Author Topic: I had to turn off Oprah  (Read 10732 times)

Offline aggghgmom

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I had to turn off Oprah
« on: April 03, 2008, 04:53:59 pm »
Well today is the show on puppy mills and shelters.   When I set the DVR last night my husband wanted to know what I was taping - when I told him - he told me that I shouldn't watch that it will upset me; I hate to admit it but he was right - I turned in and when they started at the shelter that has to put 40 dogs to sleep per day - I just about lost it.  I had a horrible day at work and then that - to much!! 

I WANT to do something but I can't figure out what??  I can't start a rescue hubby doesn't like dogs.  I tried to volunteer at the local shelter - they needed someone that could stick to a schedule and because of my kids I need something where I can devote some hours everyweek but not the same hours.

I donate money.

It sickens me when people get rid of 8 year old and older dogs (I know there are situations where it is necessary; perhaps when the human owner passes away) but they can't find any family or friend who would take a beloved pet?  I was thinking of trying to only adopt older animals so they will be loved and cared for in their senior years but is that fair to my family to get attached and have the dog become sick and of course then their is the expense???

Oh well I'm ranting...I did tape the show and hope to be able to watch it fully a day when perhaps I'm not so emotional...ho nestly, I'm always this emotional!!

I would love to work with Paige but of course she is in Texas and I'm in upstate NY.

Any ideas of how to help would be greatly appreciated!!

Did any of you watch the show?  Do you really think Oprah will only get shelter dogs now?


Offline AltDeutsche

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Re: I had to turn off Oprah
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2008, 05:11:16 pm »
I wasn't home today to watch it.
But I doubt Oprah will get a pound puppy. :(
Our first couple of dogs were all from the pound and we adopted one when he was 5 years old. We had a great 5 years with him. The two I have now and the one coming are all from families. My yorkie is from someone on base who thought it would be great to breed her yorkie with a friends. Then she wanted to get rid of them at 5 weeks so she could go on vacation!  :o Yeah... But I felt good taking a pup away from that lady.
And now I have KC and Mace who will join us in 2 weeks. From Hobby breeders, That is what they are called here in Germany. They breed maybe once or twice to improve the breed but nothing on a full time basis and only a few dogs.

If I could I would love to have my own rescue plot of land. but there just isn't enough money coming my way to do that. Maybe when I am older and actually have land and a house I can have a whole pack.
Mace Sable Coated GSD 02/08
Rex Sable Coated GSD 02/08

Offline schelmischekitty

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Re: I had to turn off Oprah
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2008, 05:35:52 pm »
i like to foster dogs when i get a chance.  that way i help and i can actually see the difference i'm making.  most times, they supply the food and i've always had them supply the vet costs.  that way i'm volunteering but i don't have to worry about the scheduling.  some dogs just either don't do well in a shelter, or the older ones stress too much.  it makes me feel all warm inside :)
steffanie in atlanta

aiden (4), tristan (2), & maya (born sept. 17th)
axle-140ish-lb akita (4)
peanut-5lb, 11 months chihuahua
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Re: I had to turn off Oprah
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2008, 06:32:00 pm »
I think I need to remind you all what a WONDERFUL GROUP of people you truly are. Not every person can help in the exact same way. All our lives are different. But each and everything you do is invaluable.

I'd have to say that "getting the word out" is up at the very tip top of the list. BPO and everyone on it are the Best Of The Best!  :-* :-* :-*

Oh yes. I almost forgot. I do think Opra will opt to adopt ~ but more important is that millions of people who didn't have a clue, are more aware.

Offline seaherons

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Re: I had to turn off Oprah
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2008, 07:37:26 pm »
I think that educating others about responsible dog guardianship is a wonderful contribution however any one can do that.  That is one reason that we have enjoyed being part of the Dog Scouts.

Offline 2Criminals

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Re: I had to turn off Oprah
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2008, 04:44:20 pm »
I didn't watch Oprah, but have you considered volunteering for the Seeing Eye dog foundation? Here it's called Dog Guides Canada, i volunteer with the puppy program. I too have a busy, rotating schedule so I can't commit to one day at a certain time but I try to got once a week for 2 hours to handle and socialize puppies. It's perfect, they don't need homes, you can't take them home and you get to play with puppies.

Offline amberdoggoneit

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Re: I had to turn off Oprah
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2008, 05:41:56 pm »
Before I got pregnant we had applied to the southeast guide dog puppyraiser.  We heard back from them two months after I found out I was pregnant and decided to wait until baby was older to do it. 
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker" border="0
Bell 3 1/2 yr old Weimeraner
Baxter 3 yr old English Springer Spaniel
Buble 10 month old English Springer Spaniel

Offline aggghgmom

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Re: I had to turn off Oprah
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2008, 06:04:43 pm »
Oh I like the last two ideas - especially the seeing eye dog - we have a place about 40 minutes from me upstate guide dogs - I am going to head to their website.

Our local spca does have a similar cat program to what Holly is talking about; they round up feral cats spay and neuter and put back - I was actually at the shelter one time for volunteer training and they brought in some very wild cats - Just as Holly said maybe I can come up with an idea to raise money??  Good idea, I'll have to think about that one.

Thanks  ;D


Offline aggghgmom

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Re: I had to turn off Oprah
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2008, 06:08:56 pm »
Well thats a bummer Upstate Guide Dogs is no more!!  They closed their doors.  :'(   I don't see anything similar close by but I will keep checking!


Offline sharie

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Re: I had to turn off Oprah
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2008, 06:48:32 pm »
Yes I watched Oprah, it was heartbreaking. My daughter used to live in Lancaster, Pa. & got her dog from one of the puppy mills. She did not know it was a puppy mill until she got there. It made her sick to see the way the dogs were treated. However she did find a dog there, a 7 month old female Eskimo Spitz which she named Snowflake. She had to train her to basically do everything, even walk since she had never been out of a cage. Snowflake was also very timid around people & just plain scared of everything.  Today Snowy is 8 yrs old & doing fantastic. She has overcome her terrible days in the puppy mill but she sticks to my daughter like glue & she gets very upset when she is out of her sight.

Offline amberdoggoneit

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Re: I had to turn off Oprah
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2008, 07:20:04 pm »
Well thats a bummer Upstate Guide Dogs is no more!!  They closed their doors.  :'(   I don't see anything similar close by but I will keep checking!

O I hate that!! :'(  We were really excited about becoming puppyraisers.  The only thing about it is that you get to keep them until they are about 15 to 18 months old and then have to give them up for guide dog training. :'( :'( :'( 
But I do know that if the dog does not have the personality for it they will ask if you would like to give them a forever home. 
I had a friend who did it.  She raised a Black Lab puppy and he left her at 18 months.  She said that she cried and cried but then after months of guide dog training they were invited to see their puppy do what they had learned and you even met the person who gets the dog!!  She said that when you see the goofy puppy that you had and all of a sudden they are leading someone with such responsiblity and pride it is worth it.  She is now on her 5th puppy to raise after him.  ;D
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker" border="0
Bell 3 1/2 yr old Weimeraner
Baxter 3 yr old English Springer Spaniel
Buble 10 month old English Springer Spaniel


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Re: I had to turn off Oprah
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2008, 09:13:13 pm »
Thank you for thinking of me. I did watch Oprah and yes it hurt to know that what I am fighting everyday was being shown to millions- but I also feel that it is necessary for people to know what is happening.

Rescues are always needing money of course- but there is so much more that can be done to help and you dont have to foster or actually become a rescue to help the animals.

Awareness about spay and neuter can not be emphasized enough. Dont get me wrong- there is a need for good breeders and pure breed dogs, but the puppy mills and the BYB's that are producing multiple litters each year have to be stopped. Also there will always be mistakes and we will always have our loveable mutts, but what is happening today in shelters all over America needs to stop. Dogs being put to sleep by the thousands because of irresponsible humans.

OK - I have said all I can say about it- and I will move forward- It would be nice to know that my rescue might one day be out of business because there are no more dogs to save.