Author Topic: Bubba and kids.. another behaviour issue.  (Read 8975 times)


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Bubba and kids.. another behaviour issue.
« on: September 08, 2008, 10:25:09 am »
Yet another Bubba behaviour question.. this time concerning young kids.

My SIL was visiting with her twins yesterday. They are 15 months old and tiny.. about 25 pounds. Bubba is hyper when people first come in and I didn't want him knocking over the kids so I put the dogs in another room where they could still see everyone until they settled down. Once they were calm I let them out. They both sniffed and slobbered on the kids.. the kids laughed and everything was fine. These kids are excellent with dogs considering their age. No problems there whatsoever.

Lola was awesome with them.. they shared food and rubbed her belly. LOL She was their big furry shadow.

The problem was Bubba.. :-\ He was great unless the kids were running back and forth.. which kids do. At first he was just following behind them.. then he would get in front of them to stop them from running. He was getting annoying so I moved him out of the room and put him in a down/stay. After 10 minutes I let him roam again. He was fine, the kids were still running around laughing. Bubba started following Zander and I was about to tell him to leave him alone when Bubba grabbed Zanders arm and blocked him with his head, the momentum knocked him on his butt. Zander was laughing thinking it was the funniest thing ever. I freaked right out. Zander was fine no marks on his arm, thank god for Bubba's good bite inhabition. My SIL was like calm down he didn't bite him. It was more like a hold but all I saw at that moment was his arm in Bubba's mouth. No teeth are allowed on any kids EVER! 

After I half calmed down I realized where the behaviour stemmed from.. Hubby runs back and forth and Bubba chases, jumps at him, nips his hands and blocks him. Never in a million years would I think he would do this to a child. I'm kicking myself that it didn't click at the time that that's what Bubba was doing. Needless to say all chase games have came to an abrubt halt in this house and Bubba will be on leash from now on. That scared the living crap out of me.

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Re: Bubba and kids.. another behaviour issue.
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2008, 10:33:37 am »
Awww, poor bubba! I'm sure he didn't mean to freak you out. It sounds like he just wanted to play with the little people. I have NO idea how to train him out of using his mouth, but I"m sure you'll get lots of training feedback... It is very awesome of you SIL to keep her head and realize the behavior for what it was - harmless play. Bubba's obviously well trained, so you should give yourself big kudos for his restraint!! I hope there is a way to help  Bubba conform his play so that it makes you more comfortable... hang in there! And seriously, as far as the "big picture" goes, good for you, good for Bubba and good for SIL!
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Re: Bubba and kids.. another behaviour issue.
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2008, 04:56:01 pm »
The mouthing was definitely chase motivated.. unacceptable regardless.

Bubba always has been really mouthy when playing but it was never an issue since he never attempted to play like that with any kids before. He doesn't even play like that with my son.

Any training suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Bubba and kids.. another behaviour issue.
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2008, 05:56:30 pm »
I am in the same boat as you with Gunner.  My kids have taught him to chase them and mouths thier hands and butts, if that is all he can grab.
Gunner looks so hurt when we tell him no and put him in the down position or if he is so bad that down doesnt work, we try and redirect with toys and playing fetch.  That usually works best.
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Re: Bubba and kids.. another behaviour issue.
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2008, 06:42:08 am »
I think a large part of my freak out was due to the size difference. Bubba is an easy 115+ pounds heavier. Even though he didn't intend to hurt them he very easily could have.

But at the same time I'm way overprotective of these kids. They are just so tiny.. Half the problem is me. :P It's like I'm on alert whenever the dogs are around them.

The twins and my 11 year old.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 06:42:24 am by Lyn »

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Re: Bubba and kids.. another behaviour issue.
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2008, 11:14:20 am »
I know the "freaked out feeling" you get in the pit of your stomach.  Teddy used to try to dominate my youngest son.  One time when the kids were running, I saw Teddy "hook" his paw around my son's legs (who was 6 at the time) and haul him down to the ground then Teddy tried to lay on him (more like push him down with his chest). NOT acceptable.  My son was the one feeding  and treating after that and Teddy got over it....but I know the feeling. 

I dont really have any solutions for you.  In my house, we have just trued to remove all tempations from rough play (but my kids are older now).

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Re: Bubba and kids.. another behaviour issue.
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2008, 10:17:15 am »
I don't know much about the St Bernard breed, but they are always associated as a search and rescue dogs. Also, you saw and know your own dog, but could he have been trying to protect them in some way as they were running around?

When Syrus my Newf gets upset, he wants to grab my hand and take me someplace. I finally taught him to do this with a soft mouth.

Just a side about StB's. When I was young we lived in Germany and had a chance to do some traveling. We took a trip to St Bernard Pass in Switzerland. The dogs were bred and raised by monks and had strict controls on the dogs and breeding. All I remember is I've never seen any StB since that was as big as those. H-U-G-E! :o. Also very beautiful. At that time these particular dogs were not allowed out of the country. We would have ended up with one if they had.

And to Bubba - Settle down big boy. You remind me of Baby Huey. (I supposed most of you are too young to know that cartoon) ;)


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Re: Bubba and kids.. another behaviour issue.
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2008, 10:44:56 am »
It's possible. Bubba didn't seem to want them running back and forth. It's like it started out with him trying to stop them and then turned into play in his mind. That coupled with hubby's 'chase and grab' play style just made for a bad combo. Plus he was excited to see them.. last time they visited the twins weren't walking yet.

Hubby also plays tug with Bubba by wrapping his fingers around his fangs. Yet another behaviour which allows him to use his mouth. All of that has stopped..

I decided to teach Bubba the 'Hold' command. He learned it within a few minutes. He'll hold anything from pop cans to keys to my son's toy wrestlers. LOL I'm hoping that I can use that command when he gets mouthy. Here.. Hold this! LOL :-\ I'll let you all know if it works.


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Re: Bubba and kids.. another behaviour issue.
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2008, 12:02:36 pm »
Good boy Bubba. So eager to please momma.

Offline PennyK

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Re: Bubba and kids.. another behaviour issue.
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2008, 12:55:37 am »
So smart of Bubba to pick up that command so quickly!  Hopefully it helps in the next situation.  I think that one might come in handy...I may try to teach Teddy that as well!
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Re: Bubba and kids.. another behaviour issue.
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2008, 02:23:55 am »
If you do teach Teddy that be prepared for him to take things in exchange for treats. LOL Apparently Bubba thinks it's this fun game that gets him food. :D He's somehow turned it from just holding objects to bringing things to me. Luckily he's not taking things off the counters but anything on the floor he's bringing to me like the cat toys and whatever my son leaves within his reach.. CD case.. etc.

Now I just need to teach him that he only does it when I give the command and only with things I give him. LOL


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Re: Bubba and kids.. another behaviour issue.
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2008, 06:42:31 am »
Maybe the next step is to teach him to put the things away :D


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Re: Bubba and kids.. another behaviour issue.
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2008, 05:32:29 am »
TINK is super hyper with kids. We had to put her on leash around them each time they come over and really work with her to calm her down and get her back into the groove of obeying commands (sit, down, leave it (meaning the kids)) I even took my grandson to one of her obedience classes. He stays with us a lot and I taught him the "off" command. He knows not to run around her if he doesn't want to play with her anymore.

As for the mouthing, I have never had a dog that mouthed constantly like TINK. My husband and I fight this every day but she is much better now. Absolutely no mouth contact with human flesh is how we had to do it. Tug toys are get for teaching this. She mainly does it now for attention when she wants something and she thinks we aren't listening she will put my hand in her mouth. Good Luck this is a hard one to break but don't give up!
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