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Rottweilers => Rottweiler Pictures => : lins_saving_grace April 07, 2007, 12:39:42 AM

: Rise and Shine with a rottie
: lins_saving_grace April 07, 2007, 12:39:42 AM
I barely got the bed made before Grace jummped in.  :)  my little helper
: Re: Rise and Shine with a rottie
: Brownis15 April 07, 2007, 12:41:34 AM
LoL how cute! My papillons do the same thing! And we have a small set of stairs at the end so they can run up and down, welll atlas figured out he could use those too, so now all three of them think its hilarious to ruin the bed after i have made it!
: Re: Rise and Shine with a rottie
: lins_saving_grace April 07, 2007, 12:44:36 AM
LOL  they jsut want to be involved.  :)  what stinks is when they jump in WHILE you're making the bed.
: Re: Rise and Shine with a rottie
: Icerotti April 07, 2007, 01:49:43 AM
ohhh Grace you are a lil stinker.....Fa rley and Rosie are the jumper- iners while you are making it. Then they stand there "like whatcha doing" ::)
: Re: Rise and Shine with a rottie
: mama23+pyrs2 April 07, 2007, 01:59:49 AM

Aww, she looks snuggly. I don't like dogs on the bed but the cats are impossible when you try to make a bed!
: Re: Rise and Shine with a rottie
: kathryn April 07, 2007, 06:52:12 AM
All of mine are the helpers that jump in the big middle while you are making the bed.  So I've started putting the dogs outside while I make the bed and then just boot the cat off long enough to get a sheet on.  It's loads of fun though until there are 3 70# dogs helping and chasing the sheets as you try and straighten them out.
: Re: Rise and Shine with a rottie
: Rugby and Kona mum April 07, 2007, 10:48:23 AM
I have a little black lab that is all of 55 lbs that loves nothing more to take my freshly made bed and ball it into a pile of blankets and sleep right on top! She is a little monkey like that. Rion can't get up on the bed in case he falls off (going blind) and thank got cause that lump (90lbs) would hog the whole bed.
: Re: Rise and Shine with a rottie
: k2campbell April 07, 2007, 12:08:32 PM
Very sweet little Grace  ;) I just love how she looks straight at you with the camera, too funny  :D Looks like she owns the bed (ha ha)!  ;)