Author Topic: Cooper's Best Update Ever  (Read 1995 times)

Offline MagicM3

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Cooper's Best Update Ever
« on: June 16, 2007, 04:51:23 am »
This is the happiest day of our lives....NO CANCER in the biopsy report for Coop!
We are learning together how he'll take the many pills he gets daily.....the one that helps his esophagus he gets 2/3x's a day (crushed with a tad of spring water and the hypo like thingy--this morning I was able to do it alone and he only spit back a teeny bit) Dr. Bookbinder said the reason he gets 2 is to make sure he is getting one whole dose after he spits a little back.
We got the Peptic AC down right...his food in the frig so it sticks around it like a meatball, he ate the food and spit the Peptic about 3'.  Lucky he's so bright and aware to understand almost everything said to him---" Coop you have to have this to get better now take it" in more food and down the hatch.
One of my treasured friends sent me tapes of Cesar Millan-- the "Dog Whisperer" and they are now our morning rest period time. Coop must rest/sleep for 2 hours after he's eaten/drank/outside---he loves to see dogs on tv for this our "click".   He seems to like the bigger bed pillow better and lies so his back it to the A/C, as long as he can feel or see me there w/him he'll stay---got up to get my pad with his log and he was behind me.  And, today only a soft stool which is yet another good thing we are grateful to see.
He slept well and was awake at 7.....getting him to stay in the paws up after he's eaten for 5 minutes the biggest challenge right now.  He makes it to 3 minutes and want's down.  For almost 90 seconds I held him up by his chest...hope to do the whole 5 for dinner:)
He is even more himself today----on the window seat, barking at people walking by (music to my ears to hear him bark) and going to the chair for his paws up to tell me "WATER".....he is having a hard time not being able to drink 2cups or more at a time.  Think he's adjusting a bit to just enough to cover the bottom of his smaller dish?  So far no regurgitating today at all.
Coop seems to be adjusting to the new "leash"....he is taking each step one at a time slowly which must mean he understands he has to not go barreling down the stairs at 30mph :).. I'm going to take the info on the Ilusion Collar to the Vets w/us on Thurs---hoping we can use that instead of a harness I'm not sure he can't or won't somehow slip out of from his great desire to explore and meet adventure head on.  Would be nice to have something that is not putting any  pressure on his esophagus and help him to stay on track with Cesar's Way too.  Know we'll have some backtracking and practice to do once he's over the next couple on this agenda :)
In closing, Thank YOU all for all the prayers you have offered for Cooper not having cancer or the treatments.  Without a doubt, the Power of PRAYER has blessed us with a miracle....... if you could have seen Coop after a surgery or invasive test you'd know he got a miracle to just be here with us.  We know/understand it might take him a few months to really be back to where he was and are only grateful there are things we can do for/with him at home  for him to get there. No matter what it takes----we're in for the duration (that I sincerely hopes will give us another 10+ years with this beautiful and love-bug guy).   Please know I'm not going to have as much free time for me/my puter for a while, I may not be online as much but you all will never be out of my prayers and good thoughts.  Thank you from all of us and GOD Bless You and your pets too.   Elaine, Coop, Sash, Jean, Mark,Marisa

Offline GoldenPyrs

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Re: Cooper's Best Update Ever
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2007, 05:26:39 am »
Yahoo!  That is the very best news.  I'm so happy for Cooper and his entire family.  I've waited for biopsy results for me (& it was good news) and last year for  Halley, our Pyr (very sad news), so I know how hard that wait is and I'm so very happy for their wonderful news.  ;D  I hope that they can get some rest now.

And my pups:
Daisy a 9 y/o Golden/Lab mix
Sammy a 6-7(?) y/o Great Pyrenees adopted 3/07
Cassie a 3 y/o Pyr/Mystery Snuggle Bunny mix adopted 2/07

My angel girls waiting at the Bridge:
Cara 1989-2001 Great Pyrenees
Sally ? - 1993 Dobie(rescued '92)
Halley 2002-2006 Great Pyrenees