Author Topic: I've always wondered if my pups would protect/alert if the need arised....  (Read 14532 times)


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We discovered the answer to that question a few weeks before Christmas.

It was 1:30 in the morning and I got up to go to the bathroom. Bubba and Lola both decided to follow me because I'm apparently not allowed to potty by myself, LOL. I was umm... sitting on the toilet when I hear Bubba freak out. He was barking and growling and banging on the patio door. Lola runs into the bathroom barking and growling. The fur on her back was litterally standing on end.

My heart was racing a mile a minute but by the time I got to the patio door whoever was there was gone and Bubba was running from the patio to the front window still barking and freaking out. There were muddy footprints on the patio.. right below the bathroom window. :o

Then I just found out recently that the neighbour also saw someone looking in their bedroom window around the same time. So either we have a peeping tom or someone looking to see if anyone was home before they broke in. The police were notified, but noone has been caught. :( The cop joked that he didn't think the guy would be coming back to our house anytime soon. LOL

I have no doubt now that Bubba would step up if the need arised. I often wondered what his reaction would be. I am insecure about being alone at night so I feel alot safer knowing that he's got my back to to speak. LOL Lola on the other hand I think was running to me for protection. LOL

Offline Apreston

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GREAT job Bubba!! Way to protect the mamma!
I also have a story like that. A man came to our door and wanted inside to sell me something. I could just tell he was bad news and Andrew was not home. Titan also was doing the low growl and his hair was standing up. I only had the door open a bit with my leg in the way so Titan would not bommbard him. Well he was soooo presistant on comming into my house; I told him to leave my front porch or I would send my dog after him and I swung open the door and Titan nearly went through the screen door. Barking and snarling and drool flying everywhere. I have never in life seen someone run sooooo fast!!
Any other time I know the person I always open the door all the way and then Titan knows they are welcome and greets them nicly.

Good for your pups; they really do have a sick sense about these things!  ;)

Offline Apreston

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This is one of the many reasons I'll never be without a dog.

AMEN sista!!

Offline ZooCrew

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Glad to hear your dogs would protect you as needed.

I believe that most dogs will do the job when it comes down to protecting their family.  Heck I have a friend with a rat terrier.  He adored her cousin and the guy lived with my friend for awhile.  But he was also a druggie and at one point attacked my friend.  Her dog went flying at her cousin and if he hadn't brought his arm up the dog would have messed his face up pretty bad.  He ran out the door bu the police found him later.  As it was he needed many stitches on his arm.

I don't know about Nigel and Posey as they've never had the opportunity to do anything (although they will growl at people if I'm sleeping at a rest stop.......... actually they will all do that, makes it very hard to take a nap.........lo l).  But I know Keiko and Gunther would protect me as needed.

I think I've told this story before but what the heck I'll tell it again.........  :D  When I was living in an apt by myself I only had Keiko at the time.  I had come  home from the bar and was getting ready for bed.  I realized I had my friends' car keys and ID with me (I had pockets, she did not).  I  had left the bar several hours before she had.  I left them by the phone so I wouldn't forget to call her in the morning.

I went to bed.  Around 2 or 3 in the morning I hear "Chris?"  Immediately Keiko jumps off the bed and I hear her growling.  It scared me a bit b/c I  had never before heard her growl......... ...ever, and she has a very deep growl (she was about 1.5- 2 at the time).  I turned on the light and saw my friend in the doorway.  I looked at Keiko and every single hair was standing up on her back.  Of course as soon as she saw who it was she went running over there to say hello.........  (My friend had a key to my apt which is how she let herself in)

Both she and Gunther once "protected" me from a skateboarder .  It was only a percieved threat but they didn't know that.  A guy was skateboarding down the sidewalk when we lived in Ca.  If I remember correctly, skateboards weren't allowed on the sidewalk.  I was sitting on a bench watching the surfers and Keiko and Gunther were by my feet.  I heard a couple of cops yell at the skateboarder and he turned to look at them (but still moving on his board).  He was heading straight for me, and when he got w/i about 15 ft Keiko and Gunther both jumped up and started barking at him.

Offline CadillacQueen

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My door has a glass panel at about hip height, and when someone walks up the driveway {it's gravel, so you can hear it crunch}, Meatloaf stands up, presses his nose to the glass and warning-growls.
Because the glass pushes his jowls up, and makes his snout all wrinkled, he looks like he's at the point of attack.
Plus the drool smeared across the glass....I've had delivery men try to poke the doorbell with a long stick before, instead of risking getting any closer to the door.

I assume they think his head might burst out of the glass and he'll go for them, Cujo style.  ;D

Offline GoofyNewfie

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You'd be surprised . . . most of our Newfs were big sissies when they felt safe, but they were totally ferocious in our defense (and in defense of the house).

LMAO--I still think Diesel would push my in front of the aggressor and say in his crazy language "woof-take the girl but leave me alone!!!"    ;D ;D
Diesel, 6 month old Newf.

Offline Ursa

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Hhmmm....Ursa might protect me because I'm part of her herd but the Newfs?  Not so much.

If you heard the dogs but didn't see them it does sound like I have a pack of wild beasts in my house so maybe that would be deterrent enough!
Ruthanna - the Triplets' mom

Ursa, CGC -  11 month old Great Pyrenees
Fargo, CGC - 9 month old Newfoundland
Sadie, CGC - 8 month old Newfoundland

What Now!? -


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that is just creepy.  Some people are just SICK. 
were the pups nice to the police when they met him?


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that is just creepy.  Some people are just SICK. 
were the pups nice to the police when they met him?

Actually they were a little intimidated by him and acting nervous around him. I ended up putting them in the rec-room. I'm not sure if it was the uniform or the hat or the fact that he was freakishly tall but they were nervous and jumpy around him. :-\


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I never looked at it in that sense. Lola seemed more nervous than in protect mode, but it's possible.

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: I've always wondered if my pups would protect/alert if the need arised....
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2009, 06:40:10 am »
I'm begging my niece to get a dane..but she has a cat & wants a kitten...and she thinks a dane will not love the cat, nor a kitten. Jack's picture is all the evidence I need for closing arguments ~   ~ does he still like Sparrow? Or just tolerate her?

Gunther looooooves cats.  In fact, he has his own cat at my parents house......... lol.  They have 3 outdoor and 2 (well, now 3 but we haven't met the new guy) indoor cats but Gunther really loves the one.  He does like to tease them but wouldn't hurt a fly.

Offline navarre1316

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Re: I've always wondered if my pups would protect/alert if the need arised....
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2009, 06:03:14 pm »
Good job to your babies!!!  I don't know what my girls would do either.  Daphne, being afraid of everything.... but she does put on a good show sometimes.  Issy is starting to realize who to bark at and who not to waste the energy on.  I have three windows in the front of my house and she sits and watches people walk by sometimes.  At first she always barked at everyone but she doesn't do that now.

I have quite a few of these kinds of stories about Navarre!!!  I was walking him one day and as we rounded a corner and started walking down the street there was a man standing in the middle of the sidewalk ahead just staring at us.  I couldn't go around him; there were bushes on either side of the sidewalk at that point and it's a busy street.  Well I noticed him before Navarre, but when he did, he got directly in front of me and it was like all his weight shifted forward (down here we say he bowed up!).  He never changed his speed, he never growled or barked, but his eyes never left that man until he moved across the street.
God placed me on this earth to accomplish certain tasks...I'm so far behind I'll never die!!

Navarre: GSD 9/13/99-5/14/06 patiently waiting
Issabeaux: GSD 1/27/07
Daphne: Boxer
Stone: Siamese mix


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Re: I've always wondered if my pups would protect/alert if the need arised....
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2009, 06:18:58 am »
It happened again lastnight!

This time outside.. someone was hiding behind our truck. I thought I heard a door slam after the dogs started barking. So I got hubby up and there were footprints in the snow behind the truck that went through our neighbours yard. I still don't know what the bang was.. the doors on the truck were still locked and no broken windows.

I'm assuming this person was trying to steal our truck.. Sigh.. our last truck was stolen right out of our driveway and later found chopped and burnt. :(

So it looks like I just let the dogs out at the right moment. We are going to buy one of those motion sensor lights asap. 


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Re: I've always wondered if my pups would protect/alert if the need arised....
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2009, 04:44:21 am »
Hmmmm... I was checking the OPP crime alert website. Looky what I found..... We never leave our truck unlocked but it looks like someone was checking. >:( We live barely a minute away from Boston. So the dogs did see someone there that night. I still don't know what that bang was.  :-\

FROM: Norfolk County Detachment                                         DATE: 15 January 2009

            548 Queensway West,

            Simcoe, Ont.

            N3Y 4T2


(Boston, Ont.) – Norfolk County detachment is encouraging everyone to lock their vehicle doors and remove any valuables.  For the past two weeks residents of the Boston and former Townsend Twp. Norfolk County area have been experiencing an increased number of thefts from vehicles as well as stolen vehicles. 

Overnight three (3) vehicles were stolen but later recovered.  All three (3) vehicles had been left unlocked with keys inside.  Four (4) other vehicles had been entered with loose change and CD’s being stolen.  All four where left unlocked.

It is important for everyone to take part in preventing crime.  It’s as easy as taking the keys from the vehicle and locking the doors. 

Criminals are opportunist.  Taking away the opportunity, prevents the crime.

Please do your part.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 04:47:23 am by Lyn »


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Re: I've always wondered if my pups would protect/alert if the need arised....
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2009, 06:07:40 am »
I'm glad your truck didn't get stolen. Just last Saturday night a truck got stolen from the Arena parking lot in Caledonia. I drive a truck too and I do worry about it being stolen, they are the most stole vehicles around here.