Author Topic: To wag or not to wag?  (Read 17699 times)

Offline pyr4me

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Re: To wag or not to wag?
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2008, 05:33:54 am »
Both dogs hear my car pull up and are usually waiting at the door for me to come in, once inside they are pretty well behaved, I give them some hello rubs and then we all move on.  ;D  Incidentally, my cat, Gabriel (who I am convinced thinks he's a dog) also greets me at the door as well.

Tipper (8 1/2 yrs) Golden Retriever/Sheltie mix
Jenny (4 yrs) Great Pyrenees
Gabriel (14 yrs) Sealpoint Himalayan cat
Melanie (11 yrs) Domestic medium hair cat

"You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us."
~Robert Lewis Steven

Offline jennifer

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Re: To wag or not to wag?
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2008, 07:47:18 am »
Nakita will come to the door to greet with kisses and demands for rubs. She's pretty good about giving space though. And she's excellent with visitors. And Charlie the cat sits on the kitchen island meowing 'til he gets a couple head-buts (goof).

Bear is a whole other story. He would position himself between me and the door from the mudroom into the house. I couldn't get by without a proper lean, rubs, and kisses. Then he was happy to accompany me to the kitchen for a lil' something. ::) I miss him. :-[
:) Jennifer
Mom to Saint Nakita and Charlie the cat

RIP sweet Bear (9/02-8/08)

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Re: To wag or not to wag?
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2008, 07:48:08 am »
Oh - I wouldn't worry about Lily. Just sounds independent and confident to me. Just as a Pyr should be.  ;)
:) Jennifer
Mom to Saint Nakita and Charlie the cat

RIP sweet Bear (9/02-8/08)

Offline navarre1316

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Re: To wag or not to wag?
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2008, 11:53:45 pm »
My dogs are greeters too, as is the cat.  But I also ignore them somewhat (to no avail) when I first get home, maybe a head/nose rub but nothing else. 

My neighbor across the street says that the cat will actually lay on the porch and when it's about time for me to get home, regardless of which shift I've worked, he'll lift his head as each car approaches but will actually walk toward the driveway as my car rounds the corner before he's even seen me.  She thinks it's the funniest thing.  Apparently the dogs do the same thing, the other night my roommate said they must have esp because they both got up and sat next to the door before she heard the car in the driveway.
God placed me on this earth to accomplish certain tasks...I'm so far behind I'll never die!!

Navarre: GSD 9/13/99-5/14/06 patiently waiting
Issabeaux: GSD 1/27/07
Daphne: Boxer
Stone: Siamese mix

Offline newfsie

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Re: To wag or not to wag?
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2008, 03:28:59 am »
I cannot imagine not being greeted by our dogs ???
But we have never had any anxiety problems. we just give our dogs a doggie biscuit when kennel time during the day happens. And especially our golden cross, they fly to the kennel and sit waiting for the biscuit. 8)
Home time when they are kenneled means a talking session from the golden x and a body wag (not just the tail) from our newf.
Our newf is only sad  :'( and annoyed >:(when we lock her up if we are home, like when we were doing the concreting. We do however only give them a quick pet when we get home and only the bicuit on the way out with no fussing. They are just too busy running and having fun with oneanother to worry us.
Our dogs have been taught to sit and greet us or visitors. No sniffing or jumping is allowed and they are good with that. Our newf does sit next to you and lean though.
Their favourite time is inside with us ;D
Newfsie, from Downunder
owned by Annabelle, Tessa, Nugget and six horses

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Re: To wag or not to wag?
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2008, 07:18:09 am »
OMG- My boys are MANIACS when I come home!  Champ does the typical Golden Retriever wag and usually needs a big hug from his momma (he presses his head into my leg...and when I pet him he lets out this little sigh of relief. He's my sweet, precious boy).  Meanwhile, Winston makes this chirping noise (seriously, it sounds like a deranged bird) in his crate.  When I open the door, he's like a bull- after a quick lick hello to me, he "steals" whatever toy Champ had that day and runs to the back door to be let out.  Anyone in his way would be sorely sorry.... :) 

Umm....those of you with dogs that sit politely to be greeted when you come home- Wanna make a road trip to Indy?? :) :)


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Re: To wag or not to wag?
« Reply #21 on: August 02, 2008, 07:23:14 pm »
Grace loves to greet company.  In fact today, my friend Marsha stopped over with her 6 year old daughter.  Grace loved her and tasted her many times.  Samantha is so little that I thought Grace might knock her over like she does with most little people, but she was so gentle.  That was after a neighbor's dog snapped at us and Grace barked back.  Not a pretty sight.  She was playing with her boyfriend, Rosco, and this terrier (who is naturally snippy) came over, dragging his person who is afraid of big dogs anyway.  I motioned as best I could no don't come over because i knew these 2 don't like eachother, but it was too late and I planted my butt in the ground to hold Grace back.  What a sight.  Then to turn into a big baby when Marsha and Samantha come over.  BUT, Grace was wagging her tail the whole time.

Offline 2Criminals

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Re: To wag or not to wag?
« Reply #22 on: August 03, 2008, 08:57:48 am »
 We're one of the odd ones out over here too :P If it's just my BF or myself coming home we get nothing. Phelan will maybe lift his head of the couch to maintain his tough guard dog status (read with complete sarcasm). That being said, he seems to know the difference between the normal sounds of BF and I arriving and someone else at the door. He will greet someone who knocks on the door. The BF and I both work shifts, and sometimes very opposite shifts, so I'm very thankful that my 3am arrival is not worth announcing when the BF is getting up at 5am.

Phelan also contends with the Hydro-man who enters the house once every two months to read the meter. It took them a year to notice that we had a dog, so I'm sure he doesn't get off the couch for them either!!

Kahn is still crated when we are not home so her greeting abilities are limited but she will greet the second person home. Her greetings so far are more in the protective mode, we get the "okay, it's you, you're allowed here" and off she goes to play with Phelan again. She is much more concerned with checking out "odd" noises and things that go bump in the night than he is.

While they don't get excited about our arrival, they are always excited to have a cuddle once we're settled in ;D Perfect for me :-*

Offline Leah...

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Re: To wag or not to wag?
« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2008, 12:12:50 pm »
Our guys are...weird.  ;D

If they're in their crates they just sit there watching you until you let them out. Then they are too excited to go out and pee, no matter how long they've been crated.

If they are loose, however, it's a different story. Not the usual woof woof, I love you, pet me that most dogs are. Sammie will parade around with a shoe, sock, toy, or the occasional cat (yes, he carries the cat on super exciting days). It's as if he can't keep himself quiet if there isn't something in his mouth. As soon as you receive his marvelous gift, he starts wooing. Until you find his mess. He always has some mess. Usually nothing bad, he just explores things while we're gone. Meanwhile, Sky is in the kitchen barking his happy bark (nonstop shrill yipping and wooing and woofing) performing EVERY trick he's ever learned. Rolling over, waving at no one, chasing his imaginary tail, etc. It's all pretty hilarious, and I think they go above and beyond the "norm" when they sense I had a bad day. Gotta love them. :)
Mom to:
Sky- Australian Shepherd
Sammie- Newfoundland/Border Collie mix
Rose- Tortie/Tabby cat
Stinky- Silver Marten rabbit
Ruby, Mambo and Charlotte- Rats
Trevor- Frog
13 Millipedes
Bailey the Wolf-Dog 1998-2007
Spanky- Rabbit 2000-2007