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Messages - juliebug

Pages: [1]
Hi, I am brand new to the board myself.  We now have 2 large dogs. Max whom we think is a Berner mix, and Dusty another mix.  both were adopted from the humane society.  Anyway, we got Max who is now 13 months old when he was 7 weeks old.  He has been a play bitter like your puppy from day one.  mostly me on my arms or my rear end if i was walking away.  we tried everything like you mentioned, nothing seemed to work. not squirt bottle, reprimand, ignoring, yelping myself, etc.  Finally someone suggested doggy day care.  i took him 2 times a week for a l/2 day each time.  He really loved this, and was better on the days that he came home from day care.  Unfortunatly, I dont' work outside the home and we could not continue to afford sending him.  Then a new dogpark opened 5 minutes from my house (this is where i would later meet the great people from this board) sometimes we would take max and it would be great because he loves to play with other dogs.  He is  very big/tall with fluffy black fir 75pounds not as heavy as some but big to look at.  many people with smaller dogs would make me feel uncomfortable saying max plays to hard, we don't want him to hurt our dog etc.  I got to where i stopped going to the dog park. So finally as a last despearte measure to make things work with max we adopted Dusty 3 weeks ago as a full grown 1 year old dog.  max is like a new animal. He is happy and less frantic.  he gets all his play biting out on dusty so he no longer needs me for that.  we are sooo excited.  WE took them both to the park saturday and met the big paws only group, and now Im hooked!  I don't know if you are in a position to get another dog, but a second dog made everthing better for us!

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Dog meet in Atlanta 04/14
« on: April 15, 2007, 04:44:37 am »
Max and Dusty were worn out.  they had a blast and so did we.  how often does the group try to meet?


Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Dog meet in Atlanta 04/14
« on: April 14, 2007, 04:05:58 pm »
i don't have a digital camera! :'(

i have to wait until my daughter comes home for a weekend from school.  i'll take some pictures a.s.a.p!

for now you'll just have to trust me that they are the cutest dogs in the world!

I look forward to seeing your pics Holly!


Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Dog meet in Atlanta 04/14
« on: April 14, 2007, 02:05:19 pm »
Hi to all the really nice folks Allan & I(Julie) met at the dog park (graves park)today.  Our dogs are Max and Dusty. I have never joined a forum before, so please forgive my novice level of corresponding.  I am looking forward to reading all the info and chat you have to offer. Thanks for introducing me.


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