Author Topic: I just did the dumbest thing....  (Read 5005 times)

Offline Newly Newfed

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Re: I just did the dumbest thing....
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2007, 04:09:48 pm »
I was a newish driver and my mom sent me on a series of errands in her car. Well, I locked the keys in it accidentally at the hardware store. At that time you just called the police and the officer would slim-jim the door and you were all good. So he did and I was. Two errands later I got that sinking feeling as the car door latched and I was staring at the keys in the ignition in the grocery store parking lot. Same officer came out, same routine, and he never said a word. Til he was ready to leave. I was thanking him profusely, and he reached over and lifted a handdful of of hair, peering intently at my head. "Nope, no blond roots. Now go home, I have seen enough of you today." He gave me a killer smile and got in his car.
Oh by the way, my mom was at work, at the police station at the time. Have a nice day!

HAHAHA!  I guess there was no chance of keeping that one a secret!!
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