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BPO Medical Forum => Medical Conditions & Diseases => : Jason September 15, 2005, 09:09:47 PM

: Ear Problems
: Jason September 15, 2005, 09:09:47 PM
Hey everyone. It's been a while since I've posted here, and I apologize for staying away so long. Sometimes life gets in the way of my Big Paws time.

So Oreo has been doing OK, other than a skin infection a few weeks ago, but he has been shaking his head alot. No scratching or rubbing against things, but just shaking. I clean his ears weekly with OptiFoam, OptiRinse, cotton balls and Q-tips, but I suspect some type of ear infection. Even though his ears are clean and dry as far as I can see, there is a sloshy sound if I massage them below the base (even several hours after I've cleaned them). Actually, it is only his right ear, and it seems to be messing with his balance too. He's shaking his head enough now that his outer ears are taking a pretty good beating so I plan to take him to the vet tomorrow. Just thought I'd get some opinions from my BPO friends.

: Re: Ear Problems
: Kermit September 16, 2005, 08:18:08 AM
It could be ear mites. They can live way down in the ear and really irritate the dog, a common symptom is head shaking. Nigel has them right now and it has been a real pain to knock them out. He wakes up early every morning and moans and scratches the base of his ear with his hind paw. :( Poor guy! We're working on it!

Don't know if that's the case with your boy but it's a possibility. The vet will know for sure! Good luck!
: Re: Ear Problems
: lins_saving_grace September 16, 2005, 08:23:01 AM
I agree. Nasty nasty nasty itchy.  you can get ear mite stuff at the pet store.  Or it might be an ear infection.  usually ear mites make a black yuck stuff inside the ear. 
: Re: Ear Problems
: jordan2 December 24, 2005, 02:56:45 AM
check this out:,404.0.html
: Re: Ear Problems
: hugo~monster December 24, 2005, 12:50:58 PM
if you are hearing a sloshing sound it is an inner ear infection.  nothing will touch it but antibiotics.  after the holidays, take him to a vet and they should prescribe some type of antibiotic by mouth and possibly drops for the ear canal.  just an observation-what is optirinse?  if it is a solution for the ears and/or eyes that contains water that could be the problem.  anytime you put water even though it is saline water or water/vinegar mixture or what have you, you are taking a chance on an ear infection.  water gets down in the canal and doesnt dry out, setting up yeast and a perfect place for bacteria to grow.  i always use an alcohol/vinegar mixture in my dogs ears after a bath or a swim or simply to clean periodically.  the alcohol dries any water that might be in the ear and also cleans the ear flap and the vinegar cleans and keeps the alcolhol from being so harsh.  i have used this in my ears even, after a swim.  mix it up 1/2 and 1/2 or even 3/4 alcohol to 1/4 white vinegar.  squirt it in your own ears to see how it feels-it doesnt burn, just cold feeling.  but i am sure he has an inner ear infection especially if he has balance trouble.