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Messages - lshelley21

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oh... i most certainly could be wrong, but i was reading somewhere that when the proteins are broken down into healthy usages and unhealthy. Therefore the protein that is broken down is then urinated out since it is toxic to the body.... here read this, in short it is the diet because of the protein break down.   I copied it for you

Lawn burn is a common problem that results when the urine of your dog burns the grass in your lawn. If you have ever had to deal with this problem, you know how frustrating it is and how difficult it can be to prevent. There are many home remedies to correct this problem, but most of them are ineffective and a few of them actually make the situation worse. This article will describe the cause and contributing factors of lawn burn and give recommendation s for preventing this problem in your own yard.

Identifying lawn burn

Before you start implementing changes to correct lawn burn, you need to make sure that your dog is actually the culprit. Several lawn diseases will look like lawn burn, with the small, characteristic brown patches. First, make sure that the brown spots are in areas where your dog urinates. Most dogs will have an area in the yard that they choose to use as the 'bathroom.' Secondly, make sure that the grass in the brown spots is still firmly attached. Grab a handful and give it a steady pull. If the grass is firmly rooted, then it points to lawn burn. If the whole bunch of grass pulls up, roots and all, then you may be dealing with a grub problem. And thirdly, make sure that your dog is the problem. If your neighbor's dog is coming into your yard and creating the problem it will not do any good to treat your own dog.

The cause of lawn burn

Lawn burn is caused by the nitrogen in dog urine. Because dog urine is very high in nitrogen, when the dog urinates, it is similar to pouring liquid fertilizer on the lawn. A little fertilizer is good for the grass, but an excess causes nitrogen burn. The prevention of lawn burn deals with trying to reduce the amount of nitrogen coming into contact with the grass.

Contributing factors

There are several contributing factors that increase the likelihood of developing lawn burn.

Female dogs are more likely to cause lawn burn than males because they void their entire bladder in one location instead of lifting their leg and marking, like males.

Large dogs deposit more urine so they increase the quantity of nitrogen in one location, making lawn burn more likely.

Those dogs, usually young active dogs, fed a high protein diet are more likely to produce a urine that causes lawn burn.

Akita Discussions / Re: Is she pure bred?
« on: August 11, 2006, 07:33:03 am »
i worked with an akita breeder for a while, i know that unless they are sick there tails are always on their backs. Not saying she is the picture she could be staring off at soemthing. She def. looks at least 99% akita...but be forwarned they do not do well with the same sex. I have a horrible story that happened at the breeders. Where two bitches  got in a huge fight between the fence... for no apparent reason. The breeder told me that if i noticed everyother kennel is a male, because males will fight for dominence, and the bitches fight to kill.   She is drop dead gorgiouse though. Good luck with her!!!!!!

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Great dane help
« on: August 11, 2006, 07:29:05 am »
you are sooo right. Awsome i will definitly try that out. She is a super fast learner, generally after the third time she will or will not do it again, depending on the behavior asked or not asked for. I will try that tonight!!!

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Great dane help
« on: August 11, 2006, 06:46:51 am »
the thing is she is deaf...and if she isnt looking at you ... you can not tell her what to do.

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: My first Rant...
« on: August 11, 2006, 06:46:06 am »
there we go.... a concoction of booty blowout..... yeah there we go....

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: My first Rant...
« on: August 11, 2006, 06:43:07 am »
I just don't understand why he thinks it is ok. I showed him the shoe she chewed up...he grabbed it from me ...walks over to Jaz who is innocently playing with her toys...and gives it to her. HE IS 46 years old!!!!!!! no one in my family likes him... he is an @ss in many ways...this is the main way to me though.  Jaz was doing so well too.. she hasn't done that before to anything.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: new member
« on: August 11, 2006, 06:39:44 am »
Hi and welcome to the board ;D

I am Shelley, mum to three Newfs and a Cocker pup, and I am in the UK too.... Staffordshire ;)

Chunky looks adorable ;D

I am lauren..and my pup is Jazmine welcome aboard...... that is funny Shelley is my last name

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: My first Rant...
« on: August 11, 2006, 06:37:58 am »
Place of my own.. but it is everytime i see her... she lives the next road down from me... we live in condo complex....and he is always with her. She even tells him to stop..... Can i put an electronic collar on him??????

sorry any kibble that is high in protein... even though it is holistic.... it is still commerically made...  but i meant high protein levels

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / My first Rant...
« on: August 11, 2006, 06:32:29 am » my little girl jaz has now officially learned how to chew on shoes, and the worst part is it wasn't by her own self-discovery. My sisters, bf taught her how to chew on shoes. I came home to 3 sets of shoes chewed...oddly enough only the right foot...but still.....then he also showed her how to chew a remote control for the TV. So Needless to say.... its in the trash as well.  This guy basically manhandles my dog, you tell him to stop and he keeps going 10 fold. I HATE HIM. I know that you all probaly don't care to hear all of this, but in my family no one else owns a dog and they think that is what all dogs do.  BUt the part that irks me the most.....HE STARTED IT ALL!!!  So once i told him what happened and said please don't show her nor let her chew on anything, he gives her my shoe that she chewed, and she went to grab it ...and at no fault of her own (his fault) i had to correct her and kick him out.  When he comes over or when i see him, Jazmines eye BULDGE out of her head .... like NNNOOOOO please mom not him!!!  I dont know what to do, i have been nice to this guy, but not much longer. Last night Jaz was chewing nicely on one of her bones and what does he do????? Guess.... well you are right, he gave her my other new remote to chew on.... So what,,, now when he comes over i have to hide the dog? Now where can i hide a 105 lb great dane>? Under my my bedroom.... hmm chewy galore in there.... i dont get it..... he thinks he knows it all when it comes to dog. The thing is i train dog for service training (wheelchair helpers), as well as pet dogs. And he is telling me how how to raise my dog.   A little graphic here... he told me he grabbed his male dogs *wooo who**** because it was sticking out. He did it to  punsh his dog. I hate him and want him gone......

the spots are caused by the excessive amount of nitrogen in the dogs urine. The  high protein commercial food cause the urine to burn lawn spots. But they do have pills for the dog, but that will change the dogs internal pH which can cause issues. Jaz has the same issue, so we bought natures mircle lawn restorer...(petco has it, petsmart too) and it works great!!!  Also you can add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinager to the water...that will help too.  They say boys don't leave the spots because they "spread the wealth" along many areas. But if he is a will burn...or if he goes a lot in one area.

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: Doggles
« on: August 11, 2006, 05:38:07 am »
the Jaz has starburst pupils, and she also has doggles. Although If you haven't already doggles has a new kind called ICL... it has deeper eye cups, jaz has a problem where the lens is touching her eyes.  She doesn't like them, but tolerates them. A regular pupil is round, starburst have little bits of pupil shooting out like an astrick *,  The doggles will save Jaz's vision when she is older... it will help with boo's vision as well.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / For those who have Lawn Burns
« on: August 11, 2006, 04:51:07 am »
There is a product from natures miricle called advanced lawn care... it is natures miricle that helps the lawn come back rapidly, also it is a 2 gallon sprayer that can also be used in the house. Smells wonderful...(well for those of us who like man's colonge) It isn't strong, and is enzyme based. Does great things for the lawn1@@@@!!!!!

Great Dane Discussions / Great dane help
« on: August 11, 2006, 04:33:12 am »
My jaz gets SSSSOOOOOOO excited when she sees a little dog. She gets the zoomies, and wants to play soooo bad with the little ones (5-20lbs). I know she would not mean any harm but at 105lb. and puppy i know it would happen.  She uses her front paws to Thwap (bops them on the head with her paw). I don't want to tell her no...(and if i did in that situation she would woooo woooo and whine at me) but does any other big paw experience this?

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Great danes shed a lot
« on: August 11, 2006, 03:57:19 am »
it works great on my dane... i know they have no undercoat.... but it takes out the down like fur under the topcoat. The reason i tryed this was because everything was white, no matter how / or what i brushed her with, it was a never ending fur battle. She likes it too...jsut have to be careful.

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