Author Topic: PETRA IS ALIVE!!! OMG!  (Read 34317 times)


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« on: December 14, 2005, 12:54:51 am »
>:(   :o  I just got back from the vet's office.  A woman taking the dogs out to pee and checking the animals called to tell me my dog was stumbling loose in the back room. 

She had tried to call the all the vets after checking Petra's tags and then checking Petra's card to see what procedure had been done on her.  She found Petra's card out on the desk, but no notes were on it so she called me to ask me what she needed to do for Petra.

I asked her to wait there w/Petra and when I got there (the vet's office is 10 minutes away) there she was.  Petra was awake, but not walking very well.  She had excrement on her bottom and it looks like she had vomited on herself.  I wiped her down as best I could and she let me.

OMGosh!  Petra is alive!!!  Could she have brain damage???  She's home with me right now and is sleeping.  It looks like she's having a hard time breathing so I have my mom's oxygen machine on her nose and she's letting it be. 

She drank some water when she got home and stumbled through the house to her cage.  I put the oxygen on her and she's sleeping.  She keeps looking up at me then putting her head down.  OMGosh!!!  She has made a moan sound once.  Her heart is beating ok - not too fast and not too slow.

That vet's office is gonna hear it from me tomorrow.  When that lady knew why Petra was there she wanted to try again to reach the vet and was spassing out but I said, "Absolutely NOT!"  I told her to tell those vets they were incompetent!  That woman was crying and I was crying and holding Petra. 

What am I gonna do???  I'm afraid she's not gonna be alright and then I'm afraid period!  What have they done to her???  I've never heard of this happening in real life. 

Offline Anky

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« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2005, 12:59:48 am »
OMFG.  I don't know what to say.  I'm still in shock.
BPO's Official Mistress of Mirth
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« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2005, 01:07:03 am »
She is drooling a lot right now and keeps drinking every time I put her water dish to her mouth.  Her eyes are closing and rolling back in her head sometimes.
Could she be dying?  Maybe she just wanted to come home to die. 

I am so mad; so upset at those vets.  If one of them had come in before I'd left, I'd have decked 'em.


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« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2005, 01:08:38 am »
:'(  I cannot believe this; I just can't. 

I'm feeling so guilty right now.

Offline VdogLover

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« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2005, 01:13:27 am »
 I'm sorry this whole thing has happened to you two also you need to start asking alot of questions!!

An animal after being PTS is to be bagged and placed in the freezer ...unless the owner states the wanting of the body or the vet has a crematory on site.

Even IF she was not given the proper amount of euthanasia and was still alive when they said her heart had stopped.... how would she have gotten free of the rest?

I would take her ASAP to another vet and call a lawyer in the morning. Any way you look at this story it just does not add up!


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« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2005, 01:14:34 am »
 I know that you want to hate those vets, and they did treat you in a very crappy manner...but I want you to know, as someone who worked in a Humane Society and had to euthanize animals, this has happened to me before. Its very rare, and its totally disturbing, but its happened. I don't know what to tell you to do now, because when it happened to me, I had to just give the animal a higher dose..Oh, I don't want to give you details...

Smohr...I don't know what to tell you to do...but, can you call another vet? Is there anyone 24 hours? I would hate for Petra to be suffering in any way..please try to get a hold of someone...anyo ne...

I'm so sorry for you, Sherry. I can't believe after all you've been through that this has happened. Please try to contact someone...

I am going to call Purdue. They are one of the best vet schools in the country...I'll post in a minute

Offline Anky

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« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2005, 01:15:23 am »
Sherry, don't feel guilty.  THis is a FREAK thing that happened.  Nothing you did had anything to do with this. 
BPO's Official Mistress of Mirth
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« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2005, 01:19:24 am »
:-[  I'll let you know if she makes it thru nite; gonna be up w/her giving water and oxygen. 

I'll take her to another vet in a.m. and see what should be done - I don't want her to suffer, if she is.  The ER vet is associated w/my vet, so not taking there!

This is tearing me up...what have I done??  Should have taken her to another vet as soon as that one didn't want to earlier!!!

Maybe they just gave her enough to make her sleep so they COULD give her to someone!!!!  I will be taking someone to court for this if that is the case.


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« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2005, 01:22:03 am »
OMG!!  I'm so sorry you have to go through this!  It's not your fault in ANY way so please don't feel guilty. 


Offline VdogLover

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« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2005, 01:23:43 am »
Maybe they just gave her enough to make her sleep so they COULD give her to someone!!!! >>>>>

Well this is my thoughts of what went on! Find it hard to believe she would still be alive otherwise.
About vets not PTS dogs/cats who the owners have requested be..... Hate to say it but yes it does happen. When I worked as a vet tech they had hidden cages by the back door where they hid them to take out after dark. Not that I always disagreed with them doing so when it was litters of puppies or kittens.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2005, 01:27:14 am by VdogLover »


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« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2005, 01:43:12 am »
Its very rare, and its totally disturbing, but its happened. I don't know what to tell you to do now, because when it happened to me, I had to just give the animal a higher dose..Oh, I don't want to give you details...

Smohr...I don't know what to tell you to do...but, can you call another vet? Is there anyone 24 hours? I would hate for Petra to be suffering in any way..please try to get a hold of someone...anyo ne...

Do you think she is suffering??  She's drinking, sleeping (she even snored a few times), and she's wagged her tail a few times when I'm talking to her.  She is slobbering some when she drinks.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2005, 01:45:48 am by smohr »

Offline Stacey

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« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2005, 01:45:52 am »
OMG!!  I am speechless, I am soooo sorry you have to pile this on everything else you have gone through!  If this was an intentional act I would find out how to report this vet and this inhumane and unethical act against you and Petra!
Again, I am so sorry you are going through all of this, you are unbelievably strong!
I am kind of a big deal!


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« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2005, 01:49:25 am »
 I just got off the phone with the vet at Purdue University. They have a 24 hour vet clinic. They are among the best in the country. Anyway, she told me that she feels very confident that they lied to you, and that Petra is coming out of a sedation. She feels that if they truly euthanized her, she would have been in the freezer. She said that if you were with her the entire time, and they listened to her heart and told you that it stopped, they were lying. She told me that you should call the police immediately. She said that there isn't anything they can do, but it is the first step to getting this reported and preventing it from having it happen to anyone else. She said that as soon as you can, get Petra to the vet. A vet that is NOT associated with the vet that did this. She said if there is one available, even if its far, it is worth it. Although, she feels pretty confident that they just sedated Petra and told you they euthanized her, so she's probably fine, just coming out of sedation. you are doing the right thing by giving her oxygen..probab ly not the water though.

 She thinks that they probably wanted to keep Petra for breeding or for a pet or whatever, and is HIGHLY suspicious. If you want to, PM me your number and I'll call you and tell you more, or give you the number of the vet that I spoke to...

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« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2005, 01:59:28 am »
omg.  i just don't know exactly how to respond to this post!  jaime woke me up to tell me, and i didn't believe it until i saw it here....and now i am just in shock!  I AM SO SORRY THEY HAVE PUT YOU THROUGH THIS!  NO MATTER WHAT HAS ACTUALLY GONE ON, YOU HAVE HAD TO DEAL WITH WAAYYYYY TOOOOO MUCH THIS WEEK, NOT TO MENTION POOR PETRA!  IM SO SORRY!

i am hoping nicole is right and she is just fine, and i hope in the morning she gives you a HUGE WET KISS! 

as i know you will, please keep us updated! 

omg, give that baby all the hugs you can!  and several for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2005, 02:03:50 am »
(((HUGS))) Sherry I am so sorry what this "vet" put you through. I really dont know what to say. Again I am very sorry.