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Messages - newflvr

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I have two Newfs, and one, Cowboy (the Landseer) is always near me...touching, if possible.  Except at night; that's when he wants to be in his own bed next to me.  Chester (the brown) is always nearby, many times, climbing up on the couch next to me and every morning, tip-toeing on to the bed for his morning cuddle.  (the sight of a 110 pound puppy tip-toeing is our morning laugh EVERY morning!!) They do get too hot if you try to cuddle them too much and will go some place else to cool off.....but then come right back to cuddle again.

I've found that they are HUGE cuddle-bugs...but do like their space, now and again.

Good luck with your search!

I just went through this with a good friend yesterday who had her Newf's stomach tacked and she was scared to death about the procedure.  Here's what I learned:

Once your dog's stomach bloats, it is likely to happen again.  Tacking doesn't prevent bloat, it prevents torsion (twisting of the stomach which does kill the dog unless there is immediate medical attention.  Bloat is usually caused by a couple of diffent causes and its important to do biopsies while the dog is opened up. 

My friend's Newf, Joe, was scoped before surgery to see how much damage there was to his esphogus (quite a bit) from exposure to the stomach acid.  His esphogus, stomach and intestines were all biopsied.  There was also a fecal exam to look for parasites.  Once the cause is determined (infection, parasites, cancer) the appropriate drugs will be prescribed.  In Joe's case, it's Prilosec, Carafate and another that I can't remember.  His prognosis is excellent, thank heavens.

Over all, I think that if your surgeon is good (not the vet during a spaying) tacking is a great idea.  If the tacking is not done properly, it will cause extreme  discomfort since it will not feel 'normal' to the dog.  If you are comfortable with your vet's experience with a giant breed dog, then she should be fine.  If you have any question, ask a board-certified surgeon to do it.  Also, make sure your vet understands that putting a giant breed down to sleep is a very different procedure than a medium or large dog.

Joe had chronic bloat so it was likely that at some point, he would torsion so my friend really had no choice.  If one of my Newfs was going to have surgery for any other reason, I would tack....but I don't think I would do it for just tacking alone unless he had a problem.  One of the indicators is a lot of burping...whic h my guys don't do.  (fingers firmly crossed here!!)

Good luck with your procedure next week!!! We're all cheering you both on!!

I spent the day with a friend who's dog had chronic bloat (a Newf) and he had surgery to tack his stomach and be checked for the cause.  While she was sitting in his cage in recovery ::), the vet techs brought in a sweet-looking dog...carrying him by his legs upside down.  I was shocked that they would carry him that way and we got to chatting (he was in the cage next to my friend's dog).  This dog is a pit bull who is owned by a drug dealer and was guarding a meth-lab.  The owner was arrested, and the dog was picked up by animal control.  The dog was so vicious that he attacked the aluminum pole that they used to capture him and broke off 7 of his teeth below the gum line.  Animal Control brought him in to the vet to have the stubs of his teet removed and his gums stitched up to make him more comfortable.  He can look forward to a future of going to the pound and being pts. 

Here's where I have the problem.  WHY?? 

I asked the vet why she didn't just put him down now and her reply was that she couldn't judge the quality of his life just because he's vicious.  She said he's obviously been cared for and perhaps he's fine with his 'family'.  It just seemed  so hopeless and sad.

What do you all think??

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: There must be something in the water! LOL
« on: November 28, 2006, 08:35:59 am »
If there is that much of the "PG's" going around, I'm not even watering my own plants anymore!  :D

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: There must be something in the water! LOL
« on: November 28, 2006, 06:38:35 am »
That settles it!!  I'm sticking to margaritas and martinis!!!
No water for this old girl!!

Congrats!  Little girls are just SO much fun!!!

We have used pet sitters a couple of times, and sad to say, both times were disasters.  The good news is that the dogs and cats were fine, but the house!!   :o :o :o 

The first one I used didn't do a thing except sew and feed the dogs.  She didn't pick up poo, walk the dogs, make the beds, pick up the mail or newspapers, water the pots, etc. It was AWFUL to come home to our bedroom (which I had asked her NOT to use!) a freaking mess!  She said the cat wouldn't let her make the bed (and our cats are outside cats!)

The second one walked around in her bra and panties which shocked the gardener and house cleaner  :o :o!! She also used every room in the  house, entertained friends, gave house tours, took care of 6 other dogs HERE!!! who sat on the furniture, pooed (which she didn't pick up!).  She also asked the lady who comes in once a week to do her laundry and change her bed (which I don't ask her to do!!!)

From now on, I'm going to leave the dogs with my friend who has 7 Newfs and just have a pet service feed the cats.  Never again!!!! AND we did check references.  Did everyone else lie?  Or maybe I just look like a guppy!!!

Hope you find someone who is far, FAR better than we have!!!

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: THERESAANNMURPHY and Max
« on: November 26, 2006, 11:22:28 pm »
I think Daphne has the answer.  He's just a baby-baby.  The giant breeds mature more slowly that smaller dogs...and that includes house breaking.  We didn't crate the Newfs, just kept them right by our bed.  If I heard any kind of movement at all, they were scooped up and taken out to pee.  The have been pretty reliable by about 4 - 5 months.  I know that seems like forever, but by being consistent he'll 'get it' sooner than later. Also, think about using 'pee treats'!  Everytime he's successful outside, make a fuss and give him a treat!!

He looks adorable!  I can't wait to see more pictures!!

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Anna Update
« on: November 26, 2006, 11:15:59 pm »
Aww cute - Is Anna working on her Master's also?  SOunds like she is putiing in the time

It's true!  It's true!!!  Does she get to have her name on the diploma as well?  At least parantheticall y  as in ( as assisted by Anna-Banana??)

I love how she's made herself right at home with you all!  Nothing better!!

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Lucah gets bitten!
« on: November 26, 2006, 09:49:18 pm »
Poor Lucah!!  He does look so, SO sad!!

I agree with SAR....we don't do dog parks either.  I've found that dogs who have a fear-based tendency to bite will bite my Newfs, I think, just because of their size.  Fortuntely, most of them come away with a mouth full of hair (lol!!) but it's enough of a warning to me that it's just not a place for a giant breed dog.  We have dog buddies that they romp with and the people who love them watch them like hawks.

Just a thought....

Hope Lucah is up and happy again soon!

OUCH!  Poor Sasha!  I'll be glad to hear when she's on the mend!

Cowboy and Chester send lots of kisses and drools!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Was this a good decision?
« on: November 24, 2006, 11:10:06 pm »
I tried raw and even though the Newfs loved it, Cowboy just had too many health issues to do well on it.  Now I cook fresh for them and they are both thriving.  As a matter of fact, we just got Cowboy's lab tests back (he's getting re-certified for Therapy Dog International) and he's great in every category!  That's a first, for him!  He even has more energy.  For Chester, energy has never been an issue, but he looks fantastic!

I would love to get together but we will have my mother-in-law here from Arizona.  I really need to work on my schedule to find a time for us to get together.

Oh, Cindy, you do have your hands full!  Maybe we should try to get together after the holidays??  When Tucker is better and you wouldn't have to worry about him?

We go to the dog show every year...just because it really is just like the movie "Best in Show"!  Maybe next year we could do it!

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Does this happen to everyone who has a cold?
« on: November 23, 2006, 11:36:27 pm »
she keeps me warm, just not sure about that extra 100 lbs. on my chest ;)

Just the thing to break up congestion in your chest!  She knew what to do to keep you healthy! 

What an adorable cuddle-dog!!

Hope you feel better soon!

Here's the link:

You can look at the schedule to see when your breed is going to be shown.

I'm going, for sure, to cheer on Chester's brother, Paco.  There are tons of stands with all sorts of dog toys, food, grooming ideas, books, etc.  It's a great place to Christmas shop for all your dog-buddies!

It's a fun would be a great place to have a meet 'n greet!!

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