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Rottweilers => Rottweiler Discussions => : moonlitcroatia May 21, 2005, 10:15:17 AM

: Betti's Friday night party!
: moonlitcroatia May 21, 2005, 10:15:17 AM
If you are a rottweiler lover, I have a story for you.  As you already know, rottweilers can be quite the clowns.  Little Betti is not an exception.

Sometimes she acquires the energy bug late at night.  Fortunately, this time it was on a Friday night and not mid-week.

First, she scratches on the bedroom door.  I do not mind that she has raked the paint off, nor that she slams her paw into the wood, creating a resonating sound reminiscent of a grizzly bear swiping a stump out by the roots.  If no one gets up, she punches the door again, and, once in a while, she will actually flutter the bell, tied to the door handle, with her rebellious, wet nose.

So, my boyfriend gets up to let her out at 2 am.  Let's just say he has this particular patch of dirt, in front of the back door, that he's been attempting to repair for a month, carefully stitching new chunks of grass into the soil.

Last night, he accidentally fell back to sleep after letting Betti outside.  Someone else in the house let her in and she had a party.  A funny Betti party.

When my bf finally went to let her in, she was already inside, at the back door, munching on wads of toilet paper.  When he approached, she bolted up, her muscular, sloth-like rump disappearing down the hallway.  When he caught up with her, she had made a quick stop in the bathroom to retrieve yet another roll of toilet paper and was quickly shredding it in the bedroom, glancing at him as if to say, "Uh-oh!  Fun's over!  I'd better get this ripped up before he catches me!"

So, this morning I went outside and, not only did I see three separate piles of white confetti within the house, but the backyard is scattered with remnants of a plastic planter, the carefully sewn patch of earth is exploded outward like a volcano with chunks of grass shoots everywhere and, last but not least, there is one of my boyfriend's lonely shoes lying in the center of the yard.

Betti must have had a blast!  What a party!?!?  Perhaps she is upset because of being outside so long.  And how did she manage to slip past with that tennis shoe in her chops?

We will never know what Betti really did last night, nor how many friends she invited. ;)
: Re: Betti's Friday night party!
: Rufiesmom May 21, 2005, 11:50:03 AM
That is hilarious!  I can just picture her with the toilet paper!  We have a crazy rottie girl named Bailey that is a clown!  She is a tom-boy.  When we go for walks, she has to tramp through every puddle.  Rufus the pyr of coarse hates to get his feet wet!  They play a game where she gets one of her stuffed babies and he chases her and she gets this absolutely crazy look on her face and runs away as fast as she can go.  Watching them play is the BEST entertainment!