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Messages - Sullivan

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Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: DEW Claw Removal or NOT?????
« on: September 01, 2005, 03:45:47 pm »
We had Seamus' removed at 4 months when he was neutered, per the advice of our vet.  I once saw my friend's dog rip hers and it was really painful for her.  That combined with the vet's advice we removed them. 

He recovered fine, but he now has these VIOLENT scars on his legs.  It makes me feel bad everytime I see them.  He also has some scar tissue built up a little, and I think it might irritate him.   I totally regret removing them!
Take it from someone who knows, it isn't really worth it. 

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Can puppy St.'s handle stairs?
« on: September 01, 2005, 03:26:43 pm »
We are getting a new puppy soon and I have a question about whether or not she can handle stairs.  I've heard that puppies shouldn't attempt stairs while they are young to protect their hips.  My bedroom is upstairs so unfortunately they are unavoidable.  I'm wondering should I carry her until she gets too big, or let her try them now? 
We didn't have any stairs in our old house so Seamus never got used to them.  Now he is a little afraid of them.  It is kind of an ordeal to get him down, and I don't want to have to go through the same thing with Finley. 
Any advice?

I've heard a bunch of conflicting information.  Our breeders told us to keep our dog on puppy food until he was two, as St.'s are puppies for about two years.  Also, one of the vets where we go confirmed that.  However, Seamus saw a vet today and he told us to switch now. 
Seamus is 16 months now.  He is a VERY finicky eater and is really underweight, he fluctuates between 125 and 133 b/c he'll sometimes go a day or two and not eat much and then gorge himself another.  This behavior started about the time the weather started to get warm, so I've attributed it to the heat.  I'm a little worried about how thin he is.  The vet hasn't said anything and he seems healthy.  He drinks plenty of water and his energy level is good.  The only thing i've noticed is severe itching all over his body.  The vet says allergies and recommends a hypoallergenic food.  Could it be something else?
So, two questions- when to switch to adult food AND could there be something wrong with him?  Thanks!

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: bruises
« on: August 14, 2005, 06:53:00 pm »
Seamus doesn't have any bruises, but I do!!! Does anyone else get beat up by their big pups?  Or am I the only one?  He just doesn't know his size, and my feet and legs are constantly bruised from him slamming into me!!! :)

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: How Level is your Saint?
« on: August 03, 2005, 11:31:42 am »
Thanks!  I thought that sounded dumb, but you hear so many things... He is a beautiful boy regardless of how big he gets. 
Speaking of beautiful dogs, what kind of dog do you have?  He/she is georgeous!  Is he/she a newfoundland mix of some sort.  Stunning!
I'm glad to hear that other dogs have high rears too.  Seamus looks like such a dork b/c his hind end is soooo much taller than the rest of him, I just figured he was still growing.  He is around 14 months and weighs about 130.  I heard that St.'s are puppies until about 2 yrs, is that true?  I also heard that if he doesn't grow past 150 he isn't a pure blood St.  Is that true?  Not that I care, we don't show or anything, I was just curious.
I believe that giant breed dogs are not fully grown & mature until they are 3...but I have heard 2 too...As far as the weight/purebred thing goes...That's bunk!!!!...It all depends on genetics...If you breed 2 massive st.'s you'll end up with a bigger dog...Breed 2 smaller sized st.'s & end up with a smaller dog...At 14 months your dog is not fully developed in his bones yet..They should thicken as he matures & that will cause him to be heavier.

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: How Level is your Saint?
« on: August 03, 2005, 10:30:01 am »
I'm glad to hear that other dogs have high rears too.  Seamus looks like such a dork b/c his hind end is soooo much taller than the rest of him, I just figured he was still growing.  He is around 14 months and weighs about 130.  I heard that St.'s are puppies until about 2 yrs, is that true?  I also heard that if he doesn't grow past 150 he isn't a pure blood St.  Is that true?  Not that I care, we don't show or anything, I was just curious.

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: saint bernard owners.....
« on: May 31, 2005, 03:35:47 pm »
We have been looking all over for one of those kegs!  We were hoping to find one cheaper, since really it would only be for pictures.  Oh well, I guess it is cooler if it is officially from Switzerland!  I'll post pictures if we get one!

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: Update on the heart murmur
« on: May 31, 2005, 03:31:12 pm »
Thank you all so much for your sweet replies.  Seamus seems to be doing great.  He is finally eating normally and seems to be putting and keeping on weight.  Thank god!  He will have another check up with the cardiologist in about 6 months.  I'll keep you all posted. 

Food Discussion & Information / Bill Jacks
« on: May 20, 2005, 03:12:29 pm »
Has anyone ever heard of this food?  It was recommended to me for dogs who are picky eaters.  I haven't ever heard of it and wondered what the pros and cons were.  Thanks!

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: strange bump
« on: May 18, 2005, 01:18:37 pm »
He probably did kiss a toad, they are all over our yard, as we live by a pond. ;D
Thanks for the info.  That makes me feel much better.  I'll do some research and see what I can find. 
Thanks again!

Saint Bernard General Discussions / strange bump
« on: May 18, 2005, 11:25:10 am »
I found this strange bump on Seamus' back.  Above his hair it feels like it could be a tick and then when you look at it, it is flesh colored.  It has been there for at least 2 weeks, but who knows how long it has been there under all that hair.  My dad is a Dr. (for people) he said that b/c it is soft it is probably a mole.  I've never heard of dogs getting moles.  Is it normal?
There is always a possibility that it is a tick who got it's head stuck.  We've had that scare a few times and he has taken medication to prevent against blood diseases and stuff.  Do you guys think I should take him to the vet, or just watch it to see if it changes sizes or anything?  Let me know if anyone has a clue.

We have a cat and three house bunnies.  The cat is the ruler of the house despite her tiny size!

I'm so sorry to hear about what that woman said to you.  Clearly, it was her guilty conscience talking.  I hope you know that your dogs health problems are in no way your fault, and NO ONE questions your love or care for your dogs.
I too had breeder problems.  When we had our heart murmur scare with Seamus, the breeders would not return our emails or calls regarding his family history.  Either they were afraid that we would try and collect on our health guarantee OR they have something to hide.  I hope it isn't the latter.  They also never sent us Seamus'  "papers".  My guess is that they don't exist. 
I'm happy with Seamus and i'm so glad that he is my dog.  BUT with that being said I would like to advise against using this breeder to anyone interested in purchasing a St., English Mastiff, and I think English Bulldog (I think those are the dogs they breed).  If anyone is purchasing a dog in N. FLorida, contact me and i'll let you know their info. 

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: The Dog Whisperer
« on: May 10, 2005, 03:35:33 pm »
I've just recently started watching the Dog Whisperer and LOVE it!  I can't believe how amazing that guy is with dogs.  Quack or not, he is good at what he does.  As far as i'm concerned everything he says makes sense.  I know I treat my dog too much like a human and smother him with way too much affection (even when he's bad).  I'm trying so hard to get the state of mind that I am in control of this dog and I am boss.  My biggest problem is walking him w/out the gentle leader.  I'm so scared he will pull, and I bet he can sense that. 
I think I will become a much better parent the more I watch that show.  I'll recommend it to any dog owners!
One of my favorite things he says is that people need to take responsibility for the choice they made to be a dog owner.  Who cares if it is late or too early, or your tired, etc.  you chose to have a dog... you are the one that should give it what it needs!  I also love that he encourages positive reinforcement as opposed to hitting.  I think anyone who advocates that idea should be praised.  It is scary how many people think that beating their dogs to submission is a good dog.  A scared dog is what you have, there is a difference! 
Anyway, enough rant.  I love it and will keep on watching!

I'm scared.  Seamus has just now figured out how tall he is.  It is like it just came to him one day..."I can see and REACH anything that is on the counter".  He has only done it once or twice, but he is sure spending a lot of extra time in the kitchen lately.  Now I know what i have to look forward to. >:(

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