin their fur and can cause matting in light rain.  Cody had a chain grown into his neck when he was taken into rescue, so he wears a woven nylon collar, even though it messes up his neck fur.  He backs away from a chain collar, every time I approach him with one.  Max wears a leather collar since he doesn't have any fur to worry about.
As far as walking them, I use slip chains on Max and ChiChi, his regular collar on Cody and a prong collar on Jake, since he still has a tendency to pull like a mule, if he sees a small dog.
Max  2 Irish Wolfhound
Jake  2 Great Pyrenees
Cody   3 Tibetan Mastiff
ChiChi 1.5 Caucasian Ovcharka
John and Nicki Maine Coon cats

Offline Binky

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Re: When my BMD is an adult: to harness or not to harness?
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2008, 06:30:05 pm »
I started Binky on a harness as it gave me more control until she was fully trained.  Gradually, I started walking her with two leashes- one on the collar and one on the harness.  That way, if I needed the harness for control, I had a backup. It is much easier not having to harness her every time! She has had a collar on since day one and her fur is fine underneath- I just take it off to "air out" once in a while and brush under it.  BTW, your puppy's so cute!
Binky-Great Pyrenees
Sigfried-Cat  RIP Sigs
Jasper-Nigerian Dwarf goat
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Offline Berner_Mom

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Re: When my BMD is an adult: to harness or not to harness?
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2008, 06:35:19 pm »
Right now we have nothing on Tucker when he is in the house with us.  If he asks to go into our backyard (completely fenced in, locked gate), we do slip a chain collar on him that has his tags...because he is microchipped, but tags are VISIBLE, as you say.  Once he is back in house safely, we take chain collar off.

When we are walking him, we walk him with the chain collar on, but his leash is attached to his harness.  He pulls so much- as puppies do- we felt like we were strangling him with him pulling on collar.  So we are training with harness, for him to heel, and he is responding well.

I'm leaning towards eventually getting rid of harness, and just walking him with chain collar, as I don't think it will harm his fur as much?

Ooooh, Binky- GREAT idea with two leashes, one for harness/one for collar!  Love it!  And thanks, Tucker is adorable.  He's about 3 months in that pic, right now at 5 months he's entering his awkward stage, he's ALL legs!
Mom to daughter, McKenna,
With us for 40 weeks, 1 day
Silently Born Into Eternity
on May 27, 2007

Mom to fur-kids:
Tucker, 16 months, BMD
Echo, 6 years, Siamese
Simba, 2 years, Orange Tabby
Mom to one reptile-teenager,
Trevor, 16 years, red-eared slider turtle


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Re: When my BMD is an adult: to harness or not to harness?
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2008, 08:07:54 pm »
We also have our babies micro chipped so don't use collars at home. I use harnesses when I really want control and they work great. They do make them to fit our sized bubs. They fit Syrus and Sophie now at 11 months with plenty of adjustability. They both get excited when I bring them out and even pick up their left front leg to help step into it.

I use a quick release collar if I'm just taking them from the car to the vets or groomer not wanting the hassle of the harness.

They are getting better at coming when called and not running too far ahead, so we have been able to walk them without leashes in some areas. We live in a pretty secluded area without cars and people so it's great. I guess what I'm saying is that with continued training you probably won't need the harness later on.  It does help get him used to straps around those body parts if you ever want to take Tucker hiking and carrying a pack.